{ "appliance_id": "c83b42bb-7f8f-4273-94a5-395384898da4", "name": "LANCOM vRouter", "category": "router", "description": "\"The LANCOM vRouter is a software-based router for operation in virtualized environments [..]. With its comprehensive range of functions and the numerous security features based on the operating system LCOS, it offers the best basis for modern infrastructures. Be it as a virtual VPN router (vCPE), as central-site VPN gateway (vGateway), or as WLAN controller (vWLC), [..].\" quote from 'product_url'", "vendor_name": "LANCOM Systems GmbH", "vendor_url": "https://www.lancom-systems.com", "product_name": "vRouter", "product_url": "https://www.lancom-systems.com/products/routers-vpn-gateways/central-site-vpn-gateways/lancom-vrouter/", "registry_version": 4, "status": "experimental", "availability": "free-to-try", "maintainer": "hirnpfirsich", "maintainer_email": "hirnpfirsich@brainpeach.de", "usage": "The vRouter installs itself on first boot\nAfterwards set the root/administrative password via the console\nETH-0 is the LAN facing interface. If there is already an dhcp server on ETH-0 the vRouter requests an address. Otherwise it will run it's own dhcp server (\nConfigure via console/ssh(root@)/WebGUI(https://)/LANConfig/...", "port_name_format": "ETH-{port1}", "qemu": { "adapter_type": "virtio-net-pci", "adapters": 5, "ram": 1024, "hda_disk_interface": "virtio", "arch": "x86_64", "console_type": "telnet", "kvm": "require" }, "images": [ { "filename": "LANCOM-VROUTER-installer-10.50.0145-Rel.img", "version": "10.50.0145-Rel-KVM", "md5sum": "afa50e257d2703acb3ed3257962b2fb5", "filesize": 536870912, "download_url": "https://www.lancom-systems.de/downloads/", "direct_download_url": "https://www.lancom-systems.de/download/firmware/?id=fece9b54978e2af8f7a161798fff2a16&file=LC-vRouter/LC-vRouter-10.50.0145-Rel-img.zip", "compression": "zip" } ], "versions": [ { "name": "10.50.0145-Rel-KVM", "images": { "hda_disk_image": "LANCOM-VROUTER-installer-10.50.0145-Rel.img" } } ] }