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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2016 GNS3 Technologies Inc.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import shutil
import aiohttp
import pytest
import uuid
import asyncio
import copy
import os
from unittest.mock import MagicMock, ANY
from tests.utils import AsyncioMagicMock
from gns3server.controller.node import Node
from gns3server.controller.project import Project
def compute():
s = AsyncioMagicMock()
s.id = "http://test.com:42"
return s
def project(controller):
return Project(str(uuid.uuid4()), controller=controller)
def node(compute, project):
node = Node(project, compute, "demo",
properties={"startup_script": "echo test"})
return node
def test_name(compute, project):
If node use a name template generate names
node = Node(project, compute, "PC",
properties={"startup_script": "echo test"})
assert node.name == "PC"
node = Node(project, compute, "PC{0}",
properties={"startup_script": "echo test"})
assert node.name == "PC1"
node = Node(project, compute, "PC{0}",
properties={"startup_script": "echo test"})
assert node.name == "PC2"
def test_eq(compute, project, node, controller):
assert node == Node(project, compute, "demo1", node_id=node.id, node_type="qemu")
assert node != "a"
assert node != Node(project, compute, "demo2", node_id=str(uuid.uuid4()), node_type="qemu")
assert node != Node(Project(str(uuid.uuid4()), controller=controller), compute, "demo3", node_id=node.id, node_type="qemu")
def test_properties_filter(project, compute):
Some properties are private and should not be exposed
node = Node(project, compute, "demo",
properties={"startup_script": "echo test", "iourc_content": "test"})
assert node._properties == {"startup_script": "echo test", "iourc_content": "test"}
assert node._filter_properties() == {"startup_script": "echo test"}
def test_json(node, compute):
assert node.__json__() == {
"compute_id": str(compute.id),
"project_id": node.project.id,
"node_id": node.id,
"node_type": node.node_type,
"name": "demo",
"console": node.console,
"console_type": node.console_type,
"console_host": str(compute.console_host),
"command_line": None,
"node_directory": None,
"properties": node.properties,
"status": node.status,
"x": node.x,
"y": node.y,
"z": node.z,
"width": node.width,
"height": node.height,
"symbol": node.symbol,
"label": node.label,
"port_name_format": "Ethernet{0}",
"port_segment_size": 0,
"first_port_name": None,
"ports": [
"adapter_number": 0,
"data_link_types": {"Ethernet": "DLT_EN10MB"},
"link_type": "ethernet",
"name": "Ethernet0",
"port_number": 0,
"short_name": "e0/0"
assert node.__json__(topology_dump=True) == {
"compute_id": str(compute.id),
"node_id": node.id,
"node_type": node.node_type,
"name": "demo",
"console": node.console,
"console_type": node.console_type,
"properties": node.properties,
"x": node.x,
"y": node.y,
"z": node.z,
"width": node.width,
"height": node.height,
"symbol": node.symbol,
"label": node.label,
"port_name_format": "Ethernet{0}",
"port_segment_size": 0,
"first_port_name": None
def test_init_without_uuid(project, compute):
node = Node(project, compute, "demo",
assert node.id is not None
def test_create(node, compute, project, async_run):
node._console = 2048
response = MagicMock()
response.json = {"console": 2048}
compute.post = AsyncioMagicMock(return_value=response)
assert async_run(node.create()) is True
data = {
"console": 2048,
"console_type": "vnc",
"node_id": node.id,
"startup_script": "echo test",
"name": "demo"
compute.post.assert_called_with("/projects/{}/vpcs/nodes".format(node.project.id), data=data, timeout=120)
assert node._console == 2048
assert node._properties == {"startup_script": "echo test"}
def test_create_image_missing(node, compute, project, async_run):
node._console = 2048
node.__calls = 0
def resp(*args, **kwargs):
node.__calls += 1
response = MagicMock()
if node.__calls == 1:
response.status = 409
response.json = {"image": "linux.img", "exception": "ImageMissingError"}
response.status = 200
return response
compute.post = AsyncioMagicMock(side_effect=resp)
node._upload_missing_image = AsyncioMagicMock(return_value=True)
assert async_run(node.create()) is True
node._upload_missing_image.called is True
def test_symbol(node, symbols_dir):
Change symbol should change the node size
node.symbol = ":/symbols/dslam.svg"
assert node.symbol == ":/symbols/dslam.svg"
assert node.width == 50
assert node.height == 53
assert node.label["x"] is None
assert node.label["y"] == -40
node.symbol = ":/symbols/cloud.svg"
assert node.symbol == ":/symbols/cloud.svg"
assert node.width == 159
assert node.height == 71
assert node.label["x"] is None
assert node.label["y"] == -40
assert node.label["style"] == "font-size: 10;font-familly: Verdana"
shutil.copy(os.path.join("gns3server", "symbols", "cloud.svg"), os.path.join(symbols_dir, "cloud2.svg"))
node.symbol = "cloud2.svg"
assert node.symbol == "cloud2.svg"
assert node.width == 159
assert node.height == 71
# No abs path, fix them (bug of 1.5)
node.symbol = "/tmp/cloud2.svg"
assert node.symbol == "cloud2.svg"
assert node.width == 159
assert node.height == 71
def test_label_with_default_label_font(node):
If user has changed the font we need to have the node label using
the correct color
node.project.controller.settings = {
"GraphicsView": {
"default_label_color": "#ff0000",
"default_label_font": "TypeWriter,10,-1,5,75,0,0,0,0,0"
node._label = None
node.symbol = ":/symbols/dslam.svg"
assert node.label["style"] == "font-family: TypeWriter;font-size: 10;font-weight: bold;fill: #ff0000;fill-opacity: 1.0;"
def test_update(node, compute, project, async_run, controller):
response = MagicMock()
response.json = {"console": 2048}
compute.put = AsyncioMagicMock(return_value=response)
controller._notification = AsyncioMagicMock()
project.dump = MagicMock()
async_run(node.update(x=42, console=2048, console_type="vnc", properties={"startup_script": "echo test"}, name="demo"))
data = {
"console": 2048,
"console_type": "vnc",
"startup_script": "echo test",
"name": "demo"
compute.put.assert_called_with("/projects/{}/vpcs/nodes/{}".format(node.project.id, node.id), data=data)
assert node._console == 2048
assert node.x == 42
assert node._properties == {"startup_script": "echo test"}
controller._notification.emit.assert_called_with("node.updated", node.__json__())
assert project.dump.called
def test_update_properties(node, compute, project, async_run, controller):
properties will be updated by the answer from compute
response = MagicMock()
response.json = {"console": 2048}
compute.put = AsyncioMagicMock(return_value=response)
controller._notification = AsyncioMagicMock()
async_run(node.update(x=42, console=2048, console_type="vnc", properties={"startup_script": "hello world"}, name="demo"))
data = {
"console": 2048,
"console_type": "vnc",
"startup_script": "hello world",
"name": "demo"
compute.put.assert_called_with("/projects/{}/vpcs/nodes/{}".format(node.project.id, node.id), data=data)
assert node._console == 2048
assert node.x == 42
assert node._properties == {"startup_script": "echo test"}
# The notif should contain the old properties because it's the compute that will emit
# the correct info
node_notif = copy.deepcopy(node.__json__())
node_notif["properties"]["startup_script"] = "echo test"
controller._notification.emit.assert_called_with("node.updated", node_notif)
def test_update_only_controller(node, controller, compute, project, async_run):
When updating property used only on controller we don't need to
call the compute
compute.put = AsyncioMagicMock()
controller._notification = AsyncioMagicMock()
assert not compute.put.called
assert node.x == 42
controller._notification.emit.assert_called_with("node.updated", node.__json__())
# If nothing change a second notif should not be send
controller._notification = AsyncioMagicMock()
assert not controller._notification.emit.called
def test_update_no_changes(node, compute, project, async_run):
We don't call the compute node if all compute properties has not changed
response = MagicMock()
response.json = {"console": 2048}
compute.put = AsyncioMagicMock(return_value=response)
async_run(node.update(console=2048, x=42))
assert compute.put.called
compute.put = AsyncioMagicMock()
async_run(node.update(console=2048, x=43))
assert not compute.put.called
assert node.x == 43
def test_start(node, compute, project, async_run):
compute.post = AsyncioMagicMock()
compute.post.assert_called_with("/projects/{}/vpcs/nodes/{}/start".format(node.project.id, node.id), timeout=240)
def test_stop(node, compute, project, async_run):
compute.post = AsyncioMagicMock()
compute.post.assert_called_with("/projects/{}/vpcs/nodes/{}/stop".format(node.project.id, node.id), timeout=240)
def test_suspend(node, compute, project, async_run):
compute.post = AsyncioMagicMock()
compute.post.assert_called_with("/projects/{}/vpcs/nodes/{}/suspend".format(node.project.id, node.id), timeout=240)
def test_reload(node, compute, project, async_run):
compute.post = AsyncioMagicMock()
compute.post.assert_called_with("/projects/{}/vpcs/nodes/{}/reload".format(node.project.id, node.id), timeout=240)
def test_create_without_console(node, compute, project, async_run):
None properties should be send. Because it can mean the emulator doesn"t support it
response = MagicMock()
response.json = {"console": 2048, "test_value": "success"}
compute.post = AsyncioMagicMock(return_value=response)
data = {
"console_type": "vnc",
"node_id": node.id,
"startup_script": "echo test",
"name": "demo"
compute.post.assert_called_with("/projects/{}/vpcs/nodes".format(node.project.id), data=data, timeout=120)
assert node._console == 2048
assert node._properties == {"test_value": "success", "startup_script": "echo test"}
def test_delete(node, compute, async_run):
compute.delete.assert_called_with("/projects/{}/vpcs/nodes/{}".format(node.project.id, node.id))
def test_post(node, compute, async_run):
async_run(node.post("/test", {"a": "b"}))
compute.post.assert_called_with("/projects/{}/vpcs/nodes/{}/test".format(node.project.id, node.id), data={"a": "b"})
def test_delete(node, compute, async_run):
compute.delete.assert_called_with("/projects/{}/vpcs/nodes/{}/test".format(node.project.id, node.id))
def test_dynamips_idle_pc(node, async_run, compute):
node._node_type = "dynamips"
response = MagicMock()
response.json = {"idlepc": "0x60606f54"}
compute.get = AsyncioMagicMock(return_value=response)
compute.get.assert_called_with("/projects/{}/dynamips/nodes/{}/auto_idlepc".format(node.project.id, node.id), timeout=240)
def test_dynamips_idlepc_proposals(node, async_run, compute):
node._node_type = "dynamips"
response = MagicMock()
response.json = ["0x60606f54", "0x30ff6f37"]
compute.get = AsyncioMagicMock(return_value=response)
compute.get.assert_called_with("/projects/{}/dynamips/nodes/{}/idlepc_proposals".format(node.project.id, node.id), timeout=240)
def test_upload_missing_image(compute, controller, async_run, images_dir):
project = Project(str(uuid.uuid4()), controller=controller)
node = Node(project, compute, "demo",
properties={"hda_disk_image": "linux.img"})
open(os.path.join(images_dir, "linux.img"), 'w+').close()
assert async_run(node._upload_missing_image("qemu", "linux.img")) is True
compute.post.assert_called_with("/qemu/images/linux.img", data=ANY, timeout=None)
def test_update_label(node):
The text in label need to be always the
node name
node.name = "Test"
assert node.label["text"] == "Test"
node.label = {"text": "Wrong", "x": 12}
assert node.label["text"] == "Test"
assert node.label["x"] == 12
def test_get_port(node):
node._properties["adapters"] = 2
port = node.get_port(0, 0)
assert port.adapter_number == 0
assert port.port_number == 0
port = node.get_port(1, 0)
assert port.adapter_number == 1
with pytest.raises(aiohttp.web.HTTPNotFound):
port = node.get_port(42, 0)