vmx_path:Path=Field(...,description="Path to the vmx file")
linked_clone:Optional[bool]=Field(False,description="Whether the VM is a linked clone or not")
first_port_name:Optional[str]=Field("",description="Optional name of the first networking port example: eth0")
port_name_format:Optional[str]=Field("Ethernet{0}",description="Optional formatting of the networking port example: eth{0}")
port_segment_size:Optional[int]=Field(0,description="Optional port segment size. A port segment is a block of port. For example Ethernet0/0 Ethernet0/1 is the module 0 with a port segment size of 2")
adapters:Optional[int]=Field(1,ge=0,le=10,description="Number of adapters")# 10 is the maximum adapters support by VMware VMs