#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) 2020 GNS3 Technologies Inc. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import copy import uuid from pydantic import ValidationError from fastapi.encoders import jsonable_encoder from gns3server import schemas import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) ID_TO_CATEGORY = { 3: "firewall", 2: "guest", 1: "switch", 0: "router" } TEMPLATE_TYPE_TO_SHEMA = { "cloud": schemas.CloudTemplate, "ethernet_hub": schemas.EthernetHubTemplate, "ethernet_switch": schemas.EthernetSwitchTemplate, "docker": schemas.DockerTemplate, "dynamips": schemas.DynamipsTemplate, "vpcs": schemas.VPCSTemplate, "virtualbox": schemas.VirtualBoxTemplate, "vmware": schemas.VMwareTemplate, "iou": schemas.IOUTemplate, "qemu": schemas.QemuTemplate } DYNAMIPS_PLATFORM_TO_SHEMA = { "c7200": schemas.C7200DynamipsTemplate, "c3745": schemas.C3745DynamipsTemplate, "c3725": schemas.C3725DynamipsTemplate, "c3600": schemas.C3600DynamipsTemplate, "c2691": schemas.C2691DynamipsTemplate, "c2600": schemas.C2600DynamipsTemplate, "c1700": schemas.C1700DynamipsTemplate } class Template: def __init__(self, template_id, settings, builtin=False): if template_id is None: self._id = str(uuid.uuid4()) elif isinstance(template_id, uuid.UUID): self._id = str(template_id) else: self._id = template_id self._settings = copy.deepcopy(settings) # Version of the gui before 2.1 use linked_base # and the server linked_clone if "linked_base" in self.settings: linked_base = self._settings.pop("linked_base") if "linked_clone" not in self._settings: self._settings["linked_clone"] = linked_base # Convert old GUI category to text category try: self._settings["category"] = ID_TO_CATEGORY[self._settings["category"]] except KeyError: pass # The "server" setting has been replaced by "compute_id" setting in version 2.2 if "server" in self._settings: self._settings["compute_id"] = self._settings.pop("server") # The "node_type" setting has been replaced by "template_type" setting in version 2.2 if "node_type" in self._settings: self._settings["template_type"] = self._settings.pop("node_type") # Remove an old IOU setting if self._settings["template_type"] == "iou" and "image" in self._settings: del self._settings["image"] self._builtin = builtin if builtin is False: try: template_schema = TEMPLATE_TYPE_TO_SHEMA[self.template_type] template_settings_with_defaults = template_schema.parse_obj(self.__json__()) self._settings = jsonable_encoder(template_settings_with_defaults.dict()) if self.template_type == "dynamips": # special case for Dynamips to cover all platform types that contain specific settings dynamips_template_schema = DYNAMIPS_PLATFORM_TO_SHEMA[self._settings["platform"]] dynamips_template_settings_with_defaults = dynamips_template_schema.parse_obj(self.__json__()) self._settings = jsonable_encoder(dynamips_template_settings_with_defaults.dict()) except ValidationError as e: print(e) #TODO: handle errors raise log.debug('Template "{name}" [{id}] loaded'.format(name=self.name, id=self._id)) @property def id(self): return self._id @property def settings(self): return self._settings @settings.setter def settings(self, settings): self._settings.update(settings) @property def name(self): return self._settings["name"] @property def compute_id(self): return self._settings["compute_id"] @property def template_type(self): return self._settings["template_type"] @property def builtin(self): return self._builtin def update(self, **kwargs): from gns3server.controller import Controller controller = Controller.instance() Controller.instance().check_can_write_config() self._settings.update(kwargs) controller.notification.controller_emit("template.updated", self.__json__()) controller.save() def __json__(self): """ Template settings. """ settings = self._settings settings.update({"template_id": self._id, "builtin": self.builtin}) if self.builtin: # builin templates have compute_id set to None to tell clients # to select a compute settings["compute_id"] = None else: settings["compute_id"] = self.compute_id return settings