# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2020 GNS3 Technologies Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import pytest import asyncio import os import sys from tests.utils import asyncio_patch, AsyncioMagicMock from gns3server.utils import parse_version from unittest.mock import patch, MagicMock, ANY from gns3server.compute.vpcs.vpcs_vm import VPCSVM from gns3server.compute.vpcs.vpcs_error import VPCSError from gns3server.compute.vpcs import VPCS from gns3server.compute.notification_manager import NotificationManager @pytest.fixture @pytest.mark.asyncio async def manager(port_manager): m = VPCS.instance() m.port_manager = port_manager return m @pytest.fixture(scope="function") @pytest.mark.asyncio async def vm(compute_project, manager, tmpdir, ubridge_path): vm = VPCSVM("test", "00010203-0405-0607-0809-0a0b0c0d0e0f", compute_project, manager) vm._vpcs_version = parse_version("0.9") vm._start_ubridge = AsyncioMagicMock() vm._ubridge_hypervisor = MagicMock() vm._ubridge_hypervisor.is_running.return_value = True return vm @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_vm(compute_project, manager): vm = VPCSVM("test", "00010203-0405-0607-0809-0a0b0c0d0e0f", compute_project, manager) assert vm.name == "test" assert vm.id == "00010203-0405-0607-0809-0a0b0c0d0e0f" @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_vm_check_vpcs_version(vm): with asyncio_patch("gns3server.compute.vpcs.vpcs_vm.subprocess_check_output", return_value="Welcome to Virtual PC Simulator, version 0.9"): await vm._check_vpcs_version() assert vm._vpcs_version == parse_version("0.9") @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_vm_check_vpcs_version_0_6_1(vm): with asyncio_patch("gns3server.compute.vpcs.vpcs_vm.subprocess_check_output", return_value="Welcome to Virtual PC Simulator, version 0.6.1"): await vm._check_vpcs_version() assert vm._vpcs_version == parse_version("0.6.1") @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_vm_invalid_vpcs_version(vm, manager): with asyncio_patch("gns3server.compute.vpcs.vpcs_vm.subprocess_check_output", return_value="Welcome to Virtual PC Simulator, version 0.1"): with pytest.raises(VPCSError): nio = manager.create_nio({"type": "nio_udp", "lport": 4242, "rport": 4243, "rhost": "", "filters": {}}) await vm.port_add_nio_binding(0, nio) await vm._check_vpcs_version() assert vm.name == "test" assert vm.id == "00010203-0405-0607-0809-0a0b0c0d0e0f" @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_vm_invalid_vpcs_path(vm, manager): with patch("gns3server.compute.vpcs.vpcs_vm.VPCSVM._vpcs_path", return_value="/tmp/fake/path/vpcs"): with pytest.raises(VPCSError): nio = manager.create_nio({"type": "nio_udp", "lport": 4242, "rport": 4243, "rhost": ""}) await vm.port_add_nio_binding(0, nio) await vm.start() assert vm.name == "test" assert vm.id == "00010203-0405-0607-0809-0a0b0c0d0e0e" @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_start(vm): process = MagicMock() process.returncode = None with NotificationManager.instance().queue() as queue: await queue.get(1) # Ping with asyncio_patch("gns3server.compute.vpcs.vpcs_vm.VPCSVM._check_requirements", return_value=True): with asyncio_patch("asyncio.create_subprocess_exec", return_value=process) as mock_exec: with asyncio_patch("gns3server.compute.vpcs.vpcs_vm.VPCSVM.start_wrap_console"): await vm.start() assert mock_exec.call_args[0] == (vm._vpcs_path(), '-p', str(vm._internal_console_port), '-m', '1', '-i', '1', '-F', '-R', '-s', ANY, '-c', ANY, '-t', '') assert vm.is_running() assert vm.command_line == ' '.join(mock_exec.call_args[0]) (action, event, kwargs) = await queue.get(1) assert action == "node.updated" assert event == vm @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_start_0_6_1(vm): """ Version 0.6.1 doesn't have the -R options. It's not require because GNS3 provide a patch for this. """ process = MagicMock() process.returncode = None vm._vpcs_version = parse_version("0.6.1") with asyncio_patch("gns3server.compute.vpcs.vpcs_vm.VPCSVM._check_requirements", return_value=True): with asyncio_patch("gns3server.compute.vpcs.vpcs_vm.VPCSVM.start_wrap_console"): with asyncio_patch("asyncio.create_subprocess_exec", return_value=process) as mock_exec: nio = VPCS.instance().create_nio({"type": "nio_udp", "lport": 4242, "rport": 4243, "rhost": "", "filters": {}}) await vm.port_add_nio_binding(0, nio) await vm.start() assert mock_exec.call_args[0] == (vm._vpcs_path(), '-p', str(vm._internal_console_port), '-m', '1', '-i', '1', '-F', '-s', ANY, '-c', ANY, '-t', '') assert vm.is_running() @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_stop(vm): process = MagicMock() # Wait process kill success future = asyncio.Future() future.set_result(True) process.wait.return_value = future process.returncode = None with NotificationManager.instance().queue() as queue: with asyncio_patch("gns3server.compute.vpcs.vpcs_vm.VPCSVM._check_requirements", return_value=True): with asyncio_patch("gns3server.compute.vpcs.vpcs_vm.VPCSVM.start_wrap_console"): with asyncio_patch("asyncio.create_subprocess_exec", return_value=process): nio = VPCS.instance().create_nio({"type": "nio_udp", "lport": 4242, "rport": 4243, "rhost": "", "filters": {}}) await vm.port_add_nio_binding(0, nio) await vm.start() assert vm.is_running() with asyncio_patch("gns3server.utils.asyncio.wait_for_process_termination"): await vm.stop() assert vm.is_running() is False process.terminate.assert_called_with() await queue.get(1) # Ping await queue.get(1) # Started (action, event, kwargs) = await queue.get(1) assert action == "node.updated" assert event == vm @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_reload(vm): process = MagicMock() # Wait process kill success future = asyncio.Future() future.set_result(True) process.wait.return_value = future process.returncode = None with asyncio_patch("gns3server.compute.vpcs.vpcs_vm.VPCSVM._check_requirements", return_value=True): with asyncio_patch("gns3server.compute.vpcs.vpcs_vm.VPCSVM.start_wrap_console"): with asyncio_patch("asyncio.create_subprocess_exec", return_value=process): nio = VPCS.instance().create_nio({"type": "nio_udp", "lport": 4242, "rport": 4243, "rhost": "", "filters": {}}) await vm.port_add_nio_binding(0, nio) await vm.start() assert vm.is_running() vm._ubridge_send = AsyncioMagicMock() with asyncio_patch("gns3server.utils.asyncio.wait_for_process_termination"): await vm.reload() assert vm.is_running() is True process.terminate.assert_called_with() @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_add_nio_binding_udp(vm): nio = VPCS.instance().create_nio({"type": "nio_udp", "lport": 4242, "rport": 4243, "rhost": "", "filters": {}}) await vm.port_add_nio_binding(0, nio) assert nio.lport == 4242 @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_add_nio_binding_tap(vm, ethernet_device): with patch("gns3server.compute.base_manager.BaseManager.has_privileged_access", return_value=True): nio = VPCS.instance().create_nio({"type": "nio_tap", "tap_device": ethernet_device}) await vm.port_add_nio_binding(0, nio) assert nio.tap_device == ethernet_device @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_port_remove_nio_binding(vm): nio = VPCS.instance().create_nio({"type": "nio_udp", "lport": 4242, "rport": 4243, "rhost": ""}) await vm.port_add_nio_binding(0, nio) await vm.port_remove_nio_binding(0) assert vm._ethernet_adapter.ports[0] is None def test_update_startup_script(vm): content = "echo GNS3 VPCS\nip\n" vm.startup_script = content filepath = os.path.join(vm.working_dir, 'startup.vpc') assert os.path.exists(filepath) with open(filepath) as f: assert f.read() == content def test_update_startup_script_h(vm): content = "set pcname %h\n" vm.name = "pc1" vm.startup_script = content assert os.path.exists(vm.script_file) with open(vm.script_file) as f: assert f.read() == "set pcname pc1\n" def test_update_startup_script_with_escaping_characters_in_name(vm): vm.startup_script = "set pcname initial-name\n" vm.name = "test\\" assert vm.startup_script == "set pcname test{}".format(os.linesep) def test_get_startup_script(vm): content = "echo GNS3 VPCS\nip" vm.startup_script = content assert vm.startup_script == os.linesep.join(["echo GNS3 VPCS", "ip"]) def test_get_startup_script_using_default_script(vm): content = "echo GNS3 VPCS\nip\n" # Reset script file location vm._script_file = None filepath = os.path.join(vm.working_dir, 'startup.vpc') with open(filepath, 'wb+') as f: assert f.write(content.encode("utf-8")) assert vm.startup_script == content assert vm.script_file == filepath def test_change_name(vm): path = os.path.join(vm.working_dir, 'startup.vpc') vm.name = "world" with open(path, 'w+') as f: f.write("set pcname world") vm.name = "hello" assert vm.name == "hello" with open(path) as f: assert f.read() == "set pcname hello" # Support when the name is not sync with config with open(path, 'w+') as f: f.write("set pcname alpha") vm.name = "beta" assert vm.name == "beta" with open(path) as f: assert f.read() == "set pcname beta" @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_close(vm): with asyncio_patch("gns3server.compute.vpcs.vpcs_vm.VPCSVM._check_requirements", return_value=True): with asyncio_patch("asyncio.create_subprocess_exec", return_value=MagicMock()): with asyncio_patch("gns3server.compute.vpcs.vpcs_vm.VPCSVM.start_wrap_console"): await vm.start() await vm.close() assert vm.is_running() is False