#TODO: add annotations audiences.me avistaz.to beyond-hd.me bibliotik.me blutopia.cc broadcasthe.net ccfbits.org cinemaz.to dicmusic.com eastgame.org et8.org exoticaz.to filelist.io greatposterwall.com hdbits.org hdcity.city hdfans.org hdtime.org hhanclub.top iptorrents.com jpopsuki.eu jptv.club lemonhd.org morethantv.me open.cd passthepopcorn.me privatehd.to pt.btschool.club pt.eastgame.org pt.hd4fans.org pt.soulvoice.club pt.xauat.edu.cn pthome.net ptsbao.club share.ilolicon.com sharkpt.net uhdbits.org zhuque.in # 天雪论坛 skyey2.com @!cn skyeysnow.com @!cn # M-Team m-team.cc @!cn m-team.io @!cn myanonamouse.net @!cn torrentleech.org @!cn u2.dmhy.org @!cn # To the Chinese Users: # The following domains are supposed not to go through the proxy # 北邮人 bt.byr.cn byr.pt # 北洋园PT tju.pt tjupt.org bitpt.cn chdbits.co hdchina.org hdhome.org hdsky.me hudbt.hust.edu.cn keepfrds.com nanyangpt.com neu6.edu.cn npupt.com ourbits.club pt.nwsuaf6.edu.cn pt.sjtu.edu.cn pterclub.com springsunday.net totheglory.im