# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2015 GNS3 Technologies Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ Docker container instance. """ import asyncio import shutil import psutil import shlex import aiohttp import json import os from ...ubridge.hypervisor import Hypervisor from .docker_error import * from ..base_vm import BaseVM from ..adapters.ethernet_adapter import EthernetAdapter from ..nios.nio_udp import NIOUDP from ...utils.asyncio.telnet_server import AsyncioTelnetServer from ...utils.asyncio import wait_for_file_creation from ...utils.get_resource import get_resource from ...ubridge.ubridge_error import UbridgeError, UbridgeNamespaceError import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class DockerVM(BaseVM): """Docker container implementation. :param name: Docker container name :param vm_id: Docker VM identifier :param project: Project instance :param manager: Manager instance :param image: Docker image :param console: TCP console port :param console_type: Console type :param aux: TCP aux console port :param console_resolution: Resolution of the VNC display """ def __init__(self, name, vm_id, project, manager, image, console=None, aux=None, start_command=None, adapters=None, environment=None, console_type="telnet", console_resolution="1024x768"): super().__init__(name, vm_id, project, manager, console=console, aux=aux, allocate_aux=True, console_type=console_type) self._image = image self._start_command = start_command self._environment = environment self._cid = None self._ethernet_adapters = [] self._ubridge_hypervisor = None self._temporary_directory = None self._telnet_servers = [] self._x11vnc_process = None self._console_resolution = console_resolution if adapters is None: self.adapters = 1 else: self.adapters = adapters log.debug( "{module}: {name} [{image}] initialized.".format( module=self.manager.module_name, name=self.name, image=self._image)) def __json__(self): return { "name": self._name, "vm_id": self._id, "container_id": self._cid, "project_id": self._project.id, "image": self._image, "adapters": self.adapters, "console": self.console, "console_type": self.console_type, "console_resolution": self.console_resolution, "aux": self.aux, "start_command": self.start_command, "environment": self.environment, "vm_directory": self.working_dir } def _get_free_display_port(self): """ Search a free display port """ display = 100 if not os.path.exists("/tmp/.X11-unix/"): return display while True: if not os.path.exists("/tmp/.X11-unix/X{}".format(display)): return display display += 1 @property def start_command(self): return self._start_command @start_command.setter def start_command(self, command): command = command.strip() if len(command) == 0: self._start_command = None else: self._start_command = command @property def console_resolution(self): return self._console_resolution @console_resolution.setter def console_resolution(self, resolution): self._console_resolution = resolution @property def environment(self): return self._environment @environment.setter def environment(self, command): self._environment = command @asyncio.coroutine def _get_container_state(self): """Returns the container state (e.g. running, paused etc.) :returns: state :rtype: str """ result = yield from self.manager.query("GET", "containers/{}/json".format(self._cid)) if result["State"]["Paused"]: return "paused" if result["State"]["Running"]: return "running" return "exited" @asyncio.coroutine def _get_image_informations(self): """ :returns: Dictionnary informations about the container image """ result = yield from self.manager.query("GET", "images/{}/json".format(self._image)) return result def _mount_binds(self, image_infos): """ :returns: Return the path that we need to map to local folders """ binds = [] binds.append("{}:/gns3:ro".format(get_resource("modules/docker/resources"))) # We mount our own etc/network network_config = self._create_network_config() binds.append("{}:/etc/network:rw".format(network_config)) volumes = image_infos.get("ContainerConfig", {}).get("Volumes") if volumes is None: return binds for volume in volumes.keys(): source = os.path.join(self.working_dir, os.path.relpath(volume, "/")) os.makedirs(source, exist_ok=True) binds.append("{}:{}".format(source, volume)) return binds def _create_network_config(self): """ If network config is empty we create a sample config """ path = os.path.join(self.working_dir, "etc", "network") os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(path, "if-up.d"), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(path, "if-down.d"), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(path, "if-pre-up.d"), exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(path, "if-post-down.d"), exist_ok=True) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, "interfaces")): with open(os.path.join(path, "interfaces"), "w+") as f: f.write("""# # This is a sample network config uncomment lines to configure the network # """) for adapter in range(0, self.adapters): f.write(""" # Static config for eth{adapter} #auto eth{adapter} #iface eth{adapter} inet static #\taddress 192.168.{adapter}.2 #\tnetmask #\tgateway 192.168.{adapter}.1 #\tup echo nameserver 192.168.{adapter}.1 > /etc/resolv.conf # DHCP config for eth{adapter} # auto eth{adapter} # iface eth{adapter} inet dhcp""".format(adapter=adapter)) return path @asyncio.coroutine def create(self): """Creates the Docker container.""" try: image_infos = yield from self._get_image_informations() except DockerHttp404Error: log.info("Image %s is missing pulling it from docker hub", self._image) yield from self.pull_image(self._image) image_infos = yield from self._get_image_informations() params = { "Hostname": self._name, "Name": self._name, "Image": self._image, "NetworkDisabled": True, "Tty": True, "OpenStdin": True, "StdinOnce": False, "HostConfig": { "CapAdd": ["ALL"], "Privileged": True, "Binds": self._mount_binds(image_infos) }, "Volumes": {}, "Env": [], "Cmd": [], "Entrypoint": image_infos.get("Config", {"Entrypoint": []})["Entrypoint"] } if params["Entrypoint"] is None: params["Entrypoint"] = [] if self._start_command: params["Cmd"] = shlex.split(self._start_command) if len(params["Cmd"]) == 0: params["Cmd"] = image_infos.get("Config", {"Cmd": []})["Cmd"] if params["Cmd"] is None: params["Cmd"] = [] if len(params["Cmd"]) == 0 and len(params["Entrypoint"]) == 0: params["Cmd"] = ["/bin/sh"] params["Entrypoint"].insert(0, "/gns3/init.sh") if self._environment: params["Env"] += [e.strip() for e in self._environment.split("\n")] if self._console_type == "vnc": yield from self._start_vnc() params["Env"].append("DISPLAY=:{}".format(self._display)) params["HostConfig"]["Binds"].append("/tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix/") result = yield from self.manager.query("POST", "containers/create", data=params) self._cid = result['Id'] log.info("Docker container '{name}' [{id}] created".format( name=self._name, id=self._id)) return True @asyncio.coroutine def update(self): """ Destroy an recreate the container with the new settings """ # We need to save the console and state and restore it console = self.console aux = self.aux state = yield from self._get_container_state() yield from self.close() yield from self.create() self.console = console self.aux = aux if state == "running": yield from self.start() @asyncio.coroutine def start(self): """Starts this Docker container.""" state = yield from self._get_container_state() if state == "paused": yield from self.unpause() else: result = yield from self.manager.query("POST", "containers/{}/start".format(self._cid)) namespace = yield from self._get_namespace() yield from self._start_ubridge() for adapter_number in range(0, self.adapters): nio = self._ethernet_adapters[adapter_number].get_nio(0) with (yield from self.manager.ubridge_lock): try: yield from self._add_ubridge_connection(nio, adapter_number, namespace) except UbridgeNamespaceError: yield from self.stop() # The container can crash soon after the start this mean we can not move the interface to the container namespace logdata = yield from self._get_log() for line in logdata.split('\n'): log.error(line) raise DockerError(logdata) if self.console_type == "telnet": yield from self._start_console() if self.allocate_aux: yield from self._start_aux() self.status = "started" log.info("Docker container '{name}' [{image}] started listen for {console_type} on {console}".format(name=self._name, image=self._image, console=self.console, console_type=self.console_type)) @asyncio.coroutine def _start_aux(self): """ Start an auxilary console """ # We can not use the API because docker doesn't expose a websocket api for exec # https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/issues/1039 process = yield from asyncio.subprocess.create_subprocess_exec( "docker", "exec", "-i", self._cid, "/gns3/bin/busybox", "sh", "-i", stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE) server = AsyncioTelnetServer(reader=process.stdout, writer=process.stdin, binary=False, echo=False) self._telnet_servers.append((yield from asyncio.start_server(server.run, self._manager.port_manager.console_host, self.aux))) log.debug("Docker container '%s' started listen for auxilary telnet on %d", self.name, self.aux) @asyncio.coroutine def _start_vnc(self): """ Start a VNC server for this container """ self._display = self._get_free_display_port() if shutil.which("Xvfb") is None or shutil.which("x11vnc") is None: raise DockerError("Please install Xvfb and x11vnc before using the VNC support") self._xvfb_process = yield from asyncio.create_subprocess_exec("Xvfb", "-nolisten", "tcp", ":{}".format(self._display), "-screen", "0", self._console_resolution + "x16") self._x11vnc_process = yield from asyncio.create_subprocess_exec("x11vnc", "-forever", "-nopw", "-shared", "-geometry", self._console_resolution, "-display", "WAIT:{}".format(self._display), "-rfbport", str(self.console), "-noncache", "-listen", self._manager.port_manager.console_host) x11_socket = os.path.join("/tmp/.X11-unix/", "X{}".format(self._display)) yield from wait_for_file_creation(x11_socket) @asyncio.coroutine def _start_console(self): """ Start streaming the console via telnet """ class InputStream: def __init__(self): self._data = b"" def write(self, data): self._data += data @asyncio.coroutine def drain(self): if not self.ws.closed: self.ws.send_bytes(self._data) self._data = b"" output_stream = asyncio.StreamReader() input_stream = InputStream() telnet = AsyncioTelnetServer(reader=output_stream, writer=input_stream, echo=True) self._telnet_servers.append((yield from asyncio.start_server(telnet.run, self._manager.port_manager.console_host, self.console))) ws = yield from self.manager.websocket_query("containers/{}/attach/ws?stream=1&stdin=1&stdout=1&stderr=1".format(self._cid)) input_stream.ws = ws output_stream.feed_data(self.name.encode() + b" console is now available... Press RETURN to get started.\r\n") asyncio.async(self._read_console_output(ws, output_stream)) @asyncio.coroutine def _read_console_output(self, ws, out): """ Read websocket and forward it to the telnet :params ws: Websocket connection :param out: Output stream """ while True: msg = yield from ws.receive() if msg.tp == aiohttp.MsgType.text: out.feed_data(msg.data.encode()) else: out.feed_eof() ws.close() break def is_running(self): """Checks if the container is running. :returns: True or False :rtype: bool """ state = yield from self._get_container_state() if state == "running": return True return False @asyncio.coroutine def restart(self): """Restart this Docker container.""" yield from self.manager.query("POST", "containers/{}/restart".format(self._cid)) log.info("Docker container '{name}' [{image}] restarted".format( name=self._name, image=self._image)) @asyncio.coroutine def stop(self): """Stops this Docker container.""" try: if len(self._telnet_servers) > 0: for telnet_server in self._telnet_servers: telnet_server.close() yield from telnet_server.wait_closed() self._telnet_servers = [] if self._ubridge_hypervisor and self._ubridge_hypervisor.is_running(): yield from self._ubridge_hypervisor.stop() state = yield from self._get_container_state() if state == "paused": yield from self.unpause() # t=5 number of seconds to wait before killing the container try: yield from self.manager.query("POST", "containers/{}/stop".format(self._cid), params={"t": 5}) log.info("Docker container '{name}' [{image}] stopped".format( name=self._name, image=self._image)) except DockerHttp304Error: # Container is already stopped pass # Ignore runtime error because when closing the server except RuntimeError as e: log.debug("Docker runtime error when closing: {}".format(str(e))) return @asyncio.coroutine def pause(self): """Pauses this Docker container.""" yield from self.manager.query("POST", "containers/{}/pause".format(self._cid)) log.info("Docker container '{name}' [{image}] paused".format( name=self._name, image=self._image)) self.status = "paused" @asyncio.coroutine def unpause(self): """Unpauses this Docker container.""" yield from self.manager.query("POST", "containers/{}/unpause".format(self._cid)) log.info("Docker container '{name}' [{image}] unpaused".format( name=self._name, image=self._image)) self.status = "started" @asyncio.coroutine def close(self): """Closes this Docker container.""" if not (yield from super().close()): return False try: if self.console_type == "vnc": if self._x11vnc_process: self._x11vnc_process.terminate() self._xvfb_process.terminate() yield from self._x11vnc_process.wait() yield from self._xvfb_process.wait() state = yield from self._get_container_state() if state == "paused" or state == "running": yield from self.stop() yield from self.manager.query("DELETE", "containers/{}".format(self._cid), params={"force": 1}) log.info("Docker container '{name}' [{image}] removed".format( name=self._name, image=self._image)) for adapter in self._ethernet_adapters: if adapter is not None: for nio in adapter.ports.values(): if nio and isinstance(nio, NIOUDP): self.manager.port_manager.release_udp_port(nio.lport, self._project) # Ignore runtime error because when closing the server except (DockerHttp404Error, RuntimeError) as e: log.debug("Docker error when closing: {}".format(str(e))) return @asyncio.coroutine def _add_ubridge_connection(self, nio, adapter_number, namespace): """ Creates a connection in uBridge. :param nio: NIO instance or None if it's a dummu interface (if an interface is missing in ubridge you can't see it via ifconfig in the container) :param adapter_number: adapter number :param namespace: Container namespace (pid) """ try: adapter = self._ethernet_adapters[adapter_number] except IndexError: raise DockerError( "Adapter {adapter_number} doesn't exist on Docker container '{name}'".format(name=self.name, adapter_number=adapter_number)) for index in range(128): if "veth-gns3-ext{}".format(index) not in psutil.net_if_addrs(): adapter.ifc = "eth{}".format(str(index)) adapter.host_ifc = "veth-gns3-ext{}".format(str(index)) adapter.guest_ifc = "veth-gns3-int{}".format(str(index)) break if not hasattr(adapter, "ifc"): raise DockerError( "Adapter {adapter_number} couldn't allocate interface on Docker container '{name}'. Too many Docker interfaces already exists".format( name=self.name, adapter_number=adapter_number)) yield from self._ubridge_hypervisor.send( 'docker create_veth {hostif} {guestif}'.format( guestif=adapter.guest_ifc, hostif=adapter.host_ifc)) log.debug("Move container %s adapter %s to namespace %s", self.name, adapter.guest_ifc, namespace) try: yield from self._ubridge_hypervisor.send( 'docker move_to_ns {ifc} {ns} eth{adapter}'.format( ifc=adapter.guest_ifc, ns=namespace, adapter=adapter_number)) except UbridgeError as e: raise UbridgeNamespaceError(e) if isinstance(nio, NIOUDP): yield from self._ubridge_hypervisor.send( 'bridge create bridge{}'.format(adapter_number)) yield from self._ubridge_hypervisor.send( 'bridge add_nio_linux_raw bridge{adapter} {ifc}'.format( ifc=adapter.host_ifc, adapter=adapter_number)) yield from self._ubridge_hypervisor.send( 'bridge add_nio_udp bridge{adapter} {lport} {rhost} {rport}'.format( adapter=adapter_number, lport=nio.lport, rhost=nio.rhost, rport=nio.rport)) if nio.capturing: yield from self._ubridge_hypervisor.send( 'bridge start_capture bridge{adapter} "{pcap_file}"'.format( adapter=adapter_number, pcap_file=nio.pcap_output_file)) yield from self._ubridge_hypervisor.send( 'bridge start bridge{adapter}'.format(adapter=adapter_number)) def _delete_ubridge_connection(self, adapter_number): """Deletes a connection in uBridge. :param adapter_number: adapter number """ if not self._ubridge_hypervisor or not self._ubridge_hypervisor.is_running(): return adapter = self._ethernet_adapters[adapter_number] try: yield from self._ubridge_hypervisor.send("bridge delete bridge{name}".format( name=adapter_number)) except UbridgeError as e: log.debug(str(e)) try: yield from self._ubridge_hypervisor.send('docker delete_veth {hostif}'.format(hostif=adapter.host_ifc)) except UbridgeError as e: log.debug(str(e)) @asyncio.coroutine def _get_namespace(self): result = yield from self.manager.query("GET", "containers/{}/json".format(self._cid)) return int(result['State']['Pid']) @asyncio.coroutine def adapter_add_nio_binding(self, adapter_number, nio): """Adds an adapter NIO binding. :param adapter_number: adapter number :param nio: NIO instance to add to the slot/port """ try: adapter = self._ethernet_adapters[adapter_number] except IndexError: raise DockerError( "Adapter {adapter_number} doesn't exist on Docker container '{name}'".format( name=self.name, adapter_number=adapter_number)) adapter.add_nio(0, nio) log.info( "Docker container '{name}' [{id}]: {nio} added to adapter {adapter_number}".format( name=self.name, id=self._id, nio=nio, adapter_number=adapter_number)) @asyncio.coroutine def adapter_remove_nio_binding(self, adapter_number): """ Removes an adapter NIO binding. :param adapter_number: adapter number :returns: NIO instance """ try: adapter = self._ethernet_adapters[adapter_number] except IndexError: raise DockerError( "Adapter {adapter_number} doesn't exist on Docker VM '{name}'".format( name=self.name, adapter_number=adapter_number)) adapter.remove_nio(0) yield from self._delete_ubridge_connection(adapter_number) log.info( "Docker VM '{name}' [{id}]: {nio} removed from adapter {adapter_number}".format( name=self.name, id=self.id, nio=adapter.host_ifc, adapter_number=adapter_number)) @property def adapters(self): """Returns the number of Ethernet adapters for this Docker VM. :returns: number of adapters :rtype: int """ return len(self._ethernet_adapters) @adapters.setter def adapters(self, adapters): """Sets the number of Ethernet adapters for this Docker container. :param adapters: number of adapters """ if len(self._ethernet_adapters) == adapters: return self._ethernet_adapters.clear() for adapter_number in range(0, adapters): self._ethernet_adapters.append(EthernetAdapter()) log.info( 'Docker container "{name}" [{id}]: number of Ethernet adapters changed to {adapters}'.format( name=self._name, id=self._id, adapters=adapters)) @asyncio.coroutine def pull_image(self, image): """ Pull image from docker repository """ log.info("Pull %s from docker hub", image) response = yield from self.manager.http_query("POST", "images/create", params={"fromImage": image}) # The pull api will stream status via an HTTP JSON stream content = "" while True: chunk = yield from response.content.read(1024) if not chunk: break content += chunk.decode("utf-8") try: while True: content = content.lstrip(" \r\n\t") answer, index = json.JSONDecoder().raw_decode(content) if "progress" in answer: self.project.emit("log.info", {"message": "Pulling image {}:{}: {}".format(self._image, answer["id"], answer["progress"])}) content = content[index:] except ValueError: # Partial JSON pass self.project.emit("log.info", {"message": "Success pulling image {}".format(self._image)}) @asyncio.coroutine def _start_ubridge_capture(self, adapter_number, output_file): """ Start a packet capture in uBridge. :param adapter_number: adapter number :param output_file: PCAP destination file for the capture """ adapter = "bridge{}".format(adapter_number) if not self._ubridge_hypervisor or not self._ubridge_hypervisor.is_running(): raise VMwareError("Cannot start the packet capture: uBridge is not running") yield from self._ubridge_hypervisor.send('bridge start_capture {name} "{output_file}"'.format(name=adapter, output_file=output_file)) @asyncio.coroutine def _stop_ubridge_capture(self, adapter_number): """ Stop a packet capture in uBridge. :param adapter_number: adapter number """ adapter = "bridge{}".format(adapter_number) if not self._ubridge_hypervisor or not self._ubridge_hypervisor.is_running(): raise VMwareError("Cannot stop the packet capture: uBridge is not running") yield from self._ubridge_hypervisor.send("bridge stop_capture {name}".format(name=adapter)) @asyncio.coroutine def start_capture(self, adapter_number, output_file): """ Starts a packet capture. :param adapter_number: adapter number :param output_file: PCAP destination file for the capture """ try: adapter = self._ethernet_adapters[adapter_number] except KeyError: raise DockerError("Adapter {adapter_number} doesn't exist on Docker VM '{name}'".format(name=self.name, adapter_number=adapter_number)) nio = adapter.get_nio(0) if not nio: raise DockerError("Adapter {} is not connected".format(adapter_number)) if nio.capturing: raise DockerError("Packet capture is already activated on adapter {adapter_number}".format(adapter_number=adapter_number)) nio.startPacketCapture(output_file) if self.status == "started": yield from self._start_ubridge_capture(adapter_number, output_file) log.info("Docker VM '{name}' [{id}]: starting packet capture on adapter {adapter_number}".format(name=self.name, id=self.id, adapter_number=adapter_number)) def stop_capture(self, adapter_number): """ Stops a packet capture. :param adapter_number: adapter number """ try: adapter = self._ethernet_adapters[adapter_number] except KeyError: raise DockerError("Adapter {adapter_number} doesn't exist on Docker VM '{name}'".format(name=self.name, adapter_number=adapter_number)) nio = adapter.get_nio(0) if not nio: raise DockerError("Adapter {} is not connected".format(adapter_number)) nio.stopPacketCapture() if self.status == "started": yield from self._stop_ubridge_capture(adapter_number) log.info("Docker VM '{name}' [{id}]: stopping packet capture on adapter {adapter_number}".format(name=self.name, id=self.id, adapter_number=adapter_number)) @asyncio.coroutine def _get_log(self): """ Return the log from the container :returns: string """ result = yield from self.manager.query("GET", "containers/{}/logs".format(self._cid), params={"stderr": 1, "stdout": 1}) return result @asyncio.coroutine def delete(self): """ Delete the VM (including all its files). """ yield from self.close() yield from super().delete()