#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2016 GNS3 Technologies Inc.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import asyncio
import html
import copy
import uuid
import os

from .compute import ComputeConflict, ComputeError
from .controller_error import ControllerError, ControllerTimeoutError
from .ports.port_factory import PortFactory, StandardPortFactory, DynamipsPortFactory
from ..utils.images import images_directories
from ..config import Config
from ..utils.qt import qt_font_to_style

import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Node:
    # This properties are used only on controller and are not forwarded to the compute

    def __init__(self, project, compute, name, node_id=None, node_type=None, template_id=None, **kwargs):
        :param project: Project of the node
        :param compute: Compute where the server will run
        :param name: Node name
        :param node_id: UUID of the node (integer)
        :param node_type: Type of emulator
        :param template_id: Template ID used to create this node
        :param kwargs: Node properties

        assert node_type

        if node_id is None:
            self._id = str(uuid.uuid4())
            self._id = node_id

        self._project = project
        self._compute = compute
        self._node_type = node_type

        self._label = None
        self._links = set()
        self._name = None
        self.name = name
        self._console = None
        self._console_type = None
        self._aux = None
        self._aux_type = None
        self._properties = None
        self._command_line = None
        self._node_directory = None
        self._status = "stopped"
        self._template_id = template_id
        self._x = 0
        self._y = 0
        self._z = 1  # default z value is 1
        self._locked = False
        self._ports = None
        self._symbol = None
        self._custom_adapters = []
        if node_type == "iou":
            self._port_name_format = "Ethernet{segment0}/{port0}"
            self._port_by_adapter = 4
            self.port_segment_size = 4
            self._port_name_format = "Ethernet{0}"
            self._port_by_adapter = 1
            self._port_segment_size = 0
        self._first_port_name = None
        self._console_auto_start = False

        # This properties will be recompute
        ignore_properties = ("width", "height", "hover_symbol")
        self.properties = kwargs.pop("properties", {})

        # Update node properties with additional elements
        for prop in kwargs:
            if prop and prop not in ignore_properties:
                if hasattr(self, prop):
                        setattr(self, prop, kwargs[prop])
                    except AttributeError as e:
                        log.critical(f"Cannot set attribute '{prop}'")
                        raise e
                    if prop not in self.CONTROLLER_ONLY_PROPERTIES and kwargs[prop] is not None and kwargs[prop] != "":
                        self.properties[prop] = kwargs[prop]

        if self._symbol is None:
            # compatibility with old node templates
            if "default_symbol" in self.properties:
                default_symbol = self.properties.pop("default_symbol")
                if default_symbol.endswith("normal.svg"):
                    self.symbol = default_symbol[:-11] + ".svg"
                    self.symbol = default_symbol
                self.symbol = ":/symbols/computer.svg"

    def is_always_running(self):
        :returns: Boolean True if the node is always running
        like ethernet switch
        return self.node_type not in ("qemu", "docker", "dynamips", "vpcs", "vmware", "virtualbox", "iou")

    def id(self):
        return self._id

    def status(self):
        return self._status

    def name(self):
        return self._name

    def name(self, new_name):
        self._name = self._project.update_node_name(self, new_name)
        # The text in label need to be always the node name
        if self.label and self._label["text"] != self._name:
            self._label["text"] = self._name
            self._label["x"] = None  # Center text

    def node_type(self):
        return self._node_type

    def console(self):
        return self._console

    def console(self, val):
        self._console = val

    def aux(self):
        return self._aux

    def aux(self, val):
        self._aux = val

    def console_type(self):
        return self._console_type

    def console_type(self, val):
        self._console_type = val

    def aux_type(self):
        return self._aux_type

    def aux_type(self, val):
        self._aux_type = val

    def console_auto_start(self):
        return self._console_auto_start

    def console_auto_start(self, val):
        self._console_auto_start = val

    def properties(self):
        return self._properties

    def properties(self, val):
        self._properties = val

    def _base_config_file_content(self, path):
        if not os.path.isabs(path):
            path = os.path.join(self.project.controller.configs_path(), path)
            with open(path, encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as f:
                return f.read()
        except OSError:
            return None

    def project(self):
        return self._project

    def compute(self):
        return self._compute

    def host(self):
        :returns: Domain or ip for console connection
        return self._compute.host

    def ports(self):
        if self._ports is None:
        return self._ports

    def x(self):
        return self._x

    def x(self, val):
        self._x = val

    def y(self):
        return self._y

    def y(self, val):
        self._y = val

    def z(self):
        return self._z

    def z(self, val):
        self._z = val

    def locked(self):
        return self._locked

    def locked(self, val):
        self._locked = val

    def width(self):
        return self._width

    def height(self):
        return self._height

    def symbol(self):
        return self._symbol

    def symbol(self, val):

        if val is None:
            val = ":/symbols/computer.svg"

            if not val.startswith(":") and os.path.isabs(val):
                default_symbol_directory = Config.instance().settings.Server.symbols_path
                if os.path.commonprefix([default_symbol_directory, val]) != default_symbol_directory:
                    val = os.path.basename(val)
        except OSError:

        self._symbol = val
            self._width, self._height, filetype = self._project.controller.symbols.get_size(val)
        except (ValueError, OSError) as e:
            log.error(f"Could not set symbol: {e}")
            # If symbol is invalid we replace it by the default
            self.symbol = ":/symbols/computer.svg"
        if self._label is None:
            # Apply to label user style or default
                style = None  # FIXME: allow configuration of default label font & color on controller
                # style = qt_font_to_style(self._project.controller.settings["GraphicsView"]["default_label_font"],
                #                         self._project.controller.settings["GraphicsView"]["default_label_color"])
            except KeyError:
                style = "font-family: TypeWriter;font-size: 10.0;font-weight: bold;fill: #000000;fill-opacity: 1.0;"

            self._label = {
                "y": round(self._height / 2 + 10) * -1,
                "text": html.escape(self._name),
                "style": style,  # None: means the client will apply its default style
                "x": None,  # None: means the client should center it
                "rotation": 0,

    def label(self):
        return self._label

    def label(self, val):
        # The text in label need to be always the node name
        val["text"] = self._name
        self._label = val

    def port_name_format(self):
        return self._port_name_format

    def port_name_format(self, val):
        self._port_name_format = val

    def port_segment_size(self):
        return self._port_segment_size

    def port_segment_size(self, val):
        self._port_segment_size = val

    def first_port_name(self):
        return self._first_port_name

    def first_port_name(self, val):
        self._first_port_name = val

    def custom_adapters(self):
        return self._custom_adapters

    def custom_adapters(self, val):
        self._custom_adapters = val

    def add_link(self, link):
        A link is connected to the node

    def remove_link(self, link):
        A link is connected to the node

    def links(self):
        return self._links

    async def create(self):
        Create the node on the compute
        data = self._node_data()
        data["node_id"] = self._id
        if self._node_type == "docker":
            timeout = None
            timeout = 1200
        trial = 0
        while trial != 6:
                response = await self._compute.post(
                    f"/projects/{self._project.id}/{self._node_type}/nodes", data=data, timeout=timeout
            except ComputeConflict as e:
                if e.response.get("exception") == "ImageMissingError":
                    res = await self._upload_missing_image(self._node_type, e.response["image"])
                    if not res:
                        raise e
                    raise e
                await self.parse_node_response(response.json)
                return True
            trial += 1

    async def update(self, **kwargs):
        Update the node on the compute

        :param kwargs: Node properties

        # When updating properties used only on controller we don't need to call the compute
        update_compute = False
        old_json = self.asdict()

        compute_properties = None
        # Update node properties with additional elements
        for prop in kwargs:
            if getattr(self, prop) != kwargs[prop]:
                if prop not in self.CONTROLLER_ONLY_PROPERTIES:
                    update_compute = True

                # We update properties on the compute and wait for the answer from the compute node
                if prop == "properties":
                    compute_properties = kwargs[prop]
                    if (
                        prop == "name"
                        and self.status == "started"
                        and self._node_type
                        not in ("cloud", "nat", "ethernet_switch", "ethernet_hub", "frame_relay_switch", "atm_switch")
                        raise ControllerError("Sorry, it is not possible to rename a node that is already powered on")
                    setattr(self, prop, kwargs[prop])

        if compute_properties and "custom_adapters" in compute_properties:
            # we need to check custom adapters to update the custom port names
            self.custom_adapters = compute_properties["custom_adapters"]
        if update_compute:
            data = self._node_data(properties=compute_properties)
            response = await self.put(None, data=data)
            await self.parse_node_response(response.json)
        elif old_json != self.asdict():
            # We send notif only if object has changed
            self.project.emit_notification("node.updated", self.asdict())

    async def parse_node_response(self, response):
        Update the object with the remote node object

        for key, value in response.items():
            if key == "console":
                self._console = value
            elif key == "aux":
                self._aux = value
            elif key == "node_directory":
                self._node_directory = value
            elif key == "command_line":
                self._command_line = value
            elif key == "status":
                self._status = value
            elif key == "console_type":
                self._console_type = value
            elif key == "aux_type":
                self._aux_type = value
            elif key == "name":
                self.name = value
            elif key in [
                if key in self._properties:
                    del self._properties[key]
                self._properties[key] = value
        for link in self._links:
            await link.node_updated(self)

    def _node_data(self, properties=None):
        Prepare node data to send to the remote controller

        :param properties: If properties is None use actual property otherwise use the parameter
        if properties:
            data = copy.copy(properties)
            data = copy.copy(self._properties)
            # We replace the startup script name by the content of the file
            mapping = {
                "base_script_file": "startup_script",
                "startup_config": "startup_config_content",
                "private_config": "private_config_content",
            for k, v in mapping.items():
                if k in list(self._properties.keys()):
                    data[v] = self._base_config_file_content(self._properties[k])
                    del data[k]
                    del self._properties[k]  # We send the file only one time
        data["name"] = self._name
        if self._console:
            # console is optional for builtin nodes
            data["console"] = self._console
        if self._console_type and self._node_type not in (
            # console_type is not supported by all builtin nodes excepting Ethernet switch
            data["console_type"] = self._console_type
        if self._aux:
            # aux is optional for builtin nodes
            data["aux"] = self._aux
        if self._aux_type and self._node_type not in (
            # aux_type is not supported by all builtin nodes
            data["aux_type"] = self._aux_type
        if self.custom_adapters:
            data["custom_adapters"] = self.custom_adapters

        # None properties are not be sent because it can mean the emulator doesn't support it
        for key in list(data.keys()):
            if data[key] is None or data[key] is {} or key in self.CONTROLLER_ONLY_PROPERTIES:
                del data[key]

        return data

    async def destroy(self):
        await self.delete()

    async def start(self, data=None):
        Start a node
            # For IOU we need to send the licence everytime
            if self.node_type == "iou":
                license_check = self._project.controller.iou_license.get("license_check", True)
                iourc_content = self._project.controller.iou_license.get("iourc_content", None)
                # if license_check and not iourc_content:
                #    raise aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict(text="IOU licence is not configured")
                await self.post(
                    "/start", timeout=240, data={"license_check": license_check, "iourc_content": iourc_content}
                await self.post("/start", data=data, timeout=240)
        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
            raise ControllerTimeoutError(f"Timeout when starting {self._name}")

    async def stop(self):
        Stop a node
            await self.post("/stop", timeout=240, dont_connect=True)
        # We don't care if a node is down at this step
        except (ComputeError, ControllerError):
        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
            raise ControllerTimeoutError(f"Timeout when stopping {self._name}")

    async def suspend(self):
        Suspend a node
            await self.post("/suspend", timeout=240)
        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
            raise ControllerTimeoutError(f"Timeout when reloading {self._name}")

    async def reload(self):
        Suspend a node
            await self.post("/reload", timeout=240)
        except asyncio.TimeoutError:
            raise ControllerTimeoutError(f"Timeout when reloading {self._name}")

    async def reset_console(self):
        Reset the console

        if self._console and self._console_type == "telnet":
                await self.post("/console/reset", timeout=240)
            except asyncio.TimeoutError:
                raise ControllerTimeoutError(f"Timeout when reset console {self._name}")

    async def post(self, path, data=None, **kwargs):
        HTTP post on the node
        if data:
            return await self._compute.post(
                f"/projects/{self._project.id}/{self._node_type}/nodes/{self._id}{path}", data=data, **kwargs
            return await self._compute.post(
                f"/projects/{self._project.id}/{self._node_type}/nodes/{self._id}{path}", **kwargs

    async def put(self, path, data=None, **kwargs):
        HTTP put on the node
        if path is None:
            path = f"/projects/{self._project.id}/{self._node_type}/nodes/{self._id}"
            path = f"/projects/{self._project.id}/{self._node_type}/nodes/{self._id}{path}"
        if data:
            return await self._compute.put(path, data=data, **kwargs)
            return await self._compute.put(path, **kwargs)

    async def delete(self, path=None, **kwargs):
        HTTP post on the node
        if path is None:
            return await self._compute.delete(
                f"/projects/{self._project.id}/{self._node_type}/nodes/{self._id}", **kwargs
            return await self._compute.delete(
                f"/projects/{self._project.id}/{self._node_type}/nodes/{self._id}{path}", **kwargs

    async def _upload_missing_image(self, type, img):
        Search an image on local computer and upload it to remote compute
        if the image exists

        for directory in images_directories(type):
            image = os.path.join(directory, img)
            if os.path.exists(image):
                self.project.emit_notification("log.info", {"message": f"Uploading missing image {img}"})
                    with open(image, "rb") as f:
                        await self._compute.post(
                            f"/{self._node_type}/images/{os.path.basename(img)}", data=f, timeout=None
                except OSError as e:
                    raise ControllerError(f"Can't upload {image}: {str(e)}")
                self.project.emit_notification("log.info", {"message": f"Upload finished for {img}"})
                return True
        return False

    async def dynamips_auto_idlepc(self):
        Compute the idle PC for a dynamips node
        return (
            await self._compute.get(
                f"/projects/{self._project.id}/{self._node_type}/nodes/{self._id}/auto_idlepc", timeout=240

    async def dynamips_idlepc_proposals(self):
        Compute a list of potential idle PC
        return (
            await self._compute.get(
                f"/projects/{self._project.id}/{self._node_type}/nodes/{self._id}/idlepc_proposals", timeout=240

    def get_port(self, adapter_number, port_number):
        Return the port for this adapter_number and port_number
        or returns None if the port is not found
        for port in self.ports:
            if port.adapter_number == adapter_number and port.port_number == port_number:
                return port
        return None

    def _list_ports(self):
        Generate the list of port display in the client
        if the compute has sent a list we return it (use by
        node where you can not personalize the port naming).
        self._ports = []
        # Some special cases
        if self._node_type == "atm_switch":
            atm_port = set()
            # Mapping is like {"1:0:100": "10:0:200"}
            for source, dest in self._properties["mappings"].items():
            atm_port = sorted(atm_port)
            for port in atm_port:
                self._ports.append(PortFactory(f"{port}", 0, 0, port, "atm"))

        elif self._node_type == "frame_relay_switch":
            frame_relay_port = set()
            # Mapping is like {"1:101": "10:202"}
            for source, dest in self._properties["mappings"].items():
            frame_relay_port = sorted(frame_relay_port)
            for port in frame_relay_port:
                self._ports.append(PortFactory(f"{port}", 0, 0, port, "frame_relay"))
        elif self._node_type == "dynamips":
            self._ports = DynamipsPortFactory(self._properties)
        elif self._node_type == "docker":
            for adapter_number in range(0, self._properties["adapters"]):
                custom_adapter_settings = {}
                for custom_adapter in self.custom_adapters:
                    if custom_adapter["adapter_number"] == adapter_number:
                        custom_adapter_settings = custom_adapter
                port_name = f"eth{adapter_number}"
                port_name = custom_adapter_settings.get("port_name", port_name)
                self._ports.append(PortFactory(port_name, 0, adapter_number, 0, "ethernet", short_name=port_name))
        elif self._node_type in ("ethernet_switch", "ethernet_hub"):
            # Basic node we don't want to have adapter number
            port_number = 0
            for port in self._properties.get("ports_mapping", []):
                    PortFactory(port["name"], 0, 0, port_number, "ethernet", short_name=f"e{port_number}")
                port_number += 1
        elif self._node_type in ("vpcs"):
            self._ports.append(PortFactory("Ethernet0", 0, 0, 0, "ethernet", short_name="e0"))
        elif self._node_type in ("cloud", "nat"):
            port_number = 0
            for port in self._properties.get("ports_mapping", []):
                self._ports.append(PortFactory(port["name"], 0, 0, port_number, "ethernet", short_name=port["name"]))
                port_number += 1
            self._ports = StandardPortFactory(

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"<gns3server.controller.Node {self._node_type} {self._name}>"

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Node):
            return False
        return self.id == other.id and other.project.id == self.project.id

    def asdict(self, topology_dump=False):
        :param topology_dump: Filter to keep only properties required for saving on disk

        topology = {
                "compute_id": str(self._compute.id),
                "node_id": self._id,
                "node_type": self._node_type,
                "template_id": self._template_id,
                "name": self._name,
                "console": self._console,
                "console_type": self._console_type,
                "console_auto_start": self._console_auto_start,
                "aux": self._aux,
                "aux_type": self._aux_type,
                "properties": self._properties,
                "label": self._label,
                "x": self._x,
                "y": self._y,
                "z": self._z,
                "locked": self._locked,
                "width": self._width,
                "height": self._height,
                "symbol": self._symbol,
                "port_name_format": self._port_name_format,
                "port_segment_size": self._port_segment_size,
                "first_port_name": self._first_port_name,
                "custom_adapters": self._custom_adapters,

        if topology_dump:
            return topology

        additional_data = {
            "project_id": self._project.id,
            "command_line": self._command_line,
            "status": self._status,
            "console_host": str(self._compute.console_host),
            "node_directory": self._node_directory,
            "ports": [port.asdict() for port in self.ports]
        return topology