2024-07-28 21:19:39 +03:00

882 lines
34 KiB

import copy
import datetime
import platform
import re
import sys
import time
import distro
import psutil
import requests
import discord
from discord.ext import commands, tasks
from discord import app_commands
import cpuinfo
import botinfo
import db_access
import errlogging
from db_access import *
from markdown import md
from alert_maker import AlertEmbed
AUTHOR_ID = int(os.getenv('AUTHOR_ID'))
# 2023-10-26 I have decided to start documenting the project.
# ^
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# | | | | | | | | | E
# \ \ \ \|/ / / / R
# \ \ \ | / / / Y
# \ \ \|/ / /
# \ \ | / / T
# \ \|/ / A
# \ | / L
# \|/ L
# |
# | L
# <|> O
# _____/-|-\_____ L
# /-----<-|->-----\
# /-----<-|->-----\
# | HAPPY |
# \-----<-|->-----/
class AlertReqs:
A class that handles all requests from HFC's website
def __init__(self):
self.session = requests.Session()
self.session.verify = True
def request_alert_json(self) -> dict | None:
Request a json of the current running alert
:return: JSON object as Python dict, or None if there's no alert running
:raises requests.exceptions.Timeout: If request times out (5 seconds)
req = self.session.get('https://www.oref.org.il/WarningMessages/alert/alerts.json', headers={
'Referer': 'https://www.oref.org.il/',
'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
'Connection': 'keep-alive',
'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.6',
'Client': 'HFC Notificator bot for Discord',
'Nonexistent-Header': 'Yes'
}, timeout=5)
decoded = req.content.decode('utf-8-sig')
if decoded is None or len(decoded) < 3: # Why does it get a '\r\n' wtf
ret_dict = {}
ret_dict = json.loads(decoded)
except (json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, json.JSONDecodeError):
ret_dict = None
return ret_dict
def request_history_json(self) -> dict | None:
Request a json of the alert history from last day
:return: JSON object as Python dict
:raises requests.exceptions.Timeout: If request times out (5 seconds)
req = self.session.get('https://www.oref.org.il/WarningMessages/History/AlertsHistory.json', timeout=5)
content = req.text
ret_dict = json.loads(content)
except (json.JSONDecodeError, json.decoder.JSONDecodeError):
ret_dict = None
return ret_dict
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
class Notificator(commands.Cog):
Oh god.
location_group = app_commands.Group(name='locations',
description='Commands related adding, removing, or setting locations.')
districts: list[dict] = json.loads(requests.get('https://www.oref.org.il/districts/districts_heb.json').text)
def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot, handler: logging.Handler):
Create the Cog
:param bot: Discord commands bot client
:param handler: Logging handler
self.bot = bot
self.log = logging.Logger('Notificator')
self.db = DBAccess()
self.active_districts = []
self.district_timeouts = {}
self.reset_district_checker = 0
self.alert_reqs = AlertReqs()
if not self.check_for_updates.is_running():
self.start_time = time.time()
async def setup(bot: commands.Bot, handler: logging.Handler):
Set up the cog
:param bot: commands.Bot client
:param handler: logging handler
:return: the cog instance that was created and added to the bot
notf = Notificator(bot, handler)
if bot.get_cog('Notificator') is None:
await bot.add_cog(notf)
return notf
async def on_ready(self):
Start API update task when ready
if self.check_for_updates.is_running():
def in_registered_channel(self, intr: discord.Interaction) -> bool | None:
an info about current channel
:param intr: Command interaction from discord
:return: Boolean:
True - is a registered server channel, False - is a registered DM, None - was not found (may not be registered)
# Channel ID not None + DB not None: IS Channel and IS Registered => matching output and end
# Channel ID not None + DB None: IS Channel and NOT Registered => matching output and end
# Channel ID None cases:
# User ID not None + DB not None: IS DM and IS Registered
# User ID not None + DB None: IS DM and NOT Registered
# Off I go to make a utility function!
# 17:42 update: Turns out I am very dumb and if the channel is not registered I don't return None but rather keep going
# Thanks yrrad8! (/srs)
if self.db.is_registered_channel(intr.channel_id):
return True
if self.db.is_registered_channel(intr.user.id):
return False
return None
def get_matching_channel(self, intr: discord.Interaction) -> db_access.Channel:
Gets the matching Channel ID for Server Channel or DM. Returns None if UNREGISTERED or not found
:param intr: Command interaction from discord
:return: registered channel ID
channel = self.db.get_channel(intr.channel_id)
if channel is None:
channel = self.db.get_channel(intr.user.id)
return channel
async def has_permission(intr: discord.Interaction) -> bool:
Check if current user have an admin permissions
:param intr: Command interaction from discord
:return: Boolean: Have a permissions
if intr.guild is not None and not intr.user.guild_permissions.manage_channels:
return False
return True
@tasks.loop(seconds=1, reconnect=False)
async def check_for_updates(self):
API Updating loop, contacts the API every second to get the latest info
:return: None
# Request the data
current_alert: dict = self.alert_reqs.request_alert_json()
except requests.exceptions.Timeout as error:
self.log.error(f'Request timed out: {error}')
raise error
self.log.debug(f'Alert response: {current_alert}')
# This code reduces district timeouts, and removes them from the dict entirely when reached 0
# poppery :D
for dist_name in self.district_timeouts.copy().keys():
self.district_timeouts[dist_name] -= 1
# I like <= over ==, due to a (probably unreasonable) fear that something might go wrong, and it would get decremented twice
if self.district_timeouts[dist_name] <= 0:
self.district_timeouts.pop(dist_name, None)
self.log.debug(f'Popped district {dist_name}')
# Check for SUCCESSFUL data retrieval
if current_alert is None:
# None - an error while retrieving alert
self.log.warning('Error while current alert data.')
# Check if there's NO NEW DATA
if len(current_alert) == 0:
# from here, len(current_alert) == 0
# current_alert is an empty dict - no new data.
# DO **NOT**
# data = active districts
data: list[str] = current_alert["data"]
new_districts: list[str] = []
for district_name in data:
# Get all new_districts
if district_name in self.district_timeouts.keys():
new_dist = False
new_dist = True
self.district_timeouts[district_name] = 60
if new_dist:
if len(new_districts) == 0:
# There are no new districts.
await self.send_new_alert(current_alert, new_districts)
except Exception as e:
self.log.error(f'Could not send message!\nError info: {e.__str__()}')
self.reset_district_checker = 0
async def after_update_loop(self):
# Attempt to force stupid "Unread Result" down its own throat
# and just reset the connection.
# I'm not dealing with Unread Results
self.db = DBAccess()
if not self.check_for_updates.is_running():
async def update_loop_error(self, err: Exception):
if isinstance(err, requests.exceptions.Timeout):
while True:
self.log.info(f'Attempting reconnect...')
await asyncio.sleep(2)
except requests.exceptions.Timeout as error:
self.log.error(f'Request timed out: {error}')
self.log.info(f'Back online!')
await self.after_update_loop()
def hfc_button_view() -> discord.ui.View:
Get a discord UI View containing a button with a link to the HFC Website
:returns: discord.ui.View containing a discord.ui.Button() with link to HFC website
button = discord.ui.Button(
label='אתר פיקוד העורף',
view = discord.ui.View()
return view
async def send_new_alert(self, alert_data: dict, new_districts: list[str]):
Push an alert to all registered channels
:param alert_data: Alert data dict (see test_alert for format)
:param new_districts: Currently active districts (districts that were not already active)
self.log.info(f'Sending alerts to channels')
embed_ls: list[AlertEmbed] = []
for district in new_districts:
district_data = self.db.get_district_by_name(district)
if district_data is not None:
embed_ls.append(AlertEmbed.auto_alert(alert_data, AreaDistrict.from_district(district_data, self.db.get_area(district_data.area_id))))
embed_ls.append(AlertEmbed.auto_alert(alert_data, district))
async def send_alerts_to_channels(self, embed_ls):
Send the embeds in embed_ls to all channels
:param embed_ls: List of AlertEmbeds to send to channels
for channel_tup in self.db.get_all_channels():
channel = Channel.from_tuple(channel_tup)
if channel.server_id is not None:
dc_ch = self.bot.get_channel(channel.id)
dc_ch = self.bot.get_user(channel.id)
for emb in embed_ls:
# Skipping conditions
if dc_ch is None:
# Channel could not be found
if len(channel.locations) != 0:
# Channel has specific locations registered
if isinstance(emb.district, AreaDistrict) and (emb.district.district_id not in channel.locations):
# District is registered but isn't in channel's registered location list
if isinstance(emb.district, str):
# District is not registered.
await dc_ch.send(embed=emb.embed, view=self.hfc_button_view())
await asyncio.sleep(0.02)
except Exception as e:
self.log.warning(f'Failed to send alert in channel id={channel.district_id}:\n'
description='Register a channel to receive HFC alerts (Requires Manage Channels)')
async def register_channel(self, intr: discord.Interaction):
if not await Notificator.has_permission(intr):
await intr.response.send_message('Error: You are missing the Manage Channels permission.')
if intr.guild is not None:
channel_id = intr.channel_id
server_id = intr.guild.id
channel_id = intr.user.id
server_id = None
await self.attempt_registration(intr, channel_id, server_id)
async def attempt_registration(self, intr, channel_id, server_id):
if self.db.get_channel(channel_id) is not None:
await intr.response.send_message(f'Channel #{intr.channel.name} is already receiving HFC alerts.')
except AttributeError:
await intr.response.send_message(f'This channel is already receiving HFC alerts.')
if server_id is not None and self.db.get_server(server_id) is None:
self.db.add_server(server_id, 'he')
self.db.add_channel(channel_id, server_id, 'he')
await intr.response.send_message(f'Channel #{intr.channel.name} will now receive HFC alerts.')
except AttributeError:
await intr.response.send_message(f'This channel will now receive HFC alerts.')
ch = self.bot.get_channel(channel_id)
perms = ch.overwrites_for(self.bot.user)
await ch.set_permissions(target=ch.guild.me, overwrite=perms,
reason='Update perms to allow bot to send messages in channel.')
except discord.errors.Forbidden as e:
await intr.followup.send(
f'Could not allow bot to send messages to this channel! Please add the bot to this channel and allow it to send messages.\n'
f'Error info: {e.__str__()}')
except AttributeError:
description='Stop a channel from receiving HFC alerts (Requires Manage Channels)')
async def unregister_channel(self, intr: discord.Interaction, confirmation: str = None):
if not await Notificator.has_permission(intr):
await intr.response.send_message('Error: You are missing the Manage Channels permission.')
channel = self.get_matching_channel(intr)
if channel is None:
await intr.response.send_message(f'Channel #{intr.channel.name} is not yet receiving HFC alerts')
except AttributeError:
await intr.response.send_message(f'This channel is not yet receiving HFC alerts')
conf_str = intr.user.name
if confirmation is None:
await intr.response.send_message(
f'Are you sure you want to unregister the channel?\nThis action will also clear all related data.\n{md.b("Warning:")} this action cannot be reversed!\nPlease type your username ("{conf_str}") in the confirmation argument to confirm.')
if confirmation != conf_str:
await intr.response.send_message(f'Invalid confirmation string!')
await self.attempt_unregistration(intr, channel)
async def attempt_unregistration(self, intr, channel: db_access.Channel):
await intr.response.send_message(f'Channel #{intr.channel.name} will no longer receive HFC alerts')
except AttributeError:
await intr.response.send_message(f'This channel will no longer receive HFC alerts')
description='Get all alerts up to a certain time back (may be slightly outdated)')
@app_commands.describe(time='Amount of time back',
unit="The unit of time, can be 'h' (hors), 'm' (minutes), or 's' (seconds)",
page='Results page')
async def latest_alerts(self, intr: discord.Interaction, time: int, unit: str, page: int = 1):
Get all alerts up to a certain time back (this may be slightly outdated)
:param intr: command
:param time: Amount of time back
:param unit: The unit of time, can be 'h' (hors), 'm' (minutes), or 's' (seconds)
:param page: Results page
units = ['h', 'hours', 'm', 'minutes', 's', 'seconds']
if unit not in units:
await intr.response.send_message(f'Invalid time unit, please use one of the following:\n'
f'{", ".join(units)}')
time_s = time
if unit in ['h', 'hours']:
time_s *= 3600
elif unit in ['m', 'minutes']:
time_s *= 60
if time_s > 86400:
await intr.response.send_message('You can currently only view history up to 1 day back.\n'
f'Please use the {md.u(md.hl("Home Front Command Website", "https://www.oref.org.il/"))} to view alerts further back')
page_number = page - 1
alert_count = 20
history_page = Notificator.get_alert_history_page(time_s, page_number, alert_count)
except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
await intr.response.send_message('Request timed out.')
except ValueError as e:
await intr.response.send_message(e.__str__())
if history_page == '':
history_page = 'No results found.'
view = self.hfc_button_view()
await intr.response.send_message(history_page,
def get_alert_history_page(time_back_amount: int, page_number: int, alerts_in_page: int) -> str:
max_page is EXCLUSIVE!
:param time_back_amount: amount of time back
:param page_number: the page number (starting at 0)
:param alerts_in_page: The number of alerts in one page
:return: page as str
alert_history = AlertReqs().request_history_json()
current_time = datetime.datetime.now()
time_back = datetime.timedelta(seconds=time_back_amount)
alert_counter = 0
for alert in alert_history:
# This can be merged with the other loop to optimize performance.
# Especially considering Python is a slow language.
# Too bad!
alert_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(alert["alertDate"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
if abs(current_time - alert_date) > time_back:
alert_counter += 1
max_page = alert_counter // alerts_in_page
if alert_counter % alerts_in_page != 0:
max_page += 1
if time_back_amount <= 0:
raise ValueError("Time can't be lower than 1.")
if max_page == 0:
raise ValueError("No results found.")
if page_number >= max_page:
raise ValueError("Page number is too high.")
if page_number < 0:
raise ValueError("Page number is too low.")
page_info = f'Page {page_number + 1}/{alert_counter // alerts_in_page + 1}\n\n'
ret_str = ''
for alert in alert_history[(page_number * alerts_in_page):((page_number + 1) * alerts_in_page)]:
alert_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(alert["alertDate"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
if abs(current_time - alert_date) > time_back:
ret_str += f'התראה ב{md.b(alert["data"])}\n' \
f'{md.u(alert["title"])}\n' \
f'בשעה {alert["alertDate"]}\n\n'
if ret_str == '':
ret_str = 'No results found'
ret_str = page_info + ret_str
return ret_str
@app_commands.command(name='info', description='Get client and system info')
async def botinfo(self, intr: discord.Interaction):
await intr.response.defer()
# Apparently this is a fairly massive command
# I am trying to prevent major slowdowns by creating a new task
# This is futile
async def execute_bot_info(self, intr):
def format_timedelta(timedelta: datetime.timedelta):
return f'{timedelta.days} days, {((timedelta.seconds // 3600) % 24):02}:{((timedelta.seconds // 60) % 60):02}:{(timedelta.seconds % 60):02}'
curtime = time.time()
client_uptime = datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(round(curtime - self.start_time)))
client_uptime_format = format_timedelta(client_uptime)
system_uptime = datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(round(curtime - psutil.boot_time())))
system_uptime_format = format_timedelta(system_uptime)
uname = platform.uname()
if uname.system != "Linux":
system_name = f'{uname.system} {uname.release}'
# Goddamnit Linux too many distros
system_name = f'{distro.name()} {distro.version_parts()[0]}.{distro.version_parts()[1]} ({distro.codename()})'
b_to_mb = 1000000
pid = os.getpid()
process = psutil.Process(pid)
e = discord.Embed(color=discord.Color.orange())
e.title = 'Home Front Command Notificator'
e.description = 'Info about this bot instance'
e.add_field(name='', value=f'''```asciidoc
==== Instance and Client Information ====
Bot Version :: {botinfo.version}
Client Uptime :: {client_uptime_format}
Instance Maintainer(s) :: {botinfo.maintainer}
Guilds Joined :: {len(self.bot.guilds)}
Registered channels :: {len(self.db.get_all_channels())}
==== System Information ====
OS :: {system_name}
System Uptime :: {system_uptime_format}
CPU :: {cpuinfo.get_cpu_info()["brand_raw"]}
CPU Usage :: {psutil.cpu_percent()}%
Cores :: {psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)} ({psutil.cpu_count(logical=True)} Threads)
RAM Usage :: {(psutil.virtual_memory().used / b_to_mb):.2f} MB / {(psutil.virtual_memory().total / b_to_mb):.2f} MB ({psutil.virtual_memory().percent}%)
```''', inline=False)
await intr.followup.send(embed=e)
@app_commands.command(name='about', description='About the bot')
async def about_bot(self, intr: discord.Interaction):
e = discord.Embed(color=discord.Color.orange())
e.title = 'Home Front Command Notificator'
e.description = 'A bot to send Discord messages for HFC alerts'
e.add_field(name='Important info!',
value=f'This bot is {md.b("unofficial")} and is not related to the Home Front Command. Please do not rely on this alone.',
e.add_field(name='What is this?',
value='This is a bot that connects to the HFC\'s servers and sends real-time notifications about alerts in Israel.',
value='Just invite the bot to a server (see Links below), and /register a channel to start receiving notifications.\n'
'Alternatively, you can /register a DM directly with the bot.\n'
'Please do note that the main instance of the bot is hosted on a private machine, so it may be a bit slow.\n'
'Feel free to host your own instance!',
e.add_field(name='Can I host it?',
value='Yes! Everything is available in the GitHub repository.\nMore info on the project\'s README page (See Links below).',
value=md.bq(f'{md.hl("GitHub", "https://github.com/GaMeNu/HFCNotificator")}\n'
f'{md.hl("Official Bot Invite Link", "https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=1160344131067977738&permissions=0&scope=applications.commands%20bot")}\n'
f'{md.hl("HFC Website", "https://www.oref.org.il/")}\n'
f'{md.hl("Bot Profile (for DMs)", "https://discord.com/users/1160344131067977738")}\n'
f'{md.hl("Support Server", "https://discord.gg/K3E4a5ekNy")}'),
e.add_field(name='Created by', value=md.bq('GaMeNu (@gamenu)\n'
hfc_button = discord.ui.Button(
label='HFC Website',
gh_button = discord.ui.Button(
label='GitHub Repository',
view = discord.ui.View()
await intr.response.send_message(embed=e, view=view)
@app_commands.command(name='send_alert', description='Send a custom alert (available to bot author only)')
@app_commands.describe(title='Alert title',
desc='Alert description',
districts='Active alert districts',
cat='Alert category')
async def test_alert(self,
intr: discord.Interaction,
title: str = 'בדיקת מערכת שליחת התראות',
desc: str = 'התעלמו מהתראה זו',
districts: str = 'בדיקה',
cat: int = 99):
A function to send a test alert
:param intr: Command interaction from discord
:param title: Title of the alert
:param desc: Description of the alert
:param districts: Districts of the alert
:param cat: Category of the alert
if intr.user.id not in [AUTHOR_ID]:
await intr.response.send_message('No access.')
await intr.response.send_message('Sending test alert...')
districts_ls = [word.strip() for word in districts.split(',')]
await self.send_new_alert({
"id": "133413211330000000",
"cat": str(cat),
"title": title,
"data": districts_ls,
"desc": desc
}, districts_ls)
def locations_page(data_list: list, page: int, res_in_page: int = 50) -> str:
Page starts at 0
max_page is EXCLUSIVE
:param data_list: custom data list to get page info of
:param page: District page
:param res_in_page: Amount of districts to put in one pages
dist_ls = data_list
dist_len = len(dist_ls)
if dist_len == 0:
return 'No results found.'
max_page = dist_len // res_in_page
if dist_len % res_in_page != 0:
max_page += 1
if page >= max_page:
raise ValueError('Page number is too high.')
if page < 0:
raise ValueError('Page number is too low.')
page_content = f'Page {md.b(f"{page + 1}/{max_page}")}\n\n'
start_i = page * res_in_page
end_i = min(start_i + res_in_page, dist_len)
for district in dist_ls[start_i:end_i]:
page_content += f'{district[0]} - {district[1]}\n'
return page_content
@location_group.command(name='list', description='List all available locations, by IDs and names. Sorted alphabetically')
@app_commands.describe(search='Search tokens, separated by spaces')
async def locations_list(self, intr: discord.Interaction, search: str | None = None, page: int = 1):
# decide the search_results
if search is not None:
search_results = self.db.search_districts(*re.split(r"\s+", search))
search_results = self.db.get_all_districts()
# Turn into a display-able page
page = self.locations_page(sorted(search_results, key=lambda tup: tup[1]), page - 1)
except ValueError as e:
await intr.response.send_message(e.__str__())
if len(page) > 2000:
await intr.response.send_message(
'Page content exceeds character limit.\nPlease contact the bot authors with the command you\'ve tried to run.')
await intr.response.send_message(page)
@location_group.command(name='add', description='Add a location(s) to the location list')
@app_commands.describe(locations='A list of comma-separated Area IDs')
async def location_add(self, intr: discord.Interaction, locations: str):
if not await self.has_permission(intr):
await intr.response.send_message('Error: You are missing the Manage Channels permission.')
channel = self.get_matching_channel(intr)
if channel.id is None:
await intr.response.send_message('Could not find this channel. Are you sure it is registered?')
locations_ls = [word.strip() for word in locations.split(',')]
location_ids = []
for location in locations_ls:
except ValueError:
await intr.response.send_message(f'District ID {md.b(f"{location}")} is not a valid district ID.')
self.db.add_channel_districts(channel.id, location_ids)
except ValueError as e:
await intr.response.send_message(e.__str__())
await intr.response.send_message('Successfully added all IDs')
@location_group.command(name='remove', description='Remove a location(s) to the location list')
@app_commands.describe(locations='A list of comma-separated Area IDs')
async def location_remove(self, intr: discord.Interaction, locations: str):
if not await self.has_permission(intr):
await intr.response.send_message('Error: You are missing the Manage Channels permission.')
channel = self.get_matching_channel(intr)
if channel is None:
await intr.response.send_message('Could not find this channel. Are you sure it is registered?')
locations_ls = [word.strip() for word in locations.split(',')]
location_ids = []
for location in locations_ls:
except ValueError:
await intr.response.send_message(f'District ID {md.b(f"{location}")} is not a valid district ID.')
self.db.remove_channel_districts(channel.id, location_ids)
await intr.response.send_message('Successfully removed all IDs')
@location_group.command(name='clear', description='Clear all registered locations (get alerts on all locations)')
async def location_clear(self, intr: discord.Interaction, confirmation: str = None):
if not await self.has_permission(intr):
await intr.response.send_message('Error: You are missing the Manage Channels permission.')
channel = self.get_matching_channel(intr)
if channel is None:
await intr.response.send_message('Could not find this channel. Are you sure it is registered?')
conf_str = intr.user.name
if confirmation is None:
await intr.response.send_message(
f'Are you sure you want to clear all registered locations?\n{md.b("Warning:")} this action cannot be reversed!\nPlease type your username ("{conf_str}") in the confirmation argument to confirm.')
if confirmation != conf_str:
await intr.response.send_message(f'Invalid confirmation string!')
await intr.response.send_message(
f'Cleared all registered locations.\nChannel will now receive alerts from every location.')
@location_group.command(name='registered', description='List all locations registered to this channel, by IDs and names. Sorted alphabetically')
@app_commands.describe(search='Search tokens, separated by spaces')
async def location_registered(self, intr: discord.Interaction, search: str | None = None, page: int = 1):
channel = self.get_matching_channel(intr)
if channel is None:
await intr.response.send_message('Could not find this channel. Are you sure it is registered?')
if search is None:
search_results = [dist.to_tuple() for dist in self.db.district_ids_to_districts(*self.db.get_channel_district_ids(channel.id))]
search_results = [dist.to_tuple() for dist in self.db.search_channel_districts(channel.id, *re.split(r"\s+", search))]
districts = sorted(search_results, key=lambda tup: tup[1])
page = self.locations_page(districts, page - 1)
if len(page) > 2000:
await intr.response.send_message(
'Page content exceeds character limit.\nPlease contact the bot authors with the command you\'ve tried to run.')
await intr.response.send_message(page)