# # Copyright (C) 2020 GNS3 Technologies Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """ API routes for nodes. """ import aiohttp import asyncio import ipaddress from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends, WebSocket, WebSocketDisconnect, Request, Response, status from fastapi.encoders import jsonable_encoder from fastapi.routing import APIRoute from typing import List, Callable from uuid import UUID from gns3server.controller import Controller from gns3server.config import Config from gns3server.controller.node import Node from gns3server.controller.project import Project from gns3server.utils import force_unix_path from gns3server.utils.http_client import HTTPClient from gns3server.controller.controller_error import ControllerForbiddenError, ControllerBadRequestError from gns3server.db.repositories.rbac import RbacRepository from gns3server import schemas from .dependencies.database import get_repository from .dependencies.rbac import has_privilege, has_privilege_on_websocket import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) node_locks = {} class NodeConcurrency(APIRoute): """ To avoid strange effects, we prevent concurrency between the same instance of the node (excepting when streaming a PCAP file and for WebSocket consoles). """ def get_route_handler(self) -> Callable: original_route_handler = super().get_route_handler() async def custom_route_handler(request: Request) -> Response: node_id = request.path_params.get("node_id") project_id = request.path_params.get("project_id") if node_id and "pcap" not in request.url.path and not request.url.path.endswith("console/ws"): lock_key = f"{project_id}:{node_id}" node_locks.setdefault(lock_key, {"lock": asyncio.Lock(), "concurrency": 0}) node_locks[lock_key]["concurrency"] += 1 async with node_locks[lock_key]["lock"]: response = await original_route_handler(request) node_locks[lock_key]["concurrency"] -= 1 if node_locks[lock_key]["concurrency"] <= 0: del node_locks[lock_key] else: response = await original_route_handler(request) return response return custom_route_handler responses = {404: {"model": schemas.ErrorMessage, "description": "Could not find project or node"}} router = APIRouter(route_class=NodeConcurrency, responses=responses) async def dep_project(project_id: UUID) -> Project: """ Dependency to retrieve a project. """ project = await Controller.instance().get_loaded_project(str(project_id)) return project async def dep_node(node_id: UUID, project: Project = Depends(dep_project)) -> None: """ Dependency to retrieve a node. """ node = project.get_node(str(node_id)) return node @router.post( "", status_code=status.HTTP_201_CREATED, response_model=schemas.Node, responses={ 404: {"model": schemas.ErrorMessage, "description": "Could not find project"}, 409: {"model": schemas.ErrorMessage, "description": "Could not create node"}, }, dependencies=[Depends(has_privilege("Node.Allocate"))] ) async def create_node(node_data: schemas.NodeCreate, project: Project = Depends(dep_project)) -> schemas.Node: """ Create a new node. Required privilege: Node.Allocate """ controller = Controller.instance() compute = controller.get_compute(str(node_data.compute_id)) node_data = jsonable_encoder(node_data, exclude_unset=True) node = await project.add_node(compute, node_data.pop("name"), node_data.pop("node_id", None), **node_data) return node.asdict() @router.get( "", response_model=List[schemas.Node], response_model_exclude_unset=True, dependencies=[Depends(has_privilege("Node.Audit"))] ) def get_nodes(project: Project = Depends(dep_project)) -> List[schemas.Node]: """ Return all nodes belonging to a given project. Required privilege: Node.Audit """ if project.status == "closed": # allow to retrieve nodes from a closed project return project.nodes.values() return [v.asdict() for v in project.nodes.values()] @router.post("/start", status_code=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, dependencies=[Depends(has_privilege("Node.PowerMgmt"))]) async def start_all_nodes(project: Project = Depends(dep_project)) -> None: """ Start all nodes belonging to a given project. Required privilege: Node.PowerMgmt """ await project.start_all() @router.post("/stop", status_code=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, dependencies=[Depends(has_privilege("Node.PowerMgmt"))]) async def stop_all_nodes(project: Project = Depends(dep_project)) -> None: """ Stop all nodes belonging to a given project. Required privilege: Node.PowerMgmt """ await project.stop_all() @router.post("/suspend", status_code=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, dependencies=[Depends(has_privilege("Node.PowerMgmt"))]) async def suspend_all_nodes(project: Project = Depends(dep_project)) -> None: """ Suspend all nodes belonging to a given project. Required privilege: Node.PowerMgmt """ await project.suspend_all() @router.post("/reload", status_code=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, dependencies=[Depends(has_privilege("Node.PowerMgmt"))]) async def reload_all_nodes(project: Project = Depends(dep_project)) -> None: """ Reload all nodes belonging to a given project. Required privilege: Node.PowerMgmt """ await project.stop_all() await project.start_all() @router.get("/{node_id}", response_model=schemas.Node, dependencies=[Depends(has_privilege("Node.Audit"))]) def get_node(node: Node = Depends(dep_node)) -> schemas.Node: """ Return a node from a given project. Required privilege: Node.Audit """ return node.asdict() @router.put( "/{node_id}", response_model=schemas.Node, response_model_exclude_unset=True, dependencies=[Depends(has_privilege("Node.Modify"))] ) async def update_node(node_data: schemas.NodeUpdate, node: Node = Depends(dep_node)) -> schemas.Node: """ Update a node. Required privilege: Node.Modify """ node_data = jsonable_encoder(node_data, exclude_unset=True) # Ignore these because we only use them when creating a node node_data.pop("node_id", None) node_data.pop("node_type", None) node_data.pop("compute_id", None) await node.update(**node_data) return node.asdict() @router.delete( "/{node_id}", status_code=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, responses={**responses, 409: {"model": schemas.ErrorMessage, "description": "Cannot delete node"}}, dependencies=[Depends(has_privilege("Node.Allocate"))] ) async def delete_node( node_id: UUID, project: Project = Depends(dep_project), rbac_repo: RbacRepository = Depends(get_repository(RbacRepository)), ) -> None: """ Delete a node from a project. Required privilege: Node.Allocate """ await project.delete_node(str(node_id)) await rbac_repo.delete_all_ace_starting_with_path(f"/projects/{project.id}/nodes/{node_id}") @router.post( "/{node_id}/duplicate", response_model=schemas.Node, status_code=status.HTTP_201_CREATED, dependencies=[Depends(has_privilege("Node.Allocate"))] ) async def duplicate_node(duplicate_data: schemas.NodeDuplicate, node: Node = Depends(dep_node)) -> schemas.Node: """ Duplicate a node. Required privilege: Node.Allocate """ new_node = await node.project.duplicate_node(node, duplicate_data.x, duplicate_data.y, duplicate_data.z) return new_node.asdict() @router.post( "/{node_id}/start", status_code=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, dependencies=[Depends(has_privilege("Node.PowerMgmt"))] ) async def start_node(start_data: dict, node: Node = Depends(dep_node)) -> None: """ Start a node. Required privilege: Node.PowerMgmt """ await node.start(data=start_data) @router.post( "/{node_id}/stop", status_code=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, dependencies=[Depends(has_privilege("Node.PowerMgmt"))] ) async def stop_node(node: Node = Depends(dep_node)) -> None: """ Stop a node. Required privilege: Node.PowerMgmt """ await node.stop() @router.post( "/{node_id}/suspend", status_code=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, dependencies=[Depends(has_privilege("Node.PowerMgmt"))] ) async def suspend_node(node: Node = Depends(dep_node)) -> None: """ Suspend a node. Required privilege: Node.PowerMgmt """ await node.suspend() @router.post( "/{node_id}/reload", status_code=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, dependencies=[Depends(has_privilege("Node.PowerMgmt"))] ) async def reload_node(node: Node = Depends(dep_node)) -> None: """ Reload a node. Required privilege: Node.PowerMgmt """ await node.reload() @router.post( "/{node_id}/isolate", status_code=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, dependencies=[Depends(has_privilege("Link.Modify"))] ) async def isolate_node(node: Node = Depends(dep_node)) -> None: """ Isolate a node (suspend all attached links). Required privilege: Link.Modify """ for link in node.links: await link.update_suspend(True) @router.post( "/{node_id}/unisolate", status_code=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, dependencies=[Depends(has_privilege("Link.Modify"))] ) async def unisolate_node(node: Node = Depends(dep_node)) -> None: """ Un-isolate a node (resume all attached suspended links). Required privilege: Link.Modify """ for link in node.links: await link.update_suspend(False) @router.get( "/{node_id}/links", response_model=List[schemas.Link], response_model_exclude_unset=True, dependencies = [Depends(has_privilege("Link.Audit"))] ) async def get_node_links(node: Node = Depends(dep_node)) -> List[schemas.Link]: """ Return all the links connected to a node. Required privilege: Link.Audit """ links = [] for link in node.links: links.append(link.asdict()) return links @router.get("/{node_id}/dynamips/auto_idlepc", dependencies=[Depends(has_privilege("Node.Audit"))]) async def auto_idlepc(node: Node = Depends(dep_node)) -> dict: """ Compute an Idle-PC value for a Dynamips node Required privilege: Node.Audit """ if node.node_type != "dynamips": raise ControllerBadRequestError("Auto Idle-PC is only supported on a Dynamips node") return await node.dynamips_auto_idlepc() @router.get("/{node_id}/dynamips/idlepc_proposals", dependencies=[Depends(has_privilege("Node.Audit"))]) async def idlepc_proposals(node: Node = Depends(dep_node)) -> List[str]: """ Compute a list of potential idle-pc values for a Dynamips node Required privilege: Node.Audit """ if node.node_type != "dynamips": raise ControllerBadRequestError("Idle-PC proposals is only supported on a Dynamips node") return await node.dynamips_idlepc_proposals() @router.post( "/{node_id}/qemu/disk_image/{disk_name}", status_code=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, dependencies=[Depends(has_privilege("Node.Allocate"))] ) async def create_disk_image( disk_name: str, disk_data: schemas.QemuDiskImageCreate, node: Node = Depends(dep_node) ) -> None: """ Create a Qemu disk image. Required privilege: Node.Allocate """ if node.node_type != "qemu": raise ControllerBadRequestError("Creating a disk image is only supported on a Qemu node") await node.post(f"/disk_image/{disk_name}", data=disk_data.model_dump(exclude_unset=True)) @router.put( "/{node_id}/qemu/disk_image/{disk_name}", status_code=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, dependencies=[Depends(has_privilege("Node.Allocate"))] ) async def update_disk_image( disk_name: str, disk_data: schemas.QemuDiskImageUpdate, node: Node = Depends(dep_node) ) -> None: """ Update a Qemu disk image. Required privilege: Node.Allocate """ if node.node_type != "qemu": raise ControllerBadRequestError("Updating a disk image is only supported on a Qemu node") await node.put(f"/disk_image/{disk_name}", data=disk_data.model_dump(exclude_unset=True)) @router.delete( "/{node_id}/qemu/disk_image/{disk_name}", status_code=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, dependencies=[Depends(has_privilege("Node.Allocate"))] ) async def delete_disk_image( disk_name: str, node: Node = Depends(dep_node) ) -> None: """ Delete a Qemu disk image. Required privilege: Node.Allocate """ if node.node_type != "qemu": raise ControllerBadRequestError("Deleting a disk image is only supported on a Qemu node") await node.delete(f"/disk_image/{disk_name}") @router.get("/{node_id}/files/{file_path:path}", dependencies=[Depends(has_privilege("Node.Audit"))]) async def get_file(file_path: str, node: Node = Depends(dep_node)) -> Response: """ Return a file from the node directory. Required privilege: Node.Audit """ path = force_unix_path(file_path) # Raise error if user try to escape if path[0] == ".": raise ControllerForbiddenError("It is forbidden to get a file outside the project directory") node_type = node.node_type path = f"/project-files/{node_type}/{node.id}/{path}" res = await node.compute.http_query("GET", f"/projects/{node.project.id}/files{path}", timeout=None, raw=True) return Response(res.body, media_type="application/octet-stream", status_code=res.status) @router.post( "/{node_id}/files/{file_path:path}", status_code=status.HTTP_201_CREATED, dependencies=[Depends(has_privilege("Node.Modify"))] ) async def post_file(file_path: str, request: Request, node: Node = Depends(dep_node)): """ Write a file in the node directory. Required privilege: Node.Modify """ path = force_unix_path(file_path) # Raise error if user try to escape if path[0] == ".": raise ControllerForbiddenError("Cannot write outside the node directory") node_type = node.node_type path = f"/project-files/{node_type}/{node.id}/{path}" data = await request.body() # FIXME: are we handling timeout or large files correctly? await node.compute.http_query("POST", f"/projects/{node.project.id}/files{path}", data=data, timeout=None, raw=True) # FIXME: response with correct status code (from compute) @router.websocket("/{node_id}/console/ws") async def ws_console( websocket: WebSocket, current_user: schemas.User = Depends(has_privilege_on_websocket("Node.Console")), node: Node = Depends(dep_node) ) -> None: """ WebSocket console. Required privilege: Node.Console """ if current_user is None: return compute = node.compute log.info( f"New client {websocket.client.host}:{websocket.client.port} has connected to controller console WebSocket" ) compute_host = compute.host try: # handle IPv6 address ip = ipaddress.ip_address(compute_host) if isinstance(ip, ipaddress.IPv6Address): compute_host = '[' + compute_host + ']' except ValueError: pass ws_console_compute_url = ( f"{websocket.url.scheme}://{compute_host}:{compute.port}/v3/compute/projects/" f"{node.project.id}/{node.node_type}/nodes/{node.id}/console/ws" ) async def ws_receive(ws_console_compute): """ Receive WebSocket data from client and forward to compute console WebSocket. """ try: while True: data = await websocket.receive_text() if data: await ws_console_compute.send_str(data) except WebSocketDisconnect: await ws_console_compute.close() log.info( f"Client {websocket.client.host}:{websocket.client.port} has disconnected from controller" f" console WebSocket" ) try: # receive WebSocket data from compute console WebSocket and forward to client. log.info(f"Forwarding console WebSocket to '{ws_console_compute_url}'") server_config = Config.instance().settings.Server user = server_config.compute_username password = server_config.compute_password if not user: raise ControllerForbiddenError("Compute username is not set") user = user.strip() if user and password: auth = aiohttp.BasicAuth(user, password.get_secret_value(), "utf-8") else: auth = aiohttp.BasicAuth(user, "") ssl_context = Controller.instance().ssl_context() async with HTTPClient.get_client().ws_connect(ws_console_compute_url, auth=auth, ssl_context=ssl_context) as ws: asyncio.ensure_future(ws_receive(ws)) async for msg in ws: if msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.TEXT: await websocket.send_text(msg.data) elif msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.BINARY: await websocket.send_bytes(msg.data) elif msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.ERROR: break except aiohttp.ClientError as e: log.error(f"Client error received when forwarding to compute console WebSocket: {e}") @router.post( "/console/reset", status_code=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, dependencies=[Depends(has_privilege("Node.Console"))] ) async def reset_console_all_nodes(project: Project = Depends(dep_project)) -> None: """ Reset console for all nodes belonging to the project. Required privilege: Node.Console """ await project.reset_console_all() @router.post( "/{node_id}/console/reset", status_code=status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, dependencies=[Depends(has_privilege("Node.Console"))] ) async def console_reset(node: Node = Depends(dep_node)) -> None: """ Reset a console for a given node. Required privilege: Node.Console """ await node.post("/console/reset")