#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) 2019 GNS3 Technologies Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """ Iterable ZIP archive generator. Derived directly from zipfile.py and the zipstream project https://github.com/allanlei/python-zipstream """ import os import sys import stat import struct import time import zipfile import asyncio import aiofiles from concurrent import futures from zipfile import (structCentralDir, structEndArchive64, structEndArchive, structEndArchive64Locator, stringCentralDir, stringEndArchive64, stringEndArchive, stringEndArchive64Locator) stringDataDescriptor = b'PK\x07\x08' # magic number for data descriptor def _get_compressor(compress_type): """ Return the compressor. """ if compress_type == zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED: from zipfile import zlib return zlib.compressobj(zlib.Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, zlib.DEFLATED, -15) elif compress_type == zipfile.ZIP_BZIP2: from zipfile import bz2 return bz2.BZ2Compressor() elif compress_type == zipfile.ZIP_LZMA: from zipfile import LZMACompressor return LZMACompressor() else: return None class PointerIO(object): def __init__(self, mode='wb'): if mode not in ('wb', ): raise RuntimeError('zipstream.ZipFile() requires mode "wb"') self.data_pointer = 0 self.__mode = mode self.__closed = False @property def mode(self): return self.__mode @property def closed(self): return self.__closed def close(self): self.__closed = True def flush(self): pass def next(self): raise NotImplementedError() def tell(self): return self.data_pointer def truncate(size=None): raise NotImplementedError() def write(self, data): if self.closed: raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed file') if isinstance(data, str): data = data.encode('utf-8') if not isinstance(data, bytes): raise TypeError('expected bytes') self.data_pointer += len(data) return data class ZipInfo(zipfile.ZipInfo): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): zipfile.ZipInfo.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def DataDescriptor(self): """ crc-32 4 bytes compressed size 4 bytes uncompressed size 4 bytes """ if self.compress_size > zipfile.ZIP64_LIMIT or self.file_size > zipfile.ZIP64_LIMIT: fmt = b'<4sLQQ' else: fmt = b'<4sLLL' return struct.pack(fmt, stringDataDescriptor, self.CRC, self.compress_size, self.file_size) class ZipFile(zipfile.ZipFile): def __init__(self, fileobj=None, mode='w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_STORED, allowZip64=True, chunksize=32768): """Open the ZIP file with mode write "w".""" if mode not in ('w', ): raise RuntimeError('aiozipstream.ZipFile() requires mode "w"') if fileobj is None: fileobj = PointerIO() self._comment = b'' zipfile.ZipFile.__init__(self, fileobj, mode=mode, compression=compression, allowZip64=allowZip64) self._chunksize = chunksize self.paths_to_write = [] def __aiter__(self): return self._stream() @property def comment(self): """ The comment text associated with the ZIP file. """ return self._comment @comment.setter def comment(self, comment): """ Add a comment text associated with the ZIP file. """ if not isinstance(comment, bytes): raise TypeError("comment: expected bytes, got %s" % type(comment)) # check for valid comment length if len(comment) >= zipfile.ZIP_MAX_COMMENT: if self.debug: print('Archive comment is too long; truncating to %d bytes' % zipfile.ZIP_MAX_COMMENT) comment = comment[:zipfile.ZIP_MAX_COMMENT] self._comment = comment self._didModify = True async def data_generator(self, path, islink=False): if islink: yield os.readlink(path).encode() else: async with aiofiles.open(path, "rb") as f: while True: part = await f.read(self._chunksize) if not part: break yield part return async def _run_in_executor(self, task, *args, **kwargs): """ Run synchronous task in separate thread and await for result. """ loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() return await loop.run_in_executor(futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1), task, *args, **kwargs) async def _stream(self): for kwargs in self.paths_to_write: async for chunk in self._write(**kwargs): yield chunk for chunk in self._close(): yield chunk def write(self, filename, arcname=None, compress_type=None): """ Write a file to the archive under the name `arcname`. """ kwargs = {'filename': filename, 'arcname': arcname, 'compress_type': compress_type} self.paths_to_write.append(kwargs) def write_iter(self, arcname, iterable, compress_type=None): """ Write the bytes iterable `iterable` to the archive under the name `arcname`. """ kwargs = {'arcname': arcname, 'iterable': iterable, 'compress_type': compress_type} self.paths_to_write.append(kwargs) def writestr(self, arcname, data, compress_type=None): """ Writes a str into ZipFile by wrapping data as a generator """ def _iterable(): yield data return self.write_iter(arcname, _iterable(), compress_type=compress_type) async def _write(self, filename=None, iterable=None, arcname=None, compress_type=None): """ Put the bytes from filename into the archive under the name `arcname`. """ if not self.fp: raise RuntimeError( "Attempt to write to ZIP archive that was already closed") if (filename is None and iterable is None) or (filename is not None and iterable is not None): raise ValueError("either (exclusively) filename or iterable shall be not None") if filename: st = os.stat(filename, follow_symlinks=False) isdir = stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) islink = stat.S_ISLNK(st.st_mode) mtime = time.localtime(st.st_mtime) date_time = mtime[0:6] else: st, isdir, islink, date_time = None, False, False, time.localtime()[0:6] # Create ZipInfo instance to store file information if arcname is None: arcname = filename arcname = os.path.normpath(os.path.splitdrive(arcname)[1]) while arcname[0] in (os.sep, os.altsep): arcname = arcname[1:] if isdir: arcname += '/' zinfo = ZipInfo(arcname, date_time) if st: zinfo.external_attr = (st[0] & 0xFFFF) << 16 # Unix attributes else: zinfo.external_attr = 0o600 << 16 # ?rw------- if compress_type is None: zinfo.compress_type = self.compression else: zinfo.compress_type = compress_type if st: zinfo.file_size = st[6] else: zinfo.file_size = 0 zinfo.flag_bits = 0x00 zinfo.flag_bits |= 0x08 # ZIP flag bits, bit 3 indicates presence of data descriptor zinfo.header_offset = self.fp.tell() # Start of header bytes if zinfo.compress_type == zipfile.ZIP_LZMA: # Compressed data includes an end-of-stream (EOS) marker zinfo.flag_bits |= 0x02 self._writecheck(zinfo) self._didModify = True if isdir: zinfo.file_size = 0 zinfo.compress_size = 0 zinfo.CRC = 0 self.filelist.append(zinfo) self.NameToInfo[zinfo.filename] = zinfo yield self.fp.write(zinfo.FileHeader(False)) return cmpr = _get_compressor(zinfo.compress_type) # Must overwrite CRC and sizes with correct data later zinfo.CRC = CRC = 0 zinfo.compress_size = compress_size = 0 # Compressed size can be larger than uncompressed size zip64 = self._allowZip64 and zinfo.file_size * 1.05 > zipfile.ZIP64_LIMIT yield self.fp.write(zinfo.FileHeader(zip64)) file_size = 0 if filename: async for buf in self.data_generator(filename, islink): file_size = file_size + len(buf) CRC = zipfile.crc32(buf, CRC) & 0xffffffff if cmpr: buf = await self._run_in_executor(cmpr.compress, buf) compress_size = compress_size + len(buf) yield self.fp.write(buf) else: # we have an iterable for buf in iterable: file_size = file_size + len(buf) CRC = zipfile.crc32(buf, CRC) & 0xffffffff if cmpr: buf = await self._run_in_executor(cmpr.compress, buf) compress_size = compress_size + len(buf) yield self.fp.write(buf) if cmpr: buf = cmpr.flush() compress_size = compress_size + len(buf) yield self.fp.write(buf) zinfo.compress_size = compress_size else: zinfo.compress_size = file_size zinfo.CRC = CRC zinfo.file_size = file_size if not zip64 and self._allowZip64: if file_size > zipfile.ZIP64_LIMIT: raise RuntimeError('File size has increased during compressing') if compress_size > zipfile.ZIP64_LIMIT: raise RuntimeError('Compressed size larger than uncompressed size') yield self.fp.write(zinfo.DataDescriptor()) self.filelist.append(zinfo) self.NameToInfo[zinfo.filename] = zinfo def _close(self): """ Close the file, and for mode "w" write the ending records. """ if self.fp is None: return try: if self.mode in ('w', 'a') and self._didModify: # write ending records count = 0 pos1 = self.fp.tell() for zinfo in self.filelist: # write central directory count = count + 1 dt = zinfo.date_time dosdate = (dt[0] - 1980) << 9 | dt[1] << 5 | dt[2] dostime = dt[3] << 11 | dt[4] << 5 | (dt[5] // 2) extra = [] if zinfo.file_size > zipfile.ZIP64_LIMIT or zinfo.compress_size > zipfile.ZIP64_LIMIT: extra.append(zinfo.file_size) extra.append(zinfo.compress_size) file_size = 0xffffffff compress_size = 0xffffffff else: file_size = zinfo.file_size compress_size = zinfo.compress_size if zinfo.header_offset > zipfile.ZIP64_LIMIT: extra.append(zinfo.header_offset) header_offset = 0xffffffff else: header_offset = zinfo.header_offset extra_data = zinfo.extra min_version = 0 if extra: # Append a ZIP64 field to the extra's extra_data = struct.pack( b'<HH' + b'Q'*len(extra), 1, 8*len(extra), *extra) + extra_data min_version = zipfile.ZIP64_VERSION if zinfo.compress_type == zipfile.ZIP_BZIP2: min_version = max(zipfile.BZIP2_VERSION, min_version) elif zinfo.compress_type == zipfile.ZIP_LZMA: min_version = max(zipfile.LZMA_VERSION, min_version) extract_version = max(min_version, zinfo.extract_version) create_version = max(min_version, zinfo.create_version) try: filename, flag_bits = zinfo._encodeFilenameFlags() centdir = struct.pack(structCentralDir, stringCentralDir, create_version, zinfo.create_system, extract_version, zinfo.reserved, flag_bits, zinfo.compress_type, dostime, dosdate, zinfo.CRC, compress_size, file_size, len(filename), len(extra_data), len(zinfo.comment), 0, zinfo.internal_attr, zinfo.external_attr, header_offset) except DeprecationWarning: print((structCentralDir, stringCentralDir, create_version, zinfo.create_system, extract_version, zinfo.reserved, zinfo.flag_bits, zinfo.compress_type, dostime, dosdate, zinfo.CRC, compress_size, file_size, len(zinfo.filename), len(extra_data), len(zinfo.comment), 0, zinfo.internal_attr, zinfo.external_attr, header_offset), file=sys.stderr) raise yield self.fp.write(centdir) yield self.fp.write(filename) yield self.fp.write(extra_data) yield self.fp.write(zinfo.comment) pos2 = self.fp.tell() # Write end-of-zip-archive record centDirCount = count centDirSize = pos2 - pos1 centDirOffset = pos1 if (centDirCount >= zipfile.ZIP_FILECOUNT_LIMIT or centDirOffset > zipfile.ZIP64_LIMIT or centDirSize > zipfile.ZIP64_LIMIT): # Need to write the ZIP64 end-of-archive records zip64endrec = struct.pack( structEndArchive64, stringEndArchive64, 44, 45, 45, 0, 0, centDirCount, centDirCount, centDirSize, centDirOffset) yield self.fp.write(zip64endrec) zip64locrec = struct.pack( structEndArchive64Locator, stringEndArchive64Locator, 0, pos2, 1) yield self.fp.write(zip64locrec) centDirCount = min(centDirCount, 0xFFFF) centDirSize = min(centDirSize, 0xFFFFFFFF) centDirOffset = min(centDirOffset, 0xFFFFFFFF) endrec = struct.pack(structEndArchive, stringEndArchive, 0, 0, centDirCount, centDirCount, centDirSize, centDirOffset, len(self._comment)) yield self.fp.write(endrec) yield self.fp.write(self._comment) self.fp.flush() finally: fp = self.fp self.fp = None if not self._filePassed: fp.close()