"description": "The VM-Series combines next-generation firewall security and advanced threat prevention to protect your virtualized environments from advanced cyberthreats. The VM-Series natively analyzes all traffic in a single pass to determine the application identity, the content within, and the user identity.",
"usage": "Default Username: admin\r\nDefault Password: admin\r\nPAN-VM goes through several iterations of host prompts during boot. This is normal and expected.\r\nLogin is available when prompt is PA-VM login:\r\n\r\nGetting Started:\r\nTo configure a static IP address at the console enter the following commands:\r\n\r\nconfigure\r\nset deviceconfig system ip-address <Static IP> netmask <Netmask> default-gateway <Gateway IP> type static\r\nset deviceconfig system dns-setting servers primary <DNS Server IP> secondary <DNS Server IP>\r\ncommit\r\n",