import asyncio import json import logging import os import time from typing import Sequence from dotenv import load_dotenv from mysql import connector as mysql from mysql.connector.abstracts import MySQLCursorAbstract load_dotenv() DB_USERNAME = os.getenv('DB_USERNAME') DB_PASSWORD = os.getenv('DB_PASSWORD') class Area: """ An object representing an Area record in the database :var id: area id :var name: area name """ def __init__(self, id: int, name: str): """ Create a new Area object :param id: area id :param name: area name """ = id = name @classmethod def from_tuple(cls, tup: Sequence): """ Create an area object from tuple of the following form: (area_id: int, area_name: str) :param tup: tuple to use :return: new Area object """ return cls(tup[0], tup[1]) class District: """ An object representing a District record in the database :var district_id: District ID :var name: District name :var area_id: Area ID of the area the district belongs to :var migun_time: Time (in seconds) to reach shelters in case of a missile alert """ def __init__(self, id: int, name: str, area_id: int, migun_time: int): """ :param id: district ID :param name: district name :param area_id: area id :param migun_time: migun time """ self.district_id = id = name self.area_id = area_id self.migun_time = migun_time @classmethod def from_tuple(cls, tup: Sequence): """ Create a District object from tuple of the form: (id: int, name: str, area_id: int, migun_time: int) :param tup: Tuple to pass :return: new instance """ return cls(tup[0], tup[1], tup[2], tup[3]) def to_tuple(self) -> tuple: """ Convert the district back to Tuple form :return: tuple representation of district """ return self.district_id,, self.area_id, self.migun_time class AreaDistrict(District): """ A child class of district, containing also an Area object of which the district belongs to :var district_id: District ID :var name: District name :var area_id: Area ID of the area the district belongs to :var migun_time: Time (in seconds) to reach shelters in case of a missile alert :var area: Area object of said area_id """ def __init__(self, id: int, name: str, area_id: int, migun_time: int, area: Area): """ :param id: district ID :param name: district name :param area_id: area id :param migun_time: migun time :param area: Area object """ super().__init__(id, name, area_id, migun_time) self.area = area @classmethod def from_district(cls, district: District, area: Area): """ Get a District and an Area, and return an AreaDistrict :param district: District object :param area: Area object :return: new instance of AreaDistrict """ return cls(district.district_id,, district.area_id, district.migun_time, area) class Channel: """ An object representing a Channel record in the database :var id: channel id (matches the discord channel/user id) :var server_id: Channel's server ID (None if is a DM) :var channel_lang: obsolete, just pass in 'he' :var locations: a list of ints, each int correlating to a District ID """ def __init__(self, id: int, server_id: int | None, channel_lang: str, locations: list): """ :param id: channel ID :param server_id: server ID (None for DMs) :param channel_lang: obsolete, just pass in 'he' :param locations: List of District IDs """ = id self.server_id = server_id self.channel_lang = channel_lang self.locations = locations @classmethod def from_tuple(cls, tup: tuple): """ Create a Channel object from a tuple of this form: (id: int, server_id: int | None, channel_lang: str, locations: list) :param tup: Tuple to pass :return: New Channel instance """ return cls(tup[0], tup[1], tup[2], json.loads(tup[3])) class Server: """ An object representing a Server record in the database :var id: Server ID :var lang: obsolete, pass in 'he' """ def __init__(self, id: int, lang: str): """ :param id: Server ID :param lang: obsolete, pass in 'he' """ = id self.lang = lang class ChannelIterator: """ DEPRECATED! """ def __init__(self, cursor: MySQLCursorAbstract): raise DeprecationWarning( 'This class does not allow database queries while active, and thus has been deprecated.') self.cursor = cursor def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self) -> Channel: res = self.cursor.fetchone() if res is None: self.cursor.close() raise StopIteration return Channel.from_tuple(res) class DistrictIterator: def __init__(self, cursor: MySQLCursorAbstract): raise DeprecationWarning( 'This class does not allow database queries while active, and thus has been deprecated.') self.cursor = cursor def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self) -> District: res = self.cursor.fetchone() if res is None: self.cursor.close() raise StopIteration return District.from_tuple(res) class DBAccess: def get_cursor(self): try: crsr = self.connection.cursor() except mysql.errors.OperationalError: self.connection.reconnect() crsr = self.connection.cursor() return crsr def __init__(self, handler: logging.Handler = None): self.log = logging.Logger('DBAccess') if handler is not None: self.log.addHandler(handler) else: self.log.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) self.connection = None for i in range(12): try: self.connection = mysql.connect( host='localhost', user=DB_USERNAME, password=DB_PASSWORD, database='hfc_db' ) except mysql.Error as e: self.log.error(f'Failed to connect to database. This is attempt {i+1}') self.connection = mysql.connect( host='localhost', user=DB_USERNAME, password=DB_PASSWORD, database='hfc_db' ) def __del__(self): if self.connection is not None: self.connection.close() def add_area(self, area_id: int, area_name: str): with self.get_cursor() as crsr: crsr.execute(f'REPLACE INTO areas (area_id, area_name) VALUES (%s, %s)', (area_id, area_name)) self.connection.commit() def add_district(self, district_id: int, district_name: str, area_id: int, area_name: str, migun_time: int): with self.get_cursor() as crsr: crsr.execute(f'SELECT * FROM areas WHERE area_id=%s', (area_id,)) crsr.fetchall() if crsr.rowcount == 0: self.add_area(area_id, area_name) crsr.execute( f'REPLACE INTO districts (district_id, district_name, area_id, migun_time) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)', (district_id, district_name, area_id, migun_time)) self.connection.commit() def add_server(self, server_id: int, server_lang: str): with self.get_cursor() as crsr: crsr.execute(f'INSERT IGNORE INTO servers (server_id, server_lang) VALUES (%s, %s)', (server_id, server_lang)) self.connection.commit() def add_channel(self, channel_id: int, server_id: int | None, channel_lang: str | None): with self.get_cursor() as crsr: if server_id is not None: self.add_server(server_id, channel_lang) crsr.execute(f'REPLACE INTO channels (channel_id, server_id, channel_lang) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)', (channel_id, server_id, channel_lang)) self.connection.commit() def get_area(self, id: int) -> Area | None: with self.get_cursor() as crsr: crsr.execute('SELECT * FROM areas WHERE area_id=%s', (id,)) res = crsr.fetchone() crsr.nextset() if res is not None: return Area.from_tuple(res) else: return None def get_district(self, id: int) -> District | None: with self.get_cursor() as crsr: crsr.execute('SELECT * FROM districts WHERE district_id=%s', (id,)) res = crsr.fetchone() crsr.nextset() if res is not None: return District.from_tuple(res) else: return None def get_district_area(self, district: District) -> Area | None: return self.get_area(district.area_id) def get_server(self, id: int) -> Server | None: with self.get_cursor() as crsr: crsr.execute('SELECT * FROM servers WHERE server_id=%s', (id,)) res = crsr.fetchone() crsr.nextset() if res is not None: return Server(res[0], res[1]) else: return None def get_channel(self, id: int) -> Channel | None: with self.get_cursor() as crsr: crsr.execute('SELECT * FROM channels WHERE channel_id=%s', (id,)) res = crsr.fetchone() crsr.nextset() if res is not None: return Channel.from_tuple(res) else: return None def get_channel_server(self, channel: Channel) -> Server: return self.get_server(channel.server_id) def channel_iterator(self): """ This function is DEPRECATED! Please use get_all_channels() instead. Reason: Cannot create more queries while an iterator is active due to unread results. """ raise NotImplementedError("This function has been deprecated!") with self.get_cursor() as crsr: crsr.execute('SELECT * FROM channels') return ChannelIterator(crsr) def get_all_channels(self): with self.get_cursor() as crsr: crsr.execute('SELECT * FROM channels') res = crsr.fetchall() return res def remove_channel(self, id: int): with self.get_cursor() as crsr: crsr.execute('DELETE FROM channels WHERE channel_id=%s', (id,)) self.connection.commit() def remove_server(self, id: int): with self.get_cursor() as crsr: crsr.execute('DELETE FROM channels WHERE server_id=%s', (id,)) crsr.execute('DELETE FROM servers WHERE server_id=%s', (id,)) self.connection.commit() def remove_district(self, id: int): with self.get_cursor() as crsr: crsr.execute('DELETE FROM districts WHERE district_id=%s', (id,)) self.connection.commit() def remove_area(self, id: int): with self.get_cursor() as crsr: crsr.execute('DELETE FROM districts WHERE area_id=%s', (id,)) crsr.execute('DELETE FROM areas WHERE area_id=%s', (id,)) self.connection.commit() def get_district_by_name(self, name: str) -> District | None: with self.get_cursor() as crsr: crsr.execute('SELECT * FROM districts WHERE district_name=%s', (name,)) res = crsr.fetchone() crsr.nextset() if res is None: return None return District.from_tuple(res) def get_all_districts(self) -> Sequence: with self.get_cursor() as crsr: crsr.execute('SELECT * FROM districts') ret = crsr.fetchall() return ret def search_districts(self, *tokens: str) -> Sequence: with self.get_cursor() as crsr: query = 'SELECT * FROM districts WHERE ' query += ' AND '.join(["district_name LIKE %s" for _ in tokens]) query += ';' crsr.execute(query, [f'%{token}%' for token in tokens]) ret = crsr.fetchall() return ret def district_iterator(self) -> DistrictIterator: """ This function is DEPRECATED! Please use get_all_districts() instead. Reason: Cannot create more queries while an iterator is active due to unread results. """ raise NotImplementedError("This function has been deprecated!") with self.get_cursor() as crsr: crsr.execute('SELECT * FROM district') return DistrictIterator(crsr) def add_channel_district(self, channel_id: int, district_id: int): with self.get_cursor() as crsr: crsr.execute('SELECT * FROM districts WHERE district_id=%s', (district_id,)) res = crsr.fetchone() crsr.nextset() if res is None: raise ValueError(f'Invalid District ID {district_id}') with self.get_cursor() as crsr: crsr.execute("UPDATE channels " "SET locations = JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(locations, '$', %s) " "WHERE channel_id=%s;", (district_id, channel_id)) self.connection.commit() def add_channel_districts(self, channel_id: int, district_ids: list[int]): with self.get_cursor() as crsr: # Sorry for the messy statement. I'm lazy and it's 02:13 rn crsr.execute(f"SELECT * FROM districts WHERE district_id IN ({','.join(['%s'] * len(district_ids))})", tuple(district_ids)) res = crsr.fetchall() if len(district_ids) > len(res): raise ValueError('Received invalid district IDs') # Sorry for this way of doing things (3 DB queries omg) # JSON_MERGE_PATCH kept overwriting the existing data # while JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE did not remove duplicates dists = self.get_channel_district_ids(channel_id) updated = [district for district in district_ids if district not in dists] with self.get_cursor() as crsr: crsr.execute("UPDATE channels " "SET locations = JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE(locations, %s) " "WHERE channel_id=%s;", (json.dumps(updated), channel_id)) self.connection.commit() def get_channel_district_ids(self, channel_id: int) -> list: with self.get_cursor() as crsr: crsr.nextset() crsr.execute('SELECT locations ' 'FROM channels ' 'WHERE channel_id=%s;', (channel_id,)) dist = crsr.fetchone() crsr.nextset() districts = json.loads(dist[0]) return districts def district_ids_to_districts(self, *district_ids) -> list[District]: return [self.get_district(district_id) for district_id in district_ids] def search_channel_districts(self, channel_id: int, *tokens: str) -> list[District]: district_ids = self.get_channel_district_ids(channel_id) districts = [self.get_district(district_id) for district_id in district_ids] filtered_districts = [district for district in districts if all(token in for token in tokens)] return filtered_districts def remove_channel_districts(self, channel_id: int, district_ids: list[int]): with self.get_cursor() as crsr: districts = self.get_channel_district_ids(channel_id) updated = [district for district in districts if district not in district_ids] crsr.execute('UPDATE channels ' 'SET locations = %s ' 'WHERE channel_id = %s;', (json.dumps(updated), channel_id)) self.connection.commit() def clear_channel_districts(self, channel_id: int): with self.get_cursor() as crsr: crsr.execute('UPDATE channels ' 'SET locations = JSON_ARRAY() ' 'WHERE channel_id = %s;', (channel_id,)) self.connection.commit() def is_registered_channel(self, channel_id: int) -> bool: return self.get_channel(channel_id) is not None