# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2020 GNS3 Technologies Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """ API endpoints for IOU nodes. """ import os from fastapi import APIRouter, WebSocket, Depends, Body, status from fastapi.encoders import jsonable_encoder from fastapi.responses import StreamingResponse from typing import Union from uuid import UUID from gns3server.endpoints import schemas from gns3server.compute.iou import IOU from gns3server.compute.iou.iou_vm import IOUVM router = APIRouter() responses = { 404: {"model": schemas.ErrorMessage, "description": "Could not find project or IOU node"} } def dep_node(project_id: UUID, node_id: UUID): """ Dependency to retrieve a node. """ iou_manager = IOU.instance() node = iou_manager.get_node(str(node_id), project_id=str(project_id)) return node @router.post("", response_model=schemas.IOU, status_code=status.HTTP_201_CREATED, responses={409: {"model": schemas.ErrorMessage, "description": "Could not create IOU node"}}) async def create_iou_node(project_id: UUID, node_data: schemas.IOUCreate): """ Create a new IOU node. """ iou = IOU.instance() node_data = jsonable_encoder(node_data, exclude_unset=True) vm = await iou.create_node(node_data.pop("name"), str(project_id), node_data.get("node_id"), application_id=node_data.get("application_id"), path=node_data.get("path"), console=node_data.get("console"), console_type=node_data.get("console_type", "telnet")) for name, value in node_data.items(): if hasattr(vm, name) and getattr(vm, name) != value: if name == "application_id": continue # we must ignore this to avoid overwriting the application_id allocated by the controller if name == "startup_config_content" and (vm.startup_config_content and len(vm.startup_config_content) > 0): continue if name == "private_config_content" and (vm.private_config_content and len(vm.private_config_content) > 0): continue if node_data.get("use_default_iou_values") and (name == "ram" or name == "nvram"): continue setattr(vm, name, value) return vm.__json__() @router.get("/{node_id}", response_model=schemas.IOU, responses=responses) def get_iou_node(node: IOUVM = Depends(dep_node)): """ Return an IOU node. """ return node.__json__() @router.put("/{node_id}", response_model=schemas.IOU, responses=responses) async def update_iou_node(node_data: schemas.IOUUpdate, node: IOUVM = Depends(dep_node)): """ Update an IOU node. """ node_data = jsonable_encoder(node_data, exclude_unset=True) for name, value in node_data.items(): if hasattr(node, name) and getattr(node, name) != value: if name == "application_id": continue # we must ignore this to avoid overwriting the application_id allocated by the IOU manager setattr(node, name, value) if node.use_default_iou_values: # update the default IOU values in case the image or use_default_iou_values have changed # this is important to have the correct NVRAM amount in order to correctly push the configs to the NVRAM await node.update_default_iou_values() node.updated() return node.__json__() @router.delete("/{node_id}", status_code=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, responses=responses) async def delete_iou_node(node: IOUVM = Depends(dep_node)): """ Delete an IOU node. """ await IOU.instance().delete_node(node.id) @router.post("/{node_id}/duplicate", response_model=schemas.IOU, status_code=status.HTTP_201_CREATED, responses=responses) async def duplicate_iou_node(destination_node_id: UUID = Body(..., embed=True), node: IOUVM = Depends(dep_node)): """ Duplicate an IOU node. """ new_node = await IOU.instance().duplicate_node(node.id, str(destination_node_id)) return new_node.__json__() @router.post("/{node_id}/start", status_code=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, responses=responses) async def start_iou_node(start_data: schemas.IOUStart, node: IOUVM = Depends(dep_node)): """ Start an IOU node. """ start_data = jsonable_encoder(start_data, exclude_unset=True) for name, value in start_data.items(): if hasattr(node, name) and getattr(node, name) != value: setattr(node, name, value) await node.start() return node.__json__() @router.post("/{node_id}/stop", status_code=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, responses=responses) async def stop(node: IOUVM = Depends(dep_node)): """ Stop an IOU node. """ await node.stop() @router.post("/{node_id}/stop", status_code=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, responses=responses) def suspend_iou_node(node: IOUVM = Depends(dep_node)): """ Suspend an IOU node. Does nothing since IOU doesn't support being suspended. """ pass @router.post("/{node_id}/reload", status_code=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, responses=responses) async def reload_iou_node(node: IOUVM = Depends(dep_node)): """ Reload an IOU node. """ await node.reload() @router.post("/{node_id}/adapters/{adapter_number}/ports/{port_number}/nio", status_code=status.HTTP_201_CREATED, response_model=Union[schemas.EthernetNIO, schemas.TAPNIO, schemas.UDPNIO], responses=responses) async def create_nio(adapter_number: int, port_number: int, nio_data: Union[schemas.EthernetNIO, schemas.TAPNIO, schemas.UDPNIO], node: IOUVM = Depends(dep_node)): """ Add a NIO (Network Input/Output) to the node. """ nio = IOU.instance().create_nio(jsonable_encoder(nio_data, exclude_unset=True)) await node.adapter_add_nio_binding(adapter_number, port_number, nio) return nio.__json__() @router.put("/{node_id}/adapters/{adapter_number}/ports/{port_number}/nio", status_code=status.HTTP_201_CREATED, response_model=Union[schemas.EthernetNIO, schemas.TAPNIO, schemas.UDPNIO], responses=responses) async def update_nio(adapter_number: int, port_number: int, nio_data: Union[schemas.EthernetNIO, schemas.TAPNIO, schemas.UDPNIO], node: IOUVM = Depends(dep_node)): """ Update a NIO (Network Input/Output) on the node. """ nio = node.get_nio(adapter_number, port_number) if nio_data.filters: nio.filters = nio_data.filters await node.adapter_update_nio_binding(adapter_number, port_number, nio) return nio.__json__() @router.delete("/{node_id}/adapters/{adapter_number}/ports/{port_number}/nio", status_code=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, responses=responses) async def delete_nio(adapter_number: int, port_number: int, node: IOUVM = Depends(dep_node)): """ Delete a NIO (Network Input/Output) from the node. """ await node.adapter_remove_nio_binding(adapter_number, port_number) @router.post("/{node_id}/adapters/{adapter_number}/ports/{port_number}/start_capture", responses=responses) async def start_capture(adapter_number: int, port_number: int, node_capture_data: schemas.NodeCapture, node: IOUVM = Depends(dep_node)): """ Start a packet capture on the node. """ pcap_file_path = os.path.join(node.project.capture_working_directory(), node_capture_data.capture_file_name) await node.start_capture(adapter_number, pcap_file_path) return {"pcap_file_path": str(pcap_file_path)} @router.post("/{node_id}/adapters/{adapter_number}/ports/{port_number}/stop_capture", status_code=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, responses=responses) async def stop_capture(adapter_number: int, port_number: int, node: IOUVM = Depends(dep_node)): """ Stop a packet capture on the node. """ await node.stop_capture(adapter_number, port_number) @router.get("/{node_id}/adapters/{adapter_number}/ports/{port_number}/pcap", responses=responses) async def stream_pcap_file(adapter_number: int, port_number: int, node: IOUVM = Depends(dep_node)): """ Stream the pcap capture file. """ nio = node.get_nio(adapter_number, port_number) stream = IOU.instance().stream_pcap_file(nio, node.project.id) return StreamingResponse(stream, media_type="application/vnd.tcpdump.pcap") @router.websocket("/{node_id}/console/ws") async def console_ws(websocket: WebSocket, node: IOUVM = Depends(dep_node)): """ Console WebSocket. """ await node.start_websocket_console(websocket) @router.post("/{node_id}/console/reset", status_code=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, responses=responses) async def reset_console(node: IOUVM = Depends(dep_node)): await node.reset_console()