# # Copyright (C) 2015 GNS3 Technologies Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import sys import os import stat import shutil import asyncio import tempfile import psutil import platform import re from fastapi import WebSocketDisconnect from gns3server.utils.interfaces import interfaces from gns3server.compute.compute_error import ComputeError from ..compute.port_manager import PortManager from ..utils.asyncio import wait_run_in_executor, locking from ..utils.asyncio.telnet_server import AsyncioTelnetServer from gns3server.compute.ubridge.hypervisor import Hypervisor from gns3server.compute.ubridge.ubridge_error import UbridgeError from .nios.nio_udp import NIOUDP from .error import NodeError import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class BaseNode: """ Base node implementation. :param name: name of this node :param node_id: Node instance identifier :param project: Project instance :param manager: parent node manager :param console: console TCP port :param console_type: console type :param aux: auxiliary console TCP port :param aux_type: auxiliary console type :param linked_clone: The node base image is duplicate/overlay (Each node data are independent) :param wrap_console: The console is wrapped using AsyncioTelnetServer :param wrap_aux: The auxiliary console is wrapped using AsyncioTelnetServer """ def __init__(self, name, node_id, project, manager, console=None, console_type="telnet", aux=None, aux_type="none", linked_clone=True, wrap_console=False, wrap_aux=False): self._name = name self._usage = "" self._id = node_id self._linked_clone = linked_clone self._project = project self._manager = manager self._console = console self._aux = aux self._console_type = console_type self._aux_type = aux_type self._temporary_directory = None self._hw_virtualization = False self._ubridge_hypervisor = None self._closed = False self._node_status = "stopped" self._command_line = "" self._wrap_console = wrap_console self._wrap_aux = wrap_aux self._wrapper_telnet_servers = [] self._internal_console_port = None self._internal_aux_port = None self._custom_adapters = [] self._ubridge_require_privileged_access = False if self._console is not None: # use a previously allocated console port if console_type == "vnc": vnc_console_start_port_range, vnc_console_end_port_range = self._get_vnc_console_port_range() self._console = self._manager.port_manager.reserve_tcp_port( self._console, self._project, port_range_start=vnc_console_start_port_range, port_range_end=vnc_console_end_port_range, ) elif console_type == "none": self._console = None else: self._console = self._manager.port_manager.reserve_tcp_port(self._console, self._project) if self._aux is not None: # use a previously allocated auxiliary console port if aux_type == "vnc": # VNC is a special case and the range must be 5900-6000 self._aux = self._manager.port_manager.reserve_tcp_port(self._aux, self._project, port_range_start=5900, port_range_end=6000) elif aux_type == "none": self._aux = None else: self._aux = self._manager.port_manager.reserve_tcp_port(self._aux, self._project) if self._console is None: # allocate a new console if console_type == "vnc": vnc_console_start_port_range, vnc_console_end_port_range = self._get_vnc_console_port_range() self._console = self._manager.port_manager.get_free_tcp_port( self._project, port_range_start=vnc_console_start_port_range, port_range_end=vnc_console_end_port_range) elif console_type != "none": self._console = self._manager.port_manager.get_free_tcp_port(self._project) if self._aux is None: # allocate a new auxiliary console if aux_type == "vnc": # VNC is a special case and the range must be 5900-6000 self._aux = self._manager.port_manager.get_free_tcp_port(self._project, port_range_start=5900, port_range_end=6000) elif aux_type != "none": self._aux = self._manager.port_manager.get_free_tcp_port(self._project) if self._wrap_console: self._internal_console_port = self._manager.port_manager.get_free_tcp_port(self._project) if self._wrap_aux: self._internal_aux_port = self._manager.port_manager.get_free_tcp_port(self._project) log.debug("{module}: {name} [{id}] initialized. Console port {console}".format(module=self.manager.module_name, name=self.name, id=self.id, console=self._console)) def __del__(self): if hasattr(self, "_temporary_directory") and self._temporary_directory is not None: if os.path.exists(self._temporary_directory): shutil.rmtree(self._temporary_directory, ignore_errors=True) @property def linked_clone(self): return self._linked_clone @linked_clone.setter def linked_clone(self, val): self._linked_clone = val @property def custom_adapters(self): return self._custom_adapters @custom_adapters.setter def custom_adapters(self, val): self._custom_adapters = val @property def status(self): """ Returns current node status """ return self._node_status @status.setter def status(self, status): self._node_status = status self.updated() def updated(self): """ Sends an updated event """ self.project.emit("node.updated", self) @property def command_line(self): """ Returns command used to start the node """ return self._command_line @command_line.setter def command_line(self, command_line): self._command_line = command_line @property def project(self): """ Returns the node current project. :returns: Project instance. """ return self._project @property def name(self): """ Returns the name for this node. :returns: name """ return self._name @name.setter def name(self, new_name): """ Sets the name of this node. :param new_name: name """ log.info("{module}: {name} [{id}] renamed to {new_name}".format(module=self.manager.module_name, name=self.name, id=self.id, new_name=new_name)) self._name = new_name @property def usage(self): """ Returns the usage for this node. :returns: usage """ return self._usage @usage.setter def usage(self, new_usage): """ Sets the usage of this node. :param new_usage: usage """ self._usage = new_usage @property def id(self): """ Returns the ID for this node. :returns: Node identifier (string) """ return self._id @property def manager(self): """ Returns the manager for this node. :returns: instance of manager """ return self._manager @property def working_dir(self): """ Return the node working directory """ return self._project.node_working_directory(self) @property def working_path(self): """ Return the node working path. Doesn't create structure of directories when not present. """ return self._project.node_working_path(self) @property def temporary_directory(self): if self._temporary_directory is None: try: self._temporary_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp() except OSError as e: raise NodeError(f"Can't create temporary directory: {e}") return self._temporary_directory def create(self): """ Creates the node. """ log.info("{module}: {name} [{id}] created".format(module=self.manager.module_name, name=self.name, id=self.id)) async def delete(self): """ Delete the node (including all its files). """ def set_rw(operation, name, exc): os.chmod(name, stat.S_IWRITE) directory = self.project.node_working_directory(self) if os.path.exists(directory): try: await wait_run_in_executor(shutil.rmtree, directory, onerror=set_rw) except OSError as e: raise ComputeError(f"Could not delete the node working directory: {e}") def start(self): """ Starts the node process. """ raise NotImplementedError async def stop(self): """ Stop the node process. """ await self.stop_wrap_console() self.status = "stopped" def suspend(self): """ Suspends the node process. """ raise NotImplementedError async def close(self): """ Close the node process. """ if self._closed: return False log.info("{module}: '{name}' [{id}]: is closing".format(module=self.manager.module_name, name=self.name, id=self.id)) if self._console: self._manager.port_manager.release_tcp_port(self._console, self._project) self._console = None if self._wrap_console: self._manager.port_manager.release_tcp_port(self._internal_console_port, self._project) self._internal_console_port = None if self._aux: self._manager.port_manager.release_tcp_port(self._aux, self._project) self._aux = None if self._wrap_aux: self._manager.port_manager.release_tcp_port(self._internal_aux_port, self._project) self._internal_aux_port = None self._closed = True return True def _get_vnc_console_port_range(self): """ Returns the VNC console port range. """ vnc_console_start_port_range = self._manager.config.settings.Server.vnc_console_start_port_range vnc_console_end_port_range = self._manager.config.settings.Server.vnc_console_end_port_range if not 5900 <= vnc_console_start_port_range <= 65535: raise NodeError("The VNC console start port range must be between 5900 and 65535") if not 5900 <= vnc_console_end_port_range <= 65535: raise NodeError("The VNC console start port range must be between 5900 and 65535") if vnc_console_start_port_range >= vnc_console_end_port_range: raise NodeError(f"The VNC console start port range value ({vnc_console_start_port_range}) " f"cannot be above or equal to the end value ({vnc_console_end_port_range})") return vnc_console_start_port_range, vnc_console_end_port_range async def _wrap_telnet_proxy(self, internal_port, external_port): """ Start a telnet proxy for the console allowing multiple telnet clients to be connected at the same time """ remaining_trial = 60 while True: try: (reader, writer) = await asyncio.open_connection(host="", port=internal_port) break except (OSError, ConnectionRefusedError) as e: if remaining_trial <= 0: raise e await asyncio.sleep(0.1) remaining_trial -= 1 await AsyncioTelnetServer.write_client_intro(writer, echo=True) server = AsyncioTelnetServer(reader=reader, writer=writer, binary=True, echo=True) # warning: this will raise OSError exception if there is a problem... telnet_server = await asyncio.start_server(server.run, self._manager.port_manager.console_host, external_port) self._wrapper_telnet_servers.append(telnet_server) async def start_wrap_console(self): """ Start a Telnet proxy servers for the console and auxiliary console allowing multiple telnet clients to be connected at the same time """ if self._wrap_console and self._console_type == "telnet": await self._wrap_telnet_proxy(self._internal_console_port, self.console) log.info(f"New Telnet proxy server for console started " f"(internal port = {self._internal_console_port}, external port = {self.console})") if self._wrap_aux and self._aux_type == "telnet": await self._wrap_telnet_proxy(self._internal_aux_port, self.aux) log.info(f"New Telnet proxy server for auxiliary console started " f"(internal port = {self._internal_aux_port}, external port = {self.aux})") async def stop_wrap_console(self): """ Stops the telnet proxy servers. """ for telnet_proxy_server in self._wrapper_telnet_servers: telnet_proxy_server.close() await telnet_proxy_server.wait_closed() self._wrapper_telnet_servers = [] async def reset_console(self): """ Reset console """ await self.stop_wrap_console() await self.start_wrap_console() async def start_websocket_console(self, websocket): """ Connect to console using Websocket. :param ws: Websocket object """ if self.status != "started": raise NodeError(f"Node {self.name} is not started") if self._console_type != "telnet": raise NodeError(f"Node {self.name} console type is not telnet") try: (telnet_reader, telnet_writer) = await asyncio.open_connection(self._manager.port_manager.console_host, self.console) except ConnectionError as e: raise NodeError(f"Cannot connect to node {self.name} telnet server: {e}") log.info("Connected to Telnet server") await websocket.accept() log.info(f"New client {websocket.client.host}:{websocket.client.port} has connected to compute" f" console WebSocket") async def ws_forward(telnet_writer): try: while True: data = await websocket.receive_text() if data: telnet_writer.write(data.encode()) await telnet_writer.drain() except WebSocketDisconnect: log.info(f"Client {websocket.client.host}:{websocket.client.port} has disconnected from compute" f" console WebSocket") async def telnet_forward(telnet_reader): while not telnet_reader.at_eof(): data = await telnet_reader.read(1024) if data: await websocket.send_bytes(data) # keep forwarding WebSocket data in both direction done, pending = await asyncio.wait([ws_forward(telnet_writer), telnet_forward(telnet_reader)], return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED) for task in done: if task.exception(): log.warning(f"Exception while forwarding WebSocket data to Telnet server {task.exception()}") for task in pending: task.cancel() @property def aux(self): """ Returns the aux console port of this node. :returns: aux console port """ return self._aux @aux.setter def aux(self, aux): """ Changes the aux port :params aux: Console port (integer) or None to free the port """ if aux == self._aux or self._aux_type == "none": return if self._aux_type == "vnc" and aux is not None and aux < 5900: raise NodeError(f"VNC auxiliary console require a port superior or equal to 5900, current port is {aux}") if self._aux: self._manager.port_manager.release_tcp_port(self._aux, self._project) self._aux = None if aux is not None: if self.aux_type == "vnc": self._aux = self._manager.port_manager.reserve_tcp_port(aux, self._project, port_range_start=5900, port_range_end=6000) else: self._aux = self._manager.port_manager.reserve_tcp_port(aux, self._project) log.info("{module}: '{name}' [{id}]: auxiliary console port set to {port}".format(module=self.manager.module_name, name=self.name, id=self.id, port=aux)) @property def console(self): """ Returns the console port of this node. :returns: console port """ return self._console @console.setter def console(self, console): """ Changes the console port :params console: Console port (integer) or None to free the port """ if console == self._console or self._console_type == "none": return if self._console_type == "vnc" and console is not None and console < 5900: raise NodeError(f"VNC console require a port superior or equal to 5900, current port is {console}") if self._console: self._manager.port_manager.release_tcp_port(self._console, self._project) self._console = None if console is not None: if self.console_type == "vnc": vnc_console_start_port_range, vnc_console_end_port_range = self._get_vnc_console_port_range() self._console = self._manager.port_manager.reserve_tcp_port( console, self._project, port_range_start=vnc_console_start_port_range, port_range_end=vnc_console_end_port_range ) else: self._console = self._manager.port_manager.reserve_tcp_port(console, self._project) log.info("{module}: '{name}' [{id}]: console port set to {port}".format(module=self.manager.module_name, name=self.name, id=self.id, port=console)) @property def console_type(self): """ Returns the console type for this node. :returns: console type (string) """ return self._console_type @console_type.setter def console_type(self, console_type): """ Sets the console type for this node. :param console_type: console type (string) """ if console_type != self._console_type: # get a new port if the console type change if self._console: self._manager.port_manager.release_tcp_port(self._console, self._project) if console_type == "none": # no need to allocate a port when the console type is none self._console = None elif console_type == "vnc": # VNC is a special case and the range must be 5900-6000 self._console = self._manager.port_manager.get_free_tcp_port(self._project, 5900, 6000) else: self._console = self._manager.port_manager.get_free_tcp_port(self._project) self._console_type = console_type log.info("{module}: '{name}' [{id}]: console type set to {console_type} (console port is {console})".format(module=self.manager.module_name, name=self.name, id=self.id, console_type=console_type, console=self.console)) @property def aux_type(self): """ Returns the auxiliary console type for this node. :returns: aux type (string) """ return self._aux_type @aux_type.setter def aux_type(self, aux_type): """ Sets the auxiliary console type for this node. :param aux_type: console type (string) """ if aux_type != self._aux_type: # get a new port if the aux type change if self._aux: self._manager.port_manager.release_tcp_port(self._aux, self._project) if aux_type == "none": # no need to allocate a port when the auxiliary console type is none self._aux = None elif aux_type == "vnc": # VNC is a special case and the range must be 5900-6000 self._aux = self._manager.port_manager.get_free_tcp_port(self._project, 5900, 6000) else: self._aux = self._manager.port_manager.get_free_tcp_port(self._project) self._aux_type = aux_type log.info("{module}: '{name}' [{id}]: console type set to {aux_type} (auxiliary console port is {aux})".format(module=self.manager.module_name, name=self.name, id=self.id, aux_type=aux_type, aux=self.aux)) @property def ubridge(self): """ Returns the uBridge hypervisor. :returns: instance of uBridge """ if self._ubridge_hypervisor and not self._ubridge_hypervisor.is_running(): self._ubridge_hypervisor = None return self._ubridge_hypervisor @ubridge.setter def ubridge(self, ubride_hypervisor): """ Set an uBridge hypervisor. :param ubride_hypervisor: uBridge hypervisor """ self._ubridge_hypervisor = ubride_hypervisor @property def ubridge_path(self): """ Returns the uBridge executable path. :returns: path to uBridge """ path = shutil.which(self._manager.config.settings.Server.ubridge_path) return path async def _ubridge_send(self, command): """ Sends a command to uBridge hypervisor. :param command: command to send """ if not self._ubridge_hypervisor or not self._ubridge_hypervisor.is_running(): await self._start_ubridge(self._ubridge_require_privileged_access) if not self._ubridge_hypervisor or not self._ubridge_hypervisor.is_running(): raise NodeError(f"Cannot send command '{command}': uBridge is not running") try: await self._ubridge_hypervisor.send(command) except UbridgeError as e: raise UbridgeError(f"Error while sending command '{command}': {e}: {self._ubridge_hypervisor.read_stdout()}") @locking async def _start_ubridge(self, require_privileged_access=False): """ Starts uBridge (handles connections to and from this node). """ # Prevent us to start multiple ubridge if self._ubridge_hypervisor and self._ubridge_hypervisor.is_running(): return if self.ubridge_path is None: raise NodeError("uBridge is not available, path doesn't exist, or you just installed GNS3 and need to restart your user session to refresh user permissions.") if require_privileged_access and not self._manager.has_privileged_access(self.ubridge_path): raise NodeError("uBridge requires root access or the capability to interact with network adapters") server_host = self._manager.config.settings.Server.host if not self.ubridge: self._ubridge_hypervisor = Hypervisor(self._project, self.ubridge_path, self.working_dir, server_host) log.info(f"Starting new uBridge hypervisor {self._ubridge_hypervisor.host}:{self._ubridge_hypervisor.port}") await self._ubridge_hypervisor.start() if self._ubridge_hypervisor: log.info(f"Hypervisor {self._ubridge_hypervisor.host}:{self._ubridge_hypervisor.port} has successfully started") await self._ubridge_hypervisor.connect() # save if privileged are required in case uBridge needs to be restarted in self._ubridge_send() self._ubridge_require_privileged_access = require_privileged_access async def _stop_ubridge(self): """ Stops uBridge. """ if self._ubridge_hypervisor and self._ubridge_hypervisor.is_running(): log.info(f"Stopping uBridge hypervisor {self._ubridge_hypervisor.host}:{self._ubridge_hypervisor.port}") await self._ubridge_hypervisor.stop() self._ubridge_hypervisor = None async def add_ubridge_udp_connection(self, bridge_name, source_nio, destination_nio): """ Creates an UDP connection in uBridge. :param bridge_name: bridge name in uBridge :param source_nio: source NIO instance :param destination_nio: destination NIO instance """ await self._ubridge_send(f"bridge create {bridge_name}") if not isinstance(destination_nio, NIOUDP): raise NodeError("Destination NIO is not UDP") await self._ubridge_send('bridge add_nio_udp {name} {lport} {rhost} {rport}'.format( name=bridge_name, lport=source_nio.lport, rhost=source_nio.rhost, rport=source_nio.rport) ) await self._ubridge_send('bridge add_nio_udp {name} {lport} {rhost} {rport}'.format( name=bridge_name, lport=destination_nio.lport, rhost=destination_nio.rhost, rport=destination_nio.rport) ) if destination_nio.capturing: await self._ubridge_send('bridge start_capture {name} "{pcap_file}"'.format( name=bridge_name, pcap_file=destination_nio.pcap_output_file) ) await self._ubridge_send(f"bridge start {bridge_name}") await self._ubridge_apply_filters(bridge_name, destination_nio.filters) async def update_ubridge_udp_connection(self, bridge_name, source_nio, destination_nio): if destination_nio: await self._ubridge_apply_filters(bridge_name, destination_nio.filters) async def ubridge_delete_bridge(self, name): """ :params name: Delete the bridge with this name """ if self.ubridge: await self._ubridge_send(f"bridge delete {name}") async def _ubridge_apply_filters(self, bridge_name, filters): """ Apply packet filters :param bridge_name: bridge name in uBridge :param filters: Array of filter dictionary """ await self._ubridge_send('bridge reset_packet_filters ' + bridge_name) for packet_filter in self._build_filter_list(filters): cmd = f"bridge add_packet_filter {bridge_name} {packet_filter}" try: await self._ubridge_send(cmd) except UbridgeError as e: match = re.search(r"Cannot compile filter '(.*)': syntax error", str(e)) if match: message = f"Warning: ignoring BPF packet filter '{self.name}' due to syntax error: {match.group(1)}" log.warning(message) self.project.emit("log.warning", {"message": message}) else: raise def _build_filter_list(self, filters): """ :returns: Iterator building a list of filter """ i = 0 for (filter_type, values) in filters.items(): if isinstance(values[0], str): for line in values[0].split('\n'): line = line.strip() yield "{filter_name} {filter_type} {filter_value}".format( filter_name="filter" + str(i), filter_type=filter_type, filter_value='"{}" {}'.format(line, " ".join([str(v) for v in values[1:]]))).strip() i += 1 else: yield "{filter_name} {filter_type} {filter_value}".format( filter_name="filter" + str(i), filter_type=filter_type, filter_value=" ".join([str(v) for v in values])) i += 1 async def _add_ubridge_ethernet_connection(self, bridge_name, ethernet_interface, block_host_traffic=False): """ Creates a connection with an Ethernet interface in uBridge. :param bridge_name: bridge name in uBridge :param ethernet_interface: Ethernet interface name :param block_host_traffic: block network traffic originating from the host OS (Windows only) """ if sys.platform.startswith("linux") and block_host_traffic is False: # on Linux we use RAW sockets by default excepting if host traffic must be blocked await self._ubridge_send('bridge add_nio_linux_raw {name} "{interface}"'.format( name=bridge_name, interface=ethernet_interface) ) elif sys.platform.startswith("win"): # on Windows we use Winpcap/Npcap windows_interfaces = interfaces() npf_id = None source_mac = None for interface in windows_interfaces: # Winpcap/Npcap uses a NPF ID to identify an interface on Windows if "netcard" in interface and ethernet_interface in interface["netcard"]: npf_id = interface["id"] source_mac = interface["mac_address"] elif ethernet_interface in interface["name"]: npf_id = interface["id"] source_mac = interface["mac_address"] if npf_id: await self._ubridge_send('bridge add_nio_ethernet {name} "{interface}"'.format( name=bridge_name, interface=npf_id) ) else: raise NodeError(f"Could not find NPF id for interface {ethernet_interface}") if block_host_traffic: if source_mac: await self._ubridge_send('bridge set_pcap_filter {name} "not ether src {mac}"'.format( name=bridge_name, mac=source_mac) ) log.info(f"PCAP filter applied on '{ethernet_interface}' for source MAC {source_mac}") else: log.warning(f"Could not block host network traffic on {ethernet_interface} (no MAC address found)") else: # on other platforms we just rely on the pcap library await self._ubridge_send('bridge add_nio_ethernet {name} "{interface}"'.format( name=bridge_name, interface=ethernet_interface) ) source_mac = None for interface in interfaces(): if interface["name"] == ethernet_interface: source_mac = interface["mac_address"] if source_mac: await self._ubridge_send('bridge set_pcap_filter {name} "not ether src {mac}"'.format( name=bridge_name, mac=source_mac) ) log.info(f"PCAP filter applied on '{ethernet_interface}' for source MAC {source_mac}") def _create_local_udp_tunnel(self): """ Creates a local UDP tunnel (pair of 2 NIOs, one for each direction) :returns: source NIO and destination NIO. """ m = PortManager.instance() lport = m.get_free_udp_port(self.project) rport = m.get_free_udp_port(self.project) source_nio_settings = {'lport': lport, 'rhost': '', 'rport': rport, 'type': 'nio_udp'} destination_nio_settings = {'lport': rport, 'rhost': '', 'rport': lport, 'type': 'nio_udp'} source_nio = self.manager.create_nio(source_nio_settings) destination_nio = self.manager.create_nio(destination_nio_settings) log.info("{module}: '{name}' [{id}]:local UDP tunnel created between port {port1} and {port2}".format( module=self.manager.module_name, name=self.name, id=self.id, port1=lport, port2=rport) ) return source_nio, destination_nio @property def hw_virtualization(self): """ Returns either the node is using hardware virtualization or not. :return: boolean """ return self._hw_virtualization def check_available_ram(self, requested_ram): """ Sends a warning notification if there is not enough RAM on the system to allocate requested RAM. :param requested_ram: requested amount of RAM in MB """ available_ram = int(psutil.virtual_memory().available / (1024 * 1024)) percentage_left = psutil.virtual_memory().percent if requested_ram > available_ram: message = '"{}" requires {}MB of RAM to run but there is only {}MB - {}% of RAM left on "{}"'.format( self.name, requested_ram, available_ram, percentage_left, platform.node() ) self.project.emit("log.warning", {"message": message}) def _get_custom_adapter_settings(self, adapter_number): for custom_adapter in self.custom_adapters: if custom_adapter["adapter_number"] == adapter_number: return custom_adapter return {}