index 9fd09c9b..86a37fa8 100644
@@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
 # Change Log
+## 2.2.52 02/12/2024
+* Bundle web-ui v2.2.52
+* Sync appliances
+* Remove restrictions based on file extension when listing images and fix ELF header checks
+* Fix use project name instead of ID for fast duplication when running local server. Fixes #2446
+* Overwrite user resources when the originals have changed.
+* Relax setuptools requirement to allow for easier Debian packaging on Ubuntu Focal & Jammy
 ## 3.0.0rc2 20/11/2024
 * Bundle web-ui v3.0.0rc2
diff --git a/gns3server/appliances/cisco-7200.gns3a b/gns3server/appliances/cisco-7200.gns3a
index 6638702b..3e723e50 100644
--- a/gns3server/appliances/cisco-7200.gns3a
+++ b/gns3server/appliances/cisco-7200.gns3a
@@ -33,11 +33,23 @@
             "md5sum": "cbbbea66a253f1dac0fcf81274dc778d",
             "filesize": 87756936
+        {
+            "filename": "c7200-adventerprisek9-mz.152-4.M11.image",
+            "version": "152-4.M11",
+            "md5sum": "9a2005ad09ce1ec6fe7cf9af1e9b099e",
+            "filesize": 128487680
+        },
             "filename": "c7200-adventerprisek9-mz.124-24.T5.image",
             "version": "124-24.T5",
             "md5sum": "6b89d0d804e1f2bb5b8bda66b5692047",
             "filesize": 102345240
+        },
+        {
+            "filename": "c7200-a3jk9s-mz.124-25g.image",
+            "version": "124-25G",
+            "md5sum": "9c7cc9b3f3b3571411a7f62faaa2c036",
+            "filesize": 71528984
     "versions": [
@@ -55,12 +67,26 @@
                 "image": "c7200-advipservicesk9-mz.152-4.S5.image"
+        {
+            "name": "152-4.M11",
+            "idlepc": "0x6062e5c0",
+            "images": {
+                "image": "c7200-adventerprisek9-mz.152-4.M11.image"
+            }
+        },
             "name": "124-24.T5",
             "idlepc": "0x606df838",
             "images": {
                 "image": "c7200-adventerprisek9-mz.124-24.T5.image"
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "124-25G",
+            "idlepc": "0x6066a998",
+            "images": {
+                "image": "c7200-a3jk9s-mz.124-25g.image"
+            }
diff --git a/gns3server/appliances/cisco-asav.gns3a b/gns3server/appliances/cisco-asav.gns3a
index 48ee3196..eacc48d8 100644
--- a/gns3server/appliances/cisco-asav.gns3a
+++ b/gns3server/appliances/cisco-asav.gns3a
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
     "status": "stable",
     "maintainer": "GNS3 Team",
     "maintainer_email": "developers@gns3.net",
-    "usage": "There is no default password and enable password. A default configuration is present. ASAv goes through a double-boot before becoming active. This is normal and expected.",
+    "usage": "There is no default password and enable password. A default configuration is present. ASAv goes through a double-boot before becoming active. This is normal and expected. Switch to the Telnet console type after the first boot.",
     "symbol": ":/symbols/asa.svg",
     "first_port_name": "Management0/0",
     "port_name_format": "Gi0/{0}",
@@ -26,6 +26,13 @@
         "kvm": "require"
     "images": [
+        {
+            "filename": "asav9-22-1-1.qcow2",
+            "version": " CML",
+            "md5sum": "250a924cdc2370208eaac9d1dc8dc9e3",
+            "filesize": 379518976,
+            "download_url": "https://learningnetworkstore.cisco.com/cisco-modeling-labs-personal/cisco-modeling-labs-personal/CML-PERSONAL.html"
+        },
             "filename": "asav9-18-2.qcow2",
             "version": "9.18.2 CML",
@@ -126,6 +133,12 @@
     "versions": [
+        {
+            "name": " CML",
+            "images": {
+                "hda_disk_image": "asav9-22-1-1.qcow2"
+            }
+        },
             "name": "9.18.2 CML",
             "images": {
diff --git a/gns3server/appliances/cisco-iou-l2.gns3a b/gns3server/appliances/cisco-iou-l2.gns3a
index 546cc36c..031a608a 100644
--- a/gns3server/appliances/cisco-iou-l2.gns3a
+++ b/gns3server/appliances/cisco-iou-l2.gns3a
@@ -13,11 +13,17 @@
     "iou": {
         "ethernet_adapters": 4,
         "serial_adapters": 0,
-        "nvram": 128,
-        "ram": 256,
+        "nvram": 512,
+        "ram": 512,
         "startup_config": "iou_l2_base_startup-config.txt"
     "images": [
+        {
+            "filename": "x86_64_crb_linux_l2-adventerprisek9-ms.iol",
+            "version": "17.15.1",
+            "md5sum": "6c587cdfd5056078e70b3f6c26800d66",
+            "filesize": 243251976
+        },
             "filename": "x86_64_crb_linux_l2-adventerprisek9-ms.bin",
             "version": "17.12.1",
@@ -44,6 +50,12 @@
     "versions": [
+        {
+            "name": "17.15.1",
+            "images": {
+                "image": "x86_64_crb_linux_l2-adventerprisek9-ms.iol"
+            }
+        },
             "name": "17.12.1",
             "images": {
diff --git a/gns3server/appliances/cisco-iou-l3.gns3a b/gns3server/appliances/cisco-iou-l3.gns3a
index f7328449..296fd05d 100644
--- a/gns3server/appliances/cisco-iou-l3.gns3a
+++ b/gns3server/appliances/cisco-iou-l3.gns3a
@@ -13,11 +13,17 @@
     "iou": {
         "ethernet_adapters": 2,
         "serial_adapters": 2,
-        "nvram": 128,
-        "ram": 256,
+        "nvram": 512,
+        "ram": 512,
         "startup_config": "iou_l3_base_startup-config.txt"
     "images": [
+        {
+            "filename": "x86_64_crb_linux-adventerprisek9-ms.iol",
+            "version": "17.15.1",
+            "md5sum": "5d584f6cfbeaadc87d55f613da1049ed",
+            "filesize": 292001512
+        },
             "filename": "x86_64_crb_linux-adventerprisek9-ms.bin",
             "version": "17.12.1",
@@ -44,6 +50,12 @@
     "versions": [
+        {
+            "name": "17.15.1",
+            "images": {
+                "image": "x86_64_crb_linux-adventerprisek9-ms.iol"
+            }
+        },
             "name": "17.12.1",
             "images": {
diff --git a/gns3server/controller/project.py b/gns3server/controller/project.py
index c1da4586..2d91069a 100644
--- a/gns3server/controller/project.py
+++ b/gns3server/controller/project.py
@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ class Project:
         if node_type == "iou":
             async with self._iou_id_lock:
-                # wait for a IOU node to be completely created before adding a new one
+                # wait for an IOU node to be completely created before adding a new one
                 # this is important otherwise we allocate the same application ID (used
                 # to generate MAC addresses) when creating multiple IOU node at the same time
                 if "properties" in kwargs.keys():
@@ -1352,7 +1352,10 @@ class Project:
         p_work = pathlib.Path(self.path).parent.absolute()
         t0 = time.time()
         new_project_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
-        new_project_path = p_work.joinpath(new_project_id)
+        if location:
+            new_project_path = p_work.joinpath(location)
+        else:
+            new_project_path = p_work.joinpath(new_project_id)
         # copy dir
         await wait_run_in_executor(shutil.copytree, self.path, new_project_path.as_posix(), symlinks=True, ignore_dangling_symlinks=True)
         log.info("Project content copied from '{}' to '{}' in {}s".format(self.path, new_project_path, time.time() - t0))
diff --git a/gns3server/utils/images.py b/gns3server/utils/images.py
index 2223ddcf..f91041ab 100644
--- a/gns3server/utils/images.py
+++ b/gns3server/utils/images.py
@@ -62,42 +62,53 @@ async def list_images(image_type):
         directory = os.path.normpath(directory)
         for root, _, filenames in _os_walk(directory, recurse=recurse):
             for filename in filenames:
-                if filename not in files:
-                    if filename.endswith(".md5sum") or filename.startswith("."):
+                if filename in files:
+                    log.debug("File {} has already been found, skipping...".format(filename))
+                    continue
+                if filename.endswith(".md5sum") or filename.startswith("."):
+                    continue
+                files.add(filename)
+                filesize = os.stat(os.path.join(root, filename)).st_size
+                if filesize < 7:
+                    log.debug("File {} is too small to be an image, skipping...".format(filename))
+                    continue
+                try:
+                    with open(os.path.join(root, filename), "rb") as f:
+                        # read the first 7 bytes of the file.
+                        elf_header_start = f.read(7)
+                    if image_type == "dynamips" and elf_header_start != b'\x7fELF\x01\x02\x01':
+                        # IOS images must start with the ELF magic number, be 32-bit, big endian and have an ELF version of 1
+                        log.warning("IOS image {} does not start with a valid ELF magic number, skipping...".format(filename))
+                        continue
+                    elif image_type == "iou" and elf_header_start != b'\x7fELF\x02\x01\x01' and elf_header_start != b'\x7fELF\x01\x01\x01':
+                        # IOU images must start with the ELF magic number, be 32-bit or 64-bit, little endian and have an ELF version of 1
+                        log.warning("IOU image {} does not start with a valid ELF magic number, skipping...".format(filename))
+                        continue
+                    elif image_type == "qemu" and elf_header_start[:4] == b'\x7fELF':
+                        # QEMU images should not start with an ELF magic number
+                        log.warning("QEMU image {} starts with an ELF magic number, skipping...".format(filename))
-                    elif (
-                        ((filename.endswith(".image") or filename.endswith(".bin")) and image_type == "dynamips")
-                        or ((filename.endswith(".bin") or filename.startswith("i86bi")) and image_type == "iou")
-                        or (not filename.endswith(".bin") and not filename.endswith(".image") and image_type == "qemu")
-                    ):
-                        files.add(filename)
-                        # It the image is located in the standard directory the path is relative
-                        if os.path.commonprefix([root, default_directory]) != default_directory:
-                            path = os.path.join(root, filename)
-                        else:
-                            path = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, filename), default_directory)
+                    # It the image is located in the standard directory the path is relative
+                    if os.path.commonprefix([root, default_directory]) != default_directory:
+                        path = os.path.join(root, filename)
+                    else:
+                        path = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, filename), default_directory)
-                        try:
-                            if image_type in ["dynamips", "iou"]:
-                                with open(os.path.join(root, filename), "rb") as f:
-                                    # read the first 7 bytes of the file.
-                                    elf_header_start = f.read(7)
-                                # valid IOU or IOS images must start with the ELF magic number, be 32-bit or 64-bit,
-                                # little endian and have an ELF version of 1
-                                if elf_header_start != b'\x7fELF\x02\x01\x01' and elf_header_start != b'\x7fELF\x01\x01\x01':
-                                    continue
-                            images.append(
-                                {
-                                    "filename": filename,
-                                    "path": force_unix_path(path),
-                                    "md5sum": await wait_run_in_executor(md5sum, os.path.join(root, filename)),
-                                    "filesize": os.stat(os.path.join(root, filename)).st_size,
+                    images.append(
+                        {
+                            "filename": filename,
+                            "path": force_unix_path(path),
+                            "md5sum": await wait_run_in_executor(md5sum, os.path.join(root, filename)),
+                            "filesize": filesize,
-                        except OSError as e:
-                            log.warning(f"Can't add image {path}: {str(e)}")
+                except OSError as e:
+                    log.warning(f"Can't add image {path}: {str(e)}")
     return images
@@ -155,6 +166,23 @@ async def discover_images(image_type: str, skip_image_paths: list = None) -> Lis
                 except InvalidImageError as e:
+                    # It the image is located in the standard directory the path is relative
+                    if os.path.commonprefix([root, default_directory]) != default_directory:
+                        path = os.path.join(root, filename)
+                    else:
+                        path = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, filename), default_directory)
+                    images.append(
+                        {
+                            "filename": filename,
+                            "path": force_unix_path(path),
+                            "md5sum": md5sum(os.path.join(root, filename)),
+                            "filesize": filesize
+                         }
+                    )
+                except OSError as e:
+                    log.warning("Can't add image {}: {}".format(path, str(e)))
     return images
diff --git a/tests/api/routes/compute/test_dynamips_nodes.py b/tests/api/routes/compute/test_dynamips_nodes.py
index 7f430a53..19bc691c 100644
--- a/tests/api/routes/compute/test_dynamips_nodes.py
+++ b/tests/api/routes/compute/test_dynamips_nodes.py
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ def fake_image(tmpdir) -> str:
     path = str(tmpdir / "7200.bin")
     with open(path, "wb+") as f:
-        f.write(b'\x7fELF\x01\x01\x01')
+        f.write(b'\x7fELF\x01\x02\x01')
     os.chmod(path, stat.S_IREAD)
     return path
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ async def test_images(app: FastAPI, compute_client: AsyncClient, tmpdir, fake_im
     assert response.json() == [{"filename": "7200.bin",
                                 "path": "7200.bin",
                                 "filesize": 7,
-                                "md5sum": "e573e8f5c93c6c00783f20c7a170aa6c"}]
+                                "md5sum": "b0d5aa897d937aced5a6b1046e8f7e2e"}]
 async def test_upload_image(app: FastAPI, compute_client: AsyncClient, images_dir: str) -> None:
diff --git a/tests/compute/test_manager.py b/tests/compute/test_manager.py
index e92a82ee..0a2a8123 100644
--- a/tests/compute/test_manager.py
+++ b/tests/compute/test_manager.py
@@ -217,12 +217,12 @@ async def test_list_images(qemu, tmpdir):
     os.makedirs(tmp_images_dir, exist_ok=True)
     for image in fake_images:
         with open(os.path.join(tmp_images_dir, image), "w+") as f:
-            f.write("1")
+            f.write("1234567")
     with patch("gns3server.utils.images.default_images_directory", return_value=str(tmp_images_dir)):
         assert sorted(await qemu.list_images(), key=lambda k: k['filename']) == [
-            {"filename": "a.qcow2", "path": "a.qcow2", "md5sum": "c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b", "filesize": 1},
-            {"filename": "b.qcow2", "path": "b.qcow2", "md5sum": "c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b", "filesize": 1}
+            {"filename": "a.qcow2", "path": "a.qcow2", "md5sum": "fcea920f7412b5da7be0cf42b8c93759", "filesize": 7},
+            {"filename": "b.qcow2", "path": "b.qcow2", "md5sum": "fcea920f7412b5da7be0cf42b8c93759", "filesize": 7}
@@ -234,19 +234,19 @@ async def test_list_images_recursives(qemu, tmpdir):
     fake_images = ["a.qcow2", "b.qcow2", ".blu.qcow2", "a.qcow2.md5sum"]
     for image in fake_images:
         with open(os.path.join(tmp_images_dir, image), "w+") as f:
-            f.write("1")
+            f.write("1234567")
     os.makedirs(os.path.join(tmp_images_dir, "c"))
     fake_images = ["c.qcow2", "c.qcow2.md5sum"]
     for image in fake_images:
         with open(os.path.join(tmp_images_dir, "c", image), "w+") as f:
-            f.write("1")
+            f.write("1234567")
     with patch("gns3server.utils.images.default_images_directory", return_value=str(tmp_images_dir)):
         assert sorted(await qemu.list_images(), key=lambda k: k['filename']) == [
-            {"filename": "a.qcow2", "path": "a.qcow2", "md5sum": "c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b", "filesize": 1},
-            {"filename": "b.qcow2", "path": "b.qcow2", "md5sum": "c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b", "filesize": 1},
-            {"filename": "c.qcow2", "path": force_unix_path(os.path.sep.join(["c", "c.qcow2"])), "md5sum": "c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b", "filesize": 1}
+            {"filename": "a.qcow2", "path": "a.qcow2", "md5sum": "fcea920f7412b5da7be0cf42b8c93759", "filesize": 7},
+            {"filename": "b.qcow2", "path": "b.qcow2", "md5sum": "fcea920f7412b5da7be0cf42b8c93759", "filesize": 7},
+            {"filename": "c.qcow2", "path": force_unix_path(os.path.sep.join(["c", "c.qcow2"])), "md5sum": "fcea920f7412b5da7be0cf42b8c93759", "filesize": 7}
diff --git a/tests/utils/test_images.py b/tests/utils/test_images.py
index e934b91d..21bbbd9a 100644
--- a/tests/utils/test_images.py
+++ b/tests/utils/test_images.py
@@ -114,64 +114,89 @@ def test_remove_checksum(tmpdir):
 async def test_list_images(tmpdir, config):
-    path1 = tmpdir / "images1" / "IOS" / "test1.image"
-    path1.write(b'\x7fELF\x01\x01\x01', ensure=True)
-    path1 = force_unix_path(str(path1))
+    # IOS image in the images directory
+    ios_image_1 = tmpdir / "images1" / "IOS" / "ios_image_1.image"
+    ios_image_1.write(b'\x7fELF\x01\x02\x01', ensure=True)
+    ios_image_1 = force_unix_path(str(ios_image_1))
-    path2 = tmpdir / "images2" / "test2.image"
-    path2.write(b'\x7fELF\x01\x01\x01', ensure=True)
-    path2 = force_unix_path(str(path2))
+    # IOS image in an additional images path
+    ios_image_2 = tmpdir / "images2" / "ios_image_2.image"
+    ios_image_2.write(b'\x7fELF\x01\x02\x01', ensure=True)
+    ios_image_2 = force_unix_path(str(ios_image_2))
-    # Invalid image because not a valid elf file
-    path = tmpdir / "images2" / "test_invalid.image"
-    path.write(b'NOTANELF', ensure=True)
+    # Not a valid elf file
+    not_elf_file = tmpdir / "images1" / "IOS" / "not_elf.image"
+    not_elf_file.write(b'NOTANELF', ensure=True)
+    not_elf_file = force_unix_path(str(not_elf_file))
+    # Invalid image because it is very small
+    small_file = tmpdir / "images1" / "too_small.image"
+    small_file.write(b'1', ensure=True)
     if sys.platform.startswith("linux"):
-        path3 = tmpdir / "images1" / "IOU" / "test3.bin"
-        path3.write(b'\x7fELF\x02\x01\x01', ensure=True)
-        path3 = force_unix_path(str(path3))
+        # 64-bit IOU image
+        iou_image_1 = tmpdir / "images1" / "IOU" / "iou64.bin"
+        iou_image_1.write(b'\x7fELF\x02\x01\x01', ensure=True)
+        iou_image_1 = force_unix_path(str(iou_image_1))
+        # 32-bit IOU image
+        iou_image_2 = tmpdir / "images1" / "IOU" / "iou32.bin"
+        iou_image_2.write(b'\x7fELF\x01\x01\x01', ensure=True) # 32-bit IOU image
+        iou_image_2 = force_unix_path(str(iou_image_2))
-    path4 = tmpdir / "images1" / "QEMU" / "test4.qcow2"
-    path4.write("1", ensure=True)
-    path4 = force_unix_path(str(path4))
-    path5 = tmpdir / "images1" / "QEMU" / "test4.qcow2.md5sum"
-    path5.write("1", ensure=True)
-    path5 = force_unix_path(str(path5))
+    # Qemu image
+    qemu_image_1 = tmpdir / "images1" / "QEMU" / "qemu_image.qcow2"
+    qemu_image_1.write("1234567", ensure=True)
+    qemu_image_1 = force_unix_path(str(qemu_image_1))
+    # ELF file inside the Qemu
+    elf_file = tmpdir / "images1" / "QEMU" / "elf_file.bin"
+    elf_file.write(b'\x7fELF\x02\x01\x01', ensure=True)  # ELF file
+    elf_file = force_unix_path(str(elf_file))
+    md5sum_file = tmpdir / "images1" / "QEMU" / "image.qcow2.md5sum"
+    md5sum_file.write("1", ensure=True)
+    md5sum_file = force_unix_path(str(md5sum_file))
     config.settings.Server.images_path = str(tmpdir / "images1")
     config.settings.Server.additional_images_paths = "/tmp/null24564;" + str(tmpdir / "images2")
-    assert await list_images("dynamips") == [
+    assert list_images("dynamips") == [
-            'filename': 'test1.image',
+            'filename': 'ios_image_1.image',
             'filesize': 7,
-            'md5sum': 'e573e8f5c93c6c00783f20c7a170aa6c',
-            'path': 'test1.image'
+            'md5sum': 'b0d5aa897d937aced5a6b1046e8f7e2e',
+            'path': 'ios_image_1.image'
-            'filename': 'test2.image',
+            'filename': 'ios_image_2.image',
             'filesize': 7,
-            'md5sum': 'e573e8f5c93c6c00783f20c7a170aa6c',
-            'path': str(path2)
+            'md5sum': 'b0d5aa897d937aced5a6b1046e8f7e2e',
+            'path': str(ios_image_2)
     if sys.platform.startswith("linux"):
-        assert await list_images("iou") == [
+        assert list_images("iou") == [
-                'filename': 'test3.bin',
+                'filename': 'iou64.bin',
                 'filesize': 7,
                 'md5sum': 'c73626d23469519894d58bc98bee9655',
-                'path': 'test3.bin'
+                'path': 'iou64.bin'
+            },
+            {
+                'filename': 'iou32.bin',
+                'filesize': 7,
+                'md5sum': 'e573e8f5c93c6c00783f20c7a170aa6c',
+                'path': 'iou32.bin'
-    assert await list_images("qemu") == [
+    assert list_images("qemu") == [
-            'filename': 'test4.qcow2',
-            'filesize': 1,
-            'md5sum': 'c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b',
-            'path': 'test4.qcow2'
+            'filename': 'qemu_image.qcow2',
+            'filesize': 7,
+            'md5sum': 'fcea920f7412b5da7be0cf42b8c93759',
+            'path': 'qemu_image.qcow2'