#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2016 GNS3 Technologies Inc.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
import sys
import copy
import asyncio
import aiohttp
import ipaddress
from ...utils.asyncio import locked_coroutine, asyncio_ensure_future
from .vmware_gns3_vm import VMwareGNS3VM
from .virtualbox_gns3_vm import VirtualBoxGNS3VM
from .hyperv_gns3_vm import HyperVGNS3VM
from .remote_gns3_vm import RemoteGNS3VM
from .gns3_vm_error import GNS3VMError
from ...version import __version__
from ..compute import ComputeError
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class GNS3VM:
Proxy between the controller and the GNS3 VM engine
def __init__(self, controller, settings={}):
self._controller = controller
# Keep instance of the loaded engines
self._engines = {}
self._settings = {
"vmname": None,
"when_exit": "stop",
"headless": False,
"enable": False,
"engine": "vmware",
"ram": 2048,
"vcpus": 1
self.settings = settings
def engine_list(self):
:returns: Return list of engines supported by GNS3 for the GNS3VM
download_url = "https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/releases/download/v{version}/GNS3.VM.VMware.Workstation.{version}.zip".format(version=__version__)
vmware_info = {
"engine_id": "vmware",
"description": 'VMware is the recommended choice for best performances.
The GNS3 VM can be downloaded here.'.format(download_url),
"support_when_exit": True,
"support_headless": True,
"support_ram": True
if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"):
vmware_info["name"] = "VMware Fusion (recommended)"
vmware_info["name"] = "VMware Workstation / Player (recommended)"
hyperv_info = {
"engine_id": "hyper-v",
"name": "Hyper-V",
"description": 'Hyper-V support (Windows 10/Server 2016 and above). Nested virtualization must be supported and enabled (Intel processor only)',
"support_when_exit": True,
"support_headless": False,
"support_ram": True
download_url = "https://github.com/GNS3/gns3-gui/releases/download/v{version}/GNS3.VM.VirtualBox.{version}.zip".format(version=__version__)
virtualbox_info = {
"engine_id": "virtualbox",
"name": "VirtualBox (deprecated)",
"description": 'VirtualBox doesn\'t support nested virtualization, this means Qemu based VMs will run extremely slowly. This feature is marked as deprecated and support may be removed from future GNS3 releases.
The GNS3 VM can be downloaded here'.format(download_url),
"support_when_exit": True,
"support_headless": True,
"support_ram": True
remote_info = {
"engine_id": "remote",
"name": "Remote",
"description": "Use a remote GNS3 server as the GNS3 VM.",
"support_when_exit": False,
"support_headless": False,
"support_ram": False
engines = [vmware_info,
if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
return engines
def current_engine(self):
return self._get_engine(self._settings["engine"])
def engine(self):
return self._settings["engine"]
def ip_address(self):
Returns the GNS3 VM IP address.
:returns: VM IP address
return self.current_engine().ip_address
def running(self):
Returns if the GNS3 VM is running.
:returns: Boolean
return self.current_engine().running
def user(self):
Returns the GNS3 VM user.
:returns: VM user
return self.current_engine().user
def password(self):
Returns the GNS3 VM password.
:returns: VM password
return self.current_engine().password
def port(self):
Returns the GNS3 VM port.
:returns: VM port
return self.current_engine().port
def protocol(self):
Returns the GNS3 VM protocol.
:returns: VM protocol
return self.current_engine().protocol
def enable(self):
The GNSVM is activated
return self._settings.get("enable", False)
def when_exit(self):
What should be done when exit
return self._settings["when_exit"]
def settings(self):
return self._settings
def settings(self, val):
def update_settings(self, settings):
Update settings and will restart the VM if require
new_settings = copy.copy(self._settings)
if self.settings != new_settings:
yield from self._stop()
self._settings = settings
if self.enable:
yield from self.start()
# When user fix something on his system and try again
if self.enable and not self.current_engine().running:
yield from self.start()
def _get_engine(self, engine):
Load an engine
if engine in self._engines:
return self._engines[engine]
if engine == "vmware":
self._engines["vmware"] = VMwareGNS3VM(self._controller)
return self._engines["vmware"]
elif engine == "hyper-v":
self._engines["hyper-v"] = HyperVGNS3VM(self._controller)
return self._engines["hyper-v"]
elif engine == "virtualbox":
self._engines["virtualbox"] = VirtualBoxGNS3VM(self._controller)
return self._engines["virtualbox"]
elif engine == "remote":
self._engines["remote"] = RemoteGNS3VM(self._controller)
return self._engines["remote"]
raise NotImplementedError("The engine {} for the GNS3 VM is not supported".format(engine))
def __json__(self):
return self._settings
def list(self, engine):
List VMS for an engine
engine = self._get_engine(engine)
vms = []
for vm in (yield from engine.list()):
vms.append({"vmname": vm["vmname"]})
except GNS3VMError as e:
# We raise error only if user activated the GNS3 VM
# otherwise you have noise when VMware is not installed
if self.enable:
raise e
return vms
def auto_start_vm(self):
Auto start the GNS3 VM if require
if self.enable:
yield from self.start()
except GNS3VMError as e:
# User will receive the error later when they will try to use the node
yield from self._controller.add_compute(compute_id="vm",
name="GNS3 VM ({})".format(self.current_engine().vmname),
except aiohttp.web.HTTPConflict:
log.error("Can't start the GNS3 VM: %s", str(e))
def exit_vm(self):
if self.enable:
if self._settings["when_exit"] == "stop":
yield from self._stop()
elif self._settings["when_exit"] == "suspend":
yield from self._suspend()
except GNS3VMError as e:
def start(self):
Start the GNS3 VM
engine = self.current_engine()
if not engine.running:
if self._settings["vmname"] is None:
log.info("Start the GNS3 VM")
engine.vmname = self._settings["vmname"]
engine.ram = self._settings["ram"]
engine.vcpus = self._settings["vcpus"]
engine.headless = self._settings["headless"]
compute = yield from self._controller.add_compute(compute_id="vm",
name="GNS3 VM is starting ({})".format(engine.vmname),
yield from engine.start()
except Exception as e:
yield from self._controller.delete_compute("vm")
log.error("Can't start the GNS3 VM: {}".format(str(e)))
yield from compute.update(name="GNS3 VM ({})".format(engine.vmname))
raise e
yield from compute.connect() # we can connect now that the VM has started
yield from compute.update(name="GNS3 VM ({})".format(engine.vmname),
# check if the VM is in the same subnet as the local server, start 10 seconds later to give
# some time for the compute in the VM to be ready for requests
asyncio.get_event_loop().call_later(10, lambda: asyncio_ensure_future(self._check_network(compute)))
def _check_network(self, compute):
Check that the VM is in the same subnet as the local server
vm_interfaces = yield from compute.interfaces()
vm_interface_netmask = None
for interface in vm_interfaces:
if interface["ip_address"] == self.ip_address:
vm_interface_netmask = interface["netmask"]
if vm_interface_netmask:
vm_network = ipaddress.ip_interface("{}/{}".format(compute.host_ip, vm_interface_netmask)).network
for compute_id in self._controller.computes:
if compute_id == "local":
compute = self._controller.get_compute(compute_id)
interfaces = yield from compute.interfaces()
netmask = None
for interface in interfaces:
if interface["ip_address"] == compute.host_ip:
netmask = interface["netmask"]
if netmask:
compute_network = ipaddress.ip_interface("{}/{}".format(compute.host_ip, netmask)).network
if vm_network.compare_networks(compute_network) != 0:
msg = "The GNS3 VM ({}) is not on the same network as the {} server ({}), please make sure the local server binding is in the same network as the GNS3 VM".format(
vm_network, compute_id, compute_network)
self._controller.notification.controller_emit("log.warning", {"message": msg})
except ComputeError as e:
log.warning("Could not check the VM is in the same subnet as the local server: {}".format(e))
def _suspend(self):
Suspend the GNS3 VM
engine = self.current_engine()
if "vm" in self._controller.computes:
yield from self._controller.delete_compute("vm")
if engine.running:
log.info("Suspend the GNS3 VM")
yield from engine.suspend()
def _stop(self):
Stop the GNS3 VM
engine = self.current_engine()
if "vm" in self._controller.computes:
yield from self._controller.delete_compute("vm")
if engine.running:
log.info("Stop the GNS3 VM")
yield from engine.stop()