# # Copyright (C) 2018 GNS3 Technologies Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ TraceNG VM management in order to run a TraceNG VM. """ import sys import os import socket import subprocess import asyncio import shutil import ipaddress from gns3server.utils.asyncio import wait_for_process_termination from gns3server.utils.asyncio import monitor_process from .traceng_error import TraceNGError from ..adapters.ethernet_adapter import EthernetAdapter from ..nios.nio_udp import NIOUDP from ..base_node import BaseNode import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TraceNGVM(BaseNode): module_name = "traceng" """ TraceNG VM implementation. :param name: TraceNG VM name :param node_id: Node identifier :param project: Project instance :param manager: Manager instance :param console: TCP console port """ def __init__(self, name, node_id, project, manager, console=None, console_type="none"): super().__init__(name, node_id, project, manager, console=console, console_type=console_type) self._process = None self._started = False self._ip_address = None self._default_destination = None self._destination = None self._local_udp_tunnel = None self._ethernet_adapter = EthernetAdapter() # one adapter with 1 Ethernet interface @property def ethernet_adapter(self): return self._ethernet_adapter async def close(self): """ Closes this TraceNG VM. """ if not (await super().close()): return False nio = self._ethernet_adapter.get_nio(0) if isinstance(nio, NIOUDP): self.manager.port_manager.release_udp_port(nio.lport, self._project) if self._local_udp_tunnel: self.manager.port_manager.release_udp_port(self._local_udp_tunnel[0].lport, self._project) self.manager.port_manager.release_udp_port(self._local_udp_tunnel[1].lport, self._project) self._local_udp_tunnel = None await self._stop_ubridge() if self.is_running(): self._terminate_process() return True async def _check_requirements(self): """ Check if TraceNG is available. """ path = self._traceng_path() if not path: raise TraceNGError("No path to a TraceNG executable has been set") # This raise an error if ubridge is not available self.ubridge_path if not os.path.isfile(path): raise TraceNGError(f"TraceNG program '{path}' is not accessible") if not os.access(path, os.X_OK): raise TraceNGError(f"TraceNG program '{path}' is not executable") def __json__(self): return { "name": self.name, "ip_address": self.ip_address, "default_destination": self._default_destination, "node_id": self.id, "node_directory": self.working_path, "status": self.status, "console": self._console, "console_type": "none", "project_id": self.project.id, "command_line": self.command_line, } def _traceng_path(self): """ Returns the TraceNG executable path. :returns: path to TraceNG """ search_path = self._manager.config.get_section_config("TraceNG").get("traceng_path", "traceng") path = shutil.which(search_path) # shutil.which return None if the path doesn't exists if not path: return search_path return path @property def ip_address(self): """ Returns the IP address for this node. :returns: IP address """ return self._ip_address @ip_address.setter def ip_address(self, ip_address): """ Sets the IP address of this node. :param ip_address: IP address """ try: if ip_address: ipaddress.IPv4Address(ip_address) except ipaddress.AddressValueError: raise TraceNGError(f"Invalid IP address: {ip_address}\n") self._ip_address = ip_address log.info( "{module}: {name} [{id}] set IP address to {ip_address}".format( module=self.manager.module_name, name=self.name, id=self.id, ip_address=ip_address ) ) @property def default_destination(self): """ Returns the default destination IP/host for this node. :returns: destination IP/host """ return self._default_destination @default_destination.setter def default_destination(self, destination): """ Sets the destination IP/host for this node. :param destination: destination IP/host """ self._default_destination = destination log.info( "{module}: {name} [{id}] set default destination to {destination}".format( module=self.manager.module_name, name=self.name, id=self.id, destination=destination ) ) async def start(self, destination=None): """ Starts the TraceNG process. """ if not sys.platform.startswith("win"): raise TraceNGError("Sorry, TraceNG can only run on Windows") await self._check_requirements() if not self.is_running(): nio = self._ethernet_adapter.get_nio(0) command = self._build_command(destination) await self._stop_ubridge() # make use we start with a fresh uBridge instance try: log.info(f"Starting TraceNG: {command}") flags = 0 if hasattr(subprocess, "CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE"): flags = subprocess.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE self.command_line = " ".join(command) self._process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( *command, cwd=self.working_dir, creationflags=flags ) monitor_process(self._process, self._termination_callback) await self._start_ubridge() if nio: await self.add_ubridge_udp_connection(f"TraceNG-{self._id}", self._local_udp_tunnel[1], nio) log.info(f"TraceNG instance {self.name} started PID={self._process.pid}") self._started = True self.status = "started" except (OSError, subprocess.SubprocessError) as e: log.error(f"Could not start TraceNG {self._traceng_path()}: {e}\n") raise TraceNGError(f"Could not start TraceNG {self._traceng_path()}: {e}\n") def _termination_callback(self, returncode): """ Called when the process has stopped. :param returncode: Process returncode """ if self._started: log.info("TraceNG process has stopped, return code: %d", returncode) self._started = False self.status = "stopped" self._process = None if returncode != 0: self.project.emit("log.error", {"message": f"TraceNG process has stopped, return code: {returncode}\n"}) async def stop(self): """ Stops the TraceNG process. """ await self._stop_ubridge() if self.is_running(): self._terminate_process() if self._process.returncode is None: try: await wait_for_process_termination(self._process, timeout=3) except asyncio.TimeoutError: if self._process.returncode is None: try: self._process.kill() except OSError as e: log.error(f"Cannot stop the TraceNG process: {e}") if self._process.returncode is None: log.warning(f'TraceNG VM "{self._name}" with PID={self._process.pid} is still running') self._process = None self._started = False await super().stop() async def reload(self): """ Reloads the TraceNG process (stop & start). """ await self.stop() await self.start(self._destination) def _terminate_process(self): """ Terminate the process if running """ log.info(f"Stopping TraceNG instance {self.name} PID={self._process.pid}") # if sys.platform.startswith("win32"): # self._process.send_signal(signal.CTRL_BREAK_EVENT) # else: try: self._process.terminate() # Sometime the process may already be dead when we garbage collect except ProcessLookupError: pass def is_running(self): """ Checks if the TraceNG process is running :returns: True or False """ if self._process and self._process.returncode is None: return True return False async def port_add_nio_binding(self, port_number, nio): """ Adds a port NIO binding. :param port_number: port number :param nio: NIO instance to add to the slot/port """ if not self._ethernet_adapter.port_exists(port_number): raise TraceNGError( "Port {port_number} doesn't exist in adapter {adapter}".format( adapter=self._ethernet_adapter, port_number=port_number ) ) if self.is_running(): await self.add_ubridge_udp_connection(f"TraceNG-{self._id}", self._local_udp_tunnel[1], nio) self._ethernet_adapter.add_nio(port_number, nio) log.info( 'TraceNG "{name}" [{id}]: {nio} added to port {port_number}'.format( name=self._name, id=self.id, nio=nio, port_number=port_number ) ) return nio async def port_update_nio_binding(self, port_number, nio): """ Updates a port NIO binding. :param port_number: port number :param nio: NIO instance to update on the slot/port """ if not self._ethernet_adapter.port_exists(port_number): raise TraceNGError( "Port {port_number} doesn't exist on adapter {adapter}".format( adapter=self._ethernet_adapter, port_number=port_number ) ) if self.is_running(): await self.update_ubridge_udp_connection(f"TraceNG-{self._id}", self._local_udp_tunnel[1], nio) async def port_remove_nio_binding(self, port_number): """ Removes a port NIO binding. :param port_number: port number :returns: NIO instance """ if not self._ethernet_adapter.port_exists(port_number): raise TraceNGError( "Port {port_number} doesn't exist in adapter {adapter}".format( adapter=self._ethernet_adapter, port_number=port_number ) ) await self.stop_capture(port_number) if self.is_running(): await self._ubridge_send("bridge delete {name}".format(name=f"TraceNG-{self._id}")) nio = self._ethernet_adapter.get_nio(port_number) if isinstance(nio, NIOUDP): self.manager.port_manager.release_udp_port(nio.lport, self._project) self._ethernet_adapter.remove_nio(port_number) log.info( 'TraceNG "{name}" [{id}]: {nio} removed from port {port_number}'.format( name=self._name, id=self.id, nio=nio, port_number=port_number ) ) return nio def get_nio(self, port_number): """ Gets a port NIO binding. :param port_number: port number :returns: NIO instance """ if not self._ethernet_adapter.port_exists(port_number): raise TraceNGError( "Port {port_number} doesn't exist on adapter {adapter}".format( adapter=self._ethernet_adapter, port_number=port_number ) ) nio = self._ethernet_adapter.get_nio(port_number) if not nio: raise TraceNGError(f"Port {port_number} is not connected") return nio async def start_capture(self, port_number, output_file): """ Starts a packet capture. :param port_number: port number :param output_file: PCAP destination file for the capture """ nio = self.get_nio(port_number) if nio.capturing: raise TraceNGError(f"Packet capture is already activated on port {port_number}") nio.start_packet_capture(output_file) if self.ubridge: await self._ubridge_send( 'bridge start_capture {name} "{output_file}"'.format( name=f"TraceNG-{self._id}", output_file=output_file ) ) log.info( "TraceNG '{name}' [{id}]: starting packet capture on port {port_number}".format( name=self.name, id=self.id, port_number=port_number ) ) async def stop_capture(self, port_number): """ Stops a packet capture. :param port_number: port number """ nio = self.get_nio(port_number) if not nio.capturing: return nio.stop_packet_capture() if self.ubridge: await self._ubridge_send("bridge stop_capture {name}".format(name=f"TraceNG-{self._id}")) log.info( "TraceNG '{name}' [{id}]: stopping packet capture on port {port_number}".format( name=self.name, id=self.id, port_number=port_number ) ) def _build_command(self, destination): """ Command to start the TraceNG process. (to be passed to subprocess.Popen()) """ if not destination: # use the default destination if no specific destination provided destination = self.default_destination if not destination: raise TraceNGError("Please provide a host or IP address to trace") if not self.ip_address: raise TraceNGError("Please configure an IP address for this TraceNG node") if self.ip_address == destination: raise TraceNGError("Destination cannot be the same as the IP address") self._destination = destination command = [self._traceng_path()] # use the local UDP tunnel to uBridge instead if not self._local_udp_tunnel: self._local_udp_tunnel = self._create_local_udp_tunnel() nio = self._local_udp_tunnel[0] if nio and isinstance(nio, NIOUDP): # UDP tunnel command.extend(["-u"]) # enable UDP tunnel command.extend(["-c", str(nio.lport)]) # source UDP port command.extend(["-v", str(nio.rport)]) # destination UDP port try: command.extend( ["-b", socket.gethostbyname(nio.rhost)] ) # destination host, we need to resolve the hostname because TraceNG doesn't support it except socket.gaierror as e: raise TraceNGError(f"Can't resolve hostname {nio.rhost}: {e}") command.extend(["-s", "ICMP"]) # Use ICMP probe type by default command.extend(["-f", self._ip_address]) # source IP address to trace from command.extend([destination]) # host or IP to trace return command