#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2016 GNS3 Technologies Inc.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import pytest
import uuid
import asyncio
import os
from unittest.mock import MagicMock, ANY

from tests.utils import AsyncioMagicMock

from gns3server.controller.node import Node
from gns3server.controller.project import Project

def compute():
    s = AsyncioMagicMock()
    s.id = "http://test.com:42"
    return s

def project(controller):
    return Project(str(uuid.uuid4()), controller=controller)

def node(compute, project):
    node = Node(project, compute, "demo",
                properties={"startup_script": "echo test"})
    return node

def test_json(node, compute):
    assert node.__json__() == {
        "compute_id": str(compute.id),
        "project_id": node.project.id,
        "node_id": node.id,
        "node_type": node.node_type,
        "name": "demo",
        "console": node.console,
        "console_type": node.console_type,
        "console_host": str(compute.host),
        "command_line": None,
        "node_directory": None,
        "properties": node.properties,
        "status": node.status,
        "x": node.x,
        "y": node.y,
        "z": node.z,
        "symbol": node.symbol,
        "label": node.label
    assert node.__json__(topology_dump=True) == {
        "compute_id": str(compute.id),
        "node_id": node.id,
        "node_type": node.node_type,
        "name": "demo",
        "console": node.console,
        "console_type": node.console_type,
        "properties": node.properties,
        "x": node.x,
        "y": node.y,
        "z": node.z,
        "symbol": node.symbol,
        "label": node.label

def test_init_without_uuid(project, compute):
    node = Node(project, compute, "demo",
    assert node.id is not None

def test_create(node, compute, project, async_run):
    node._console = 2048

    response = MagicMock()
    response.json = {"console": 2048}
    compute.post = AsyncioMagicMock(return_value=response)

    assert async_run(node.create()) is True
    data = {
        "console": 2048,
        "console_type": "vnc",
        "node_id": node.id,
        "startup_script": "echo test",
        "name": "demo"
    compute.post.assert_called_with("/projects/{}/vpcs/nodes".format(node.project.id), data=data)
    assert node._console == 2048
    assert node._properties == {"startup_script": "echo test"}

def test_create_image_missing(node, compute, project, async_run):
    node._console = 2048

    node.__calls = 0

    def resp(*args, **kwargs):
        node.__calls += 1
        response = MagicMock()
        if node.__calls == 1:
            response.status = 409
            response.json = {"image": "linux.img", "exception": "ImageMissingError"}
            response.status = 200
        return response

    compute.post = AsyncioMagicMock(side_effect=resp)
    node._upload_missing_image = AsyncioMagicMock(return_value=True)

    assert async_run(node.create()) is True
    node._upload_missing_image.called is True

def test_update(node, compute, project, async_run, controller):
    response = MagicMock()
    response.json = {"console": 2048}
    compute.put = AsyncioMagicMock(return_value=response)
    controller._notification = AsyncioMagicMock()
    project.dump = MagicMock()

    async_run(node.update(x=42, console=2048, console_type="vnc", properties={"startup_script": "echo test"}, name="demo"))
    data = {
        "console": 2048,
        "console_type": "vnc",
        "startup_script": "echo test",
        "name": "demo"
    compute.put.assert_called_with("/projects/{}/vpcs/nodes/{}".format(node.project.id, node.id), data=data)
    assert node._console == 2048
    assert node.x == 42
    assert node._properties == {"startup_script": "echo test"}
    controller._notification.emit.assert_called_with("node.updated", node.__json__())
    assert project.dump.called

def test_update_properties(node, compute, project, async_run, controller):
    properties will be updated by the answer from compute
    response = MagicMock()
    response.json = {"console": 2048}
    compute.put = AsyncioMagicMock(return_value=response)
    controller._notification = AsyncioMagicMock()

    async_run(node.update(x=42, console=2048, console_type="vnc", properties={"startup_script": "hello world"}, name="demo"))
    data = {
        "console": 2048,
        "console_type": "vnc",
        "startup_script": "hello world",
        "name": "demo"
    compute.put.assert_called_with("/projects/{}/vpcs/nodes/{}".format(node.project.id, node.id), data=data)
    assert node._console == 2048
    assert node.x == 42
    assert node._properties == {"startup_script": "echo test"}

    # The notif should contain the old properties because it's the compute that will emit
    # the correct info
    node_notif = node.__json__()
    node_notif["properties"]["startup_config"] = "echo test"
    controller._notification.emit.assert_called_with("node.updated", node_notif)

def test_update_only_controller(node, compute, project, async_run):
    When updating property used only on controller we don't need to
    call the compute
    compute.put = AsyncioMagicMock()

    assert not compute.put.called
    assert node.x == 42

def test_update_no_changes(node, compute, project, async_run):
    We don't call the compute node if all compute properties has not changed
    response = MagicMock()
    response.json = {"console": 2048}
    compute.put = AsyncioMagicMock(return_value=response)

    async_run(node.update(console=2048, x=42))
    assert compute.put.called

    compute.put = AsyncioMagicMock()
    async_run(node.update(console=2048, x=43))
    assert not compute.put.called
    assert node.x == 43

def test_start(node, compute, project, async_run):

    compute.post = AsyncioMagicMock()

    compute.post.assert_called_with("/projects/{}/vpcs/nodes/{}/start".format(node.project.id, node.id))

def test_stop(node, compute, project, async_run):

    compute.post = AsyncioMagicMock()

    compute.post.assert_called_with("/projects/{}/vpcs/nodes/{}/stop".format(node.project.id, node.id))

def test_suspend(node, compute, project, async_run):

    compute.post = AsyncioMagicMock()

    compute.post.assert_called_with("/projects/{}/vpcs/nodes/{}/suspend".format(node.project.id, node.id))

def test_reload(node, compute, project, async_run):

    compute.post = AsyncioMagicMock()

    compute.post.assert_called_with("/projects/{}/vpcs/nodes/{}/reload".format(node.project.id, node.id))

def test_create_without_console(node, compute, project, async_run):
    None properties should be send. Because it can mean the emulator doesn"t support it

    response = MagicMock()
    response.json = {"console": 2048, "test_value": "success"}
    compute.post = AsyncioMagicMock(return_value=response)

    data = {
        "console_type": "vnc",
        "node_id": node.id,
        "startup_script": "echo test",
        "name": "demo"
    compute.post.assert_called_with("/projects/{}/vpcs/nodes".format(node.project.id), data=data)
    assert node._console == 2048
    assert node._properties == {"test_value": "success", "startup_script": "echo test"}

def test_delete(node, compute, async_run):
    compute.delete.assert_called_with("/projects/{}/vpcs/nodes/{}".format(node.project.id, node.id))

def test_post(node, compute, async_run):
    async_run(node.post("/test", {"a": "b"}))
    compute.post.assert_called_with("/projects/{}/vpcs/nodes/{}/test".format(node.project.id, node.id), data={"a": "b"})

def test_delete(node, compute, async_run):
    compute.delete.assert_called_with("/projects/{}/vpcs/nodes/{}/test".format(node.project.id, node.id))

def test_dynamips_idle_pc(node, async_run, compute):
    node._node_type = "dynamips"
    response = MagicMock()
    response.json = {"idlepc": "0x60606f54"}
    compute.get = AsyncioMagicMock(return_value=response)

    compute.get.assert_called_with("/projects/{}/dynamips/nodes/{}/auto_idlepc".format(node.project.id, node.id), timeout=240)

def test_dynamips_idlepc_proposals(node, async_run, compute):
    node._node_type = "dynamips"
    response = MagicMock()
    response.json = ["0x60606f54", "0x30ff6f37"]
    compute.get = AsyncioMagicMock(return_value=response)

    compute.get.assert_called_with("/projects/{}/dynamips/nodes/{}/idlepc_proposals".format(node.project.id, node.id), timeout=240)

def test_upload_missing_image(compute, controller, async_run, images_dir):
    project = Project(str(uuid.uuid4()), controller=controller)
    node = Node(project, compute, "demo",
                properties={"hda_disk_image": "linux.img"})
    open(os.path.join(images_dir, "linux.img"), 'w+').close()
    assert async_run(node._upload_missing_image("qemu", "linux.img")) is True
    compute.post.assert_called_with("/qemu/images/linux.img", data=ANY, timeout=None)

def test_update_label(node):
    The text in label need to be always the
    node name
    node.name = "Test"
    assert node.label["text"] == "Test"
    node.label = {"text": "Wrong", "x": 12}
    assert node.label["text"] == "Test"
    assert node.label["x"] == 12